Will Run for Female Company

During the past few months I’ve missed running with fun, inspiring females. I spent much of July through October running with Emily on an almost daily basis. Our runs would include long conversations about Geneva, acclimating to life in Europe, the men in our lives, and more. Then as the London weekends began I was able to enjoy weekend runs with Charlie, my new friend who showed me the ins and outs of running and training in London.

Due to the rain and cold mornings in Geneva many of my runs have been on the treadmill and the few times I’ve been able to get outside it’s been with either Bo or Renaud. Don’t get me wrong, they are both wonderful but there is something about sharing some time on the road with fellow female runners.

Therefore, this weekend when Leah and the Team Naturally Run ladies said they were going to run 10 miles on Saturday, I jumped at the opportunity to run with lots of ladies. Emily and Bo chose to join in the early morning fun as the route was an epic site seeing tour through London including the Victoria Embankment, London Bridge, Buckingham Palace, Green Park, Big Ben, gorgeous views along the Thames River, Hyde Park, Marble Arch and Regent’s Park.

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Spending time talking with each of these women on Saturday reminded me why I love the running community. Most of them are training for the Paris Marathon and while I’m not joining in the fun on April 6th, it was fun to answer questions and provide insight for the first timers. London even cooperated and gave us clear blue skies as you can see in the picture below. The 8 miles that we ran with them flew by and before we knew it we were bidding adieu to everyone in Regent’s Park. Whether they know it or not, these 8 ladies gave me the motivation I needed to get even more excited about my upcoming half marathons!

What do you run for? Bagels? Coffee? Brunch? Bacon? Long conversations? Sanity?

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Silent Saturday: Run, Eat & Football Style















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10 Tips for Squeezing in Workouts

It’s Friday! I’m so looking forward to a fun London weekend. So far this weekend’s agenda includes another “proper footie”, yoga, a 10 mile long run with some lovely Team Naturally Run ladies, and some fun with Emily who is staying with us this weekend.

Last time Emily stayed with us we saw Crystal Palace vs Chelsea and this weekend we’re heading to the Fulham Football Club to see Fulham vs Southampton. Based on last time, I’m sure there will be some beer and loud cheering involved! 


This morning I want to talk about a topic near and dear to my heart – squeezing in workouts. These days, for me working out isn’t about weight loss but instead stress management and happiness. There are few things in life that make me feel more energized and balanced then a good workout, regardless the length. Finding time to workout isn’t always easy. For some people, it is family and work that get in the way. For others it is a demanding travel schedule. When I read about ladies like Katy Widrick, my current “recreational runner” hero, throwing down 1:50 half marathons I know that anything is possible with hard work and positive energy.  (source)


When I see all that she continues to accomplish even with the demands of a young daughter, husband and career I am inspired. This inspiration fueled my workouts this week. It also caused me to reassess any workout barriers and do everything possible to make quality workouts possible.

Yesterday, as I enjoyed a quick 40 minute trail run with Renaud, I thought about the fact that I was literally squeezing this run in between back to back meetings and a flight to London. It wasn’t easy to make it work in my schedule but it was well worth it when we finished – endorphin happy and sweaty from a challenging run. It isn’t always easy to fit in a workout and many days it would be easier to just forget about it. But hopefully these 10 tips will help you squeeze in a workout and make finding excuses to quit before you start 10 times harder!

Squeezing in workouts Your turn – How do you find time to squeeze in a workout? Or, if you have issues with it, what is your biggest barrier?

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