Sweat It Out Playlist

Happy hump day friends! In honor of those of you who are frozen and spending more time on the treadmill than out on the icy roads, this playlist is for you! Whether you’re just staying warm and safe or you have a speed workout on the plan, these tunes will keep you motivated!  (picture credit)

While I’ve found that watching an episode of Revenge, The Good Wife or other television show can help pass time on the treadmill when I’m doing a steady state workout, nothing helps me get pumped up for a sweaty workout like a new playlist. I created this list especially for this morning’s speed session. If this mix of new and old favorites alike kept me motivated to sprint at 6am, hopefully it can give your next workout some extra energy. Don’t want to spend the money to download these songs on iTunes? Check out Spotify and follow this playlist by clicking here!


Craving more workout music? Check out my other playlists!

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Silverstone Half Marathon Training: Week 4

I can’t believe that it’s almost time for bed. Today was one of those brilliant days I wish I could repeat over and over! It started with 8 hours of sleep, a seamless commute filled with 20 minutes of Duolingo French practice, a few productive meetings, an awesome 4.5 mile run during lunch, a field trip into town with my French teacher where I practiced my direction and restaurant French, followed by a homemade dinner and a relaxing night catching up on blogs and chatting with my mom via text.

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While this week’s training is already off to a positive start after today’s solid run, I want to take some time to reflect on last week’s training. It was my best week of training thus far even though I didn’t end up squeezing in a long run. I know it seems weird that I can say it was a great week of training when I missed one of the pivotal workouts but sometimes that’s the way the cookie crumbles. Each of my workouts felt solid and energized. I felt like I was working towards a goal last week which really motivated me to get to the gym and squeeze in workouts even on busy days.

Silverstone Half Marathon Training week 4

Monday: 20 minutes yoga for runners

Tuesday: 4.5 miles of speed intervals on the treadmill before work

Wednesday: 4.1 miles outside before work followed by a 500 meter piece on the rowing machine

Thursday: 4 speedy lunchtime miles on the treadmill followed by a 550 meter piece on the rowing machine

Friday: 4 lunchtime miles on the treadmill followed by 600 meters on the rowing machine

Saturday: This was a “lightbulb moment” day of skiing. Things clicked from the second run of the day and the 3 hours of private lessons led me up my first black run and down many others by lunch time. I was able to enjoy an afternoon of skiing with the whole group – a huge accomplishment! The 7 hours of skiing flew by and I didn’t want the day to end!

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Sunday: Three of us decided to head back up the mountain on Sunday for three hours of skiing. The visibility was horrible and it was my first time skiing in less than ideal conditions at Verbier. This caused me to second guess my ability and have some lovely falls. But, overall it was still a strong day of skiing and my quads and calves could feel every minute of skiing by the end of the day.

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My goal for this week is simple – focus on the goal of each workout. When it’s speed, make sure I push my body as hard as possible and when it’s an easy pace make sure I give my body the room to slow down.

What is your favorite type of running workout? Zoning out and running long? Hill repeats? Speed?

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Fondue & Sledging: A New Swiss Experience

This weekend in Verbier was very different than the previous two weekends this season. Three couples came together with one goal – celebrate Nora’s birthday by enjoying a weekend filled with her favorite things: skiing, a late lunch on the mountain, fondue, sledding and lots of wine!189 It was so nice to spend quality time with Nora, Mike, Nico and Marie as we haven’t had the chance to spend time with them outside group settings.143While overcoming a great deal of my fears on the slopes and enjoying a few hours of skiing with friends was a lot of fun, the highlight of the weekend was definitely last night’s adventure: fondue & sledging. 200 When Nora suggested an evening of fondue and sledging we of course agreed as it’s the birthday girl’s choice and Bo had never eaten Swiss fondue. But, we didn’t know the details of the adventure until 8pm last night. Our group was told to grab one of the stacked sledges (sleds in the US) and be ready at 8pm, fresh from naps and showers, dressed in warm boots and clothing. I am so thankful that my in-laws gave me a pair of Sorel boots for my birthday! I stayed nice and warm all last night!

We took the Verbier bus 15 minutes from their flat, towards Carrefour. Many other people had the same idea as by the time we reached our stop the bus filled with people of all ages with one thing in common – a sled in their hands.210From the bus stop our evening consisted of a 45 minute hike up a hill, through the woods along a trail overlooking the villages below, a fondue dinner and then a sledging adventure back down the mountain.

The hike through the woods in fresh powder was definitely a challenge on already exhausted legs. We went between talking and laughing on the trail to waking a few minutes in silence to enjoy the pristine forest. 198Our eyes quickly became adjusted to the darkness and Bo and I were in awe of the stars, snow capped trees and views. I wish I could capture the views for you but my iPhone couldn’t do it justice.

Forty five minutes later our group arrived at Restaurant La Marmotte.201

Complete with a large fireplace and wood burning stoves, our dinner was the epitome of a Swiss fondue evening! Needless to say, after the hike, we were quite exhausted but also quite cold.  That was quickly remedied as we were immediately welcomed with toasty cups of vin chaud (hot wine) and a delicious assiette de viandes froides et fromages (dried meat and cheese plate). 


No one needed to look at the menu as our hosts Mike and Nora ordered for the whole table (fondue obviously with plenty of white wine).  Since it was Bo’s first time having fondue, the experienced fondue folks joked that they almost encouraged him to order beer rather than wine. Evidently the acid in the white wine helps with the digestion of the cheese and if you ever drink beer with fondue, everything you eat clumps together in your stomach causing quite a bit of discomfort.204205206We laughed and joked for over two hours and somehow miraculously managed to finish both pots.  It was then time for the sledging down the longest path in Western Switzerland!  NOW, let me tell you…if you want an adventure, sit down on a plastic sledge heading down the mountain for 30 minutes along a 10 ft wide path in the dark with a cliff on one edge after consuming 6 bottles of wine and two pots of cheese between 8 people – for us, it was the ride of a lifetime though its evidently normal course in the Swiss Alps. Yes mom and dad I know this wasn’t the best decision but we survived, had a blast and don’t regret it! 211

The sledges that are used in Switzerland are unlike any American sled that we have ever seen.  The sleds that we used to buy at corner bodegas in New York after a big snow were simple plastic shells.  These were also made out of plastic but they had proper seats and actual controls.  We steered right and left down the mountain as the path twisted and turned through the woods back through Verbier. We all survived the adventure and ended right at the base of the W Hotel in Verbier, laughing and freezing from the snow in our hair on bottoms.

The world incredible can’t begin to describe this four hour experience and we look forward to sharing it with friends and family who come visit us during the winter!

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