20 Minute Make You Sweat Workout

While we may all want our holiday workout to look like the below, we know we won’t like the aftermath come January. Source 

Since I am trying to fit as much work into the next 12 work days as possible, efficient workouts are going to be the key to staying active in December. When I found myself at the office gym tonight at 7:30 I decided to put together this super quick, simple 20 minute workout that is perfect for those chaotic days when you can’t imagine fitting in anything more than a 20 minute workout. While 20 minutes may not seem like much tonight’s workout was proof that it can definitely get your heart rate going, make you sweat and is better than a zero minute workout. The purpose of this workout is to push yourself since it is short and sweet. Therefore, make sure you use weights that challenge you and push through the 1 minute if possible for each of the exercises. Since I’m not feeling 100% I did the cardio portion on the elliptical while going as fast as possible.

20 Minute Make You Sweat Workout

So the next time you don’t think you have time to workout, think again. Even better, next time you’re at the mall or shopping on Amazon, order a pair of hand weights so you can do this workout all year long from the comfort of your own home. You can do the cardio portion outside on the sidewalk after completing the strength part at home.

A workout I can do in front of Love Actually? Yes, please!

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Dirty Thirty Part One: The Party

If the rest of this year is anything like this weekend, then 30 is going to be one hell of a year! The birthday weekend included a perfect mix of relaxation, fresh air, bubbly, running, dancing, and friends! I am going to divide the weekend recap into two parts, beginning with my birthday party which took place on Friday night.

I was worried that having my birthday party on Friday night, after we hosted everyone for Thanksgiving on Thursday night would be a lot, but in fact it just enhanced the weekend. Bo and I both took Thursday and Friday off of work which was a lovely treat and allowed both us to enjoy some quality time together in the kitchen and then with our friend Michael on Friday who was in town from New York City.  People had the opportunity to catch up and enjoy long conversations on Thursday night during Thanksgiving festivities whereas Friday night was all about partying as you’ll be able to see in some of these pictures.

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Ten of us met at 8:30 for dinner and drinks at Le Crise, a small French restaurant in Eaux Vives just down the hill from our flat. I haven’t been to Le Crise since last February when I stayed with Renaud and Sarah but the food left such an impression on me that it was my first choice for a birthday dinner location. 2013-11-29 22.30.37The environment is conducive for parties as the music is loud, the prices are reasonable and the owners help create an unpretentious, fun atmosphere through the décor and their personalities. The menu is shared orally with each table, including 5 daily appetizers and 5 daily entrees all of which are very French and take advantage of seasonal produce. As it turned out, most of our table chose the same two appetizers and entrees: escargot or salad with warm Chevre cheese then either lamb or duck.

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Over the course of our delicious dinner we went through 8 bottles of wine, including two bottles of bubbly. To say our group was having fun would be an understatement!

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After the dinner dishes were cleared lights, music, a horrible faux wig, and giant sunglasses were graced upon me in true birthday style. Bo ordered a gorgeous and delicious vanilla sponge cake with alternating layers of vanilla and Nutella frosting from Cammie Loves Cakes in Geneva.

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After dinner our group headed to Le Baroque for hours of dancing and merry making. It may sound crazy, but as I’ve grown older I love nights out dancing with friends and therefore this was one of my primary birthday requests for the weekend. I’m not the type of person who goes clubbing on a weekly basis but every now and then, on a special occasion, I love it! 2013-11-30 00.46.542013-11-30 00.53.122013-11-30 00.58.35966804_870487409249_254953162_o1403405_870487833399_343252764_o1421168_870487608849_675914658_o

It was such a wonderful night with great friends! By 4am we were all home and in bed, ready for some much needed recovery.

I hope you all have had an equally wonderful weekend! Happy December!

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Thanksgiving in Geneva

From our home to yours, I hope you had a wonderful day of rest with friends and family. Our house officially felt like a home last night! We hosted 12 friends last night including one special guest from New York City! Our friend Michael added Geneva to his European trip so he could celebrate Thanksgiving and my birthday with us this weekend. It was so fun to introduce him to our Geneva friends who he has heard so much about the past few months!2013-11-28 23.01.40

Our flat’s open floor plan proved to be perfect for hosting and entertaining as the guests could easily flow from the kitchen, living room and dining area.

2013-11-28 19.26.552013-11-28 19.26.502013-11-28 19.26.39After spending eight hours in the kitchen together and a few very stressful moments, the evening came together perfectly! Both our European and American friends enjoyed themselves and their first taste of Thanksgiving. I can’t believe last night was the first time many of our friends, including those from Belgium, enjoyed raw brussels sprouts!

2013-11-28 12.28.192013-11-28 13.11.172013-11-28 13.40.561403398_869969576989_698144401_o2013-11-28 21.34.21Our dinner was a bit of a potluck as everyone contributed something whether dessert, wine, appetizer, or side dish. As the hosts, Bo and I made the salad course, turkey, dressing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie! 2013-11-28 21.47.35-12013-11-28 21.15.022013-11-28 23.34.50The last guests didn’t leave until well past midnight and there were over 16 bottles of wine recycled this morning!2013-11-29 10.45.16-1

Today was spent relaxing with Bo and Michael as I took the day off from work to both kick off my birthday celebrations and relax after Thanksgiving. After sleeping until 10 we spent the rest of the morning and early afternoon enjoying cappuccino and quiche at a local bakery followed by a long walk through Geneva.

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The rest of the afternoon and evening involve birthday festivities with our friends! It’s time to toast to turning 30! I couldn’t be more excited to dance the night away! While I wish I could transport my US based friends to the event, I’m thankful for tonight’s celebration with our Geneva friends!

Are you team pumpkin, pecan or neither?  I’m team Pumpkin Pie for LIFE!

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