Silverstone Half Marathon Training: Week 2

Happy Monday gang! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. We enjoyed our first ski weekend of 2014 up in Verbier with a group of friends including a few of my old colleagues from the US who are in Geneva this week for meetings. It was an absolutely perfect weekend. The temperature on the slopes was in the high 30s and the sun and blue sky made us feel as if we were sunbathing in Florida! Our weekends tend to consist of skiing all day and then après skiing all night but somehow I found myself feeling rejuvenated instead of exhausted this morning. I think last night’s early bedtime definitely helped. 273 Based on the below activity, especially Saturday and Sunday, it’s quite clear why I woke up this morning more sore than I can remember, even after marathons. Now that Emily and I are able to ski “properly” and challenge ourselves we definitely engage our entire body, especially the legs! I will certainly be sleeping in compression socks again tonight. In fact, does anyone have experience with skiing in compression socks?

Here is my Silverstone Half Marathon training recap from this past week. I’m pleased with my overall activity level but know that I need to focus on logging more miles running this week. 

210 203 Monday: 20 minutes Yoga for Runners 

Tuesday: 2 mile treadmill run followed by abs and leg weight exercises

Wednesday: 5k treadmill run followed by abs and arm weight exercises

Thursday: First morning run with Emily in 2014! I’ve missed our morning runs as they were a great way to catch up and enjoy some much needed company during marathon training. Hopefully we can get back into the habit. Thursday morning’s 5k run with Emily wasn’t easy but I felt great afterwards!

Friday: Rest day

Saturday: I think my Polar Loop almost exploded when it registered 16 hours and 26 minutes of active time on Saturday along with “33,125 steps”. How did I achieve this you ask? Well, I suppose 3 hours of dancing Saturday “morning” along with 7 hours of skiing intermediate runs with Emily and our instructor on Saturday followed by a few walks to and from our flat and Saturday night’s standing apres ski you get 4 hours of sleep, 3 hours of sitting for meals and the rest was standing or movement!

Sunday: Another record day of movement which resulted in 28,237 “steps”and 10 hours of active time! We were dancing into the wee hours of the morning at Farm Club in Verbier and then Emily and I spent 4 hours skiing together, testing our ability without an instructor for the first time this season!

This week my goal is 2 yoga sessions, 4 runs including 1 hill workout and 1 “long” run along with some cross training.

Are you back in the swing of workouts after the holiday break?

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Silent Saturday: Ski Edition

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Two Delicious Recipes

Happy Monday! It feels so wonderful to be back in Geneva! Check out the gorgeous sunrise that I was privy to this morning when my flight was approaching the city. 2014-01-06 08.11.40-1A few days ago I didn’t think I’d utter words of excitement upon stepping back onto European soil as I had such a wonderful time with our friends and family in both Savannah and New York. But it became clear this morning that right now, this is where we are meant to be in our life and I have a renewed sense of excitement. This year is going to certainly have it’s share of challenges professionally but personally I know it’s going to be filled with fun weekends away and traveling.

As my friend Ranald said, skiing is the perfect Winter weekend activity as you always have something to look forward to, even on Monday! 2013-12-01 14.23.27This weekend our same group is heading back up to Verbier for a weekend of skiing and fun. It will be even more fun as some of my co-workers from New York our joining us for the weekend before our semi-annual strategy meetings begin in Geneva on Monday.

I have found that in order to keep a positive outlook and manage stress I need to focus on what I put in my body. For this reason I’ve been spending a lot of time on Pinterest and talking with friends about their favorite healthy recipes. Over the past month I discovered two kale recipes which are totally different yet both are packed with flavor and can serve as either a side dish or a main dish if some protein is added. One of them was a Pinterest discovery and the other was served at a dinner party I attended. Enjoy!

Recipe #1: Warm Balsalmic Kale Salad: This recipe says it serves 2 but if served as a side it definitely makes 4 servings. The flavors are incredible thanks to the balsamic paired with the richness of the mushrooms sautéed in a little butter. The only change I made to this recipe was using 1/2 the butter. Bo loved this dish so much that he asked me to Pin it to my Pinterest board and then insisted that it becomes a regular standby.

2014-01-05 19.51.542014-01-05 19.51.47

Recipe #2: Kale and Avocado Salad My friend Lauren served this at our December girls night dinner and none of us could stop commenting on how delicious it was. Asian inspired, this is the perfect compliment to teriyaki chicken or even a lighter Asian inspired dish such as a soup as the use of avocado, hemp seeds and olive oil give it satiating staying power. As you can see by the Instagram post, Lauren served it alongside homemade Viatnamese Beef Noodle soup which was a perfect meal for a cold December night. (picture source)


I hope you enjoy these two recipes as much as I have. These are two easy and flavorful ways to squeeze in some extra nutrients to your next lunch or dinner!

Have you hopped on the kale train? If so what is your favorite recipe or way to enjoy it?

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