What’s Inside My Makeup Bag

In between the traveling and early morning workouts, my makeup bag has been getting a lot of use these days. In fact, over the past 2 weeks I only did my makeup at home one morning! Since I’m spending more time applying makeup in gym bathrooms and hotel rooms, I’ve taken a bit of extra time lately to stock up on my makeup bag essentials. I tend to buy travel size products so all my favorite beauty items can squeeze in my small makeup bag without weighing down my purse or gym bag.

It’s been over a year since I shared the insides of my makeup bag and surprisingly only one item is the same – my mascara. A beauty product lover, due in part to my job in the industry, I always find myself experimenting with new products and color combinations.

My 10 Makeup bag essentials Here are the 10 makeup items that I swear by these days, in order of application!

Smashbox Photo Finish Oil Free Foundation PrimerLaura Mercier Tinted Moisturizer Broad Spectrum 20Laura Mercier Smooth Finish Foundation PowderDolce&Gabbana bronzer in desertLaura Mercier Second Skin Cheek Color in lotus pinkEyeko Skinny Liquid Eye Liner in blackNaked3 Eye Shadow Pallet by Urban DecayBenefit They’re Real MascaraCover Girl Lip Perfection Jumbo Gloss Balm cupcake twistDolce&Gabbana Dolce fragrance pen

What’s the one makeup item you can’t leave home without?

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A Summer of Races

Happy Thursday. This is one of those weeks where I am ready for the weekend more than normal. I’ve had a few days at work that leave me feeling like this. I’m sure you all can relate as we all have these days sometimes, right?

I’m lucky to have great company this week as Bo’s parents are here visiting which is so refreshing. It’s so nice to have our family here. It’s such a treat since we live so far away but very welcome!

Instead of talking about work, let’s talk about something far more fun than that – upcoming races! I’ve missed racing so much and definitely realize now just how much I took the NYRR races for granted. Even though they tended to be expensive, having races to enjoy with running buddies scheduled so frequently was really nice!

I definitely do better when I have a goal in place or at least something to keep me focused on training and in completion health. Luckily, over the next few months I have at least one great race each month to keep the training fun alive!  I love that these are all new races and experiences too! I’ve never run in the highly talked about wall of color during a color run or completed a triathlon. Luckily, for four of these races I have great, fun ladies to enjoy each experience. The Color Run will be a huge party with Charlie, Leah and a bunch of the Team Naturally Run ladies while Laura and I will conquer the Mont Blanc 10k together in Chamonix though neither of us know what to expect.

Upcoming Races


June 1stThe Color Run in London

June 28th: Mont Blanc Marathon 10k


July 24th: Geneva International Triathlon – short distance (500m+20km+5km)


September 28th: Berlin Marathon


October 12th: Royal Parks Half Marathon in London

Some of these races, such as The Color Run and Mont Blanc 10k, will be nothing but fun with friends while the triathlon and the marathon are my summer focus races. Between now and the triathlon I am going to focus on biking and swimming while using the runs on my schedule to maintain my half marathon fitness. Once the triathlon is over my focus will return to running for the final 9 weeks of training.

Have you done a Color Run? Did you enjoy it or find the color annoying? Did the color come out of your clothes or were they ruined?

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Overcoming My Fear of Swimming

If you follow me on Instagram or Twitter, you may have noticed that there have been a few swim related posts lately.


While I grew up enjoying long, hot Savannah summer days in the pool I was never on a competive swim team. In fact, the one time I tried out for the swim team I didn’t make it as I couldn’t swim more than two laps of the pool. Luckily, I’m in better shape these days than I was back in 7th grade. When I heard about the P&G swim club which meets at a pool near our office every Tuesday and Thursday before work my initial feeling was pure intimidation. Not only did I not want to get in a bathing suit in front of co-workers but I also didn’t want them to see my lack of swimming endurance.

Luckily, Bo and a few other friends talked me into giving it a try and after 5 team workouts I’m happy to report that I haven’t drowned and I’m actually enjoying swimming. The team environment helps motivate me, the sport is humbling, it is great cross training, and I’m seeing quick improvements since I’m starting at such a low base. In addition, I try to focus on my own swimming versus comparing myself to others. Each week I choose something different to focus on whether that’s swimming longer without holding the wall, extending my stroke, or breathing.

There are no flip turns happening any time soon but I did get to learn and practice dive starts during Tuesday’s practice! This newfound love is also what helped me overcome my fear of triathlons and finally sign up for my first triathlon – the Geneva International Triathlon which takes place in Geneva on July 19th!

Our coach, Steeve Brugiere, is an accomplished triathlete and serves as a coach for multiple local triathlon clubs. He’s agreed to let me share our workouts on here so you all can benefit! If you’re in the Geneva area or looking for a remote triathlon coach, check out his website, Be Fit Personal Training!

As you can see, our workouts aren’t for the faint of heart. But, I love that every workout can be altered based on skill level and pace. For example, on this workout, I finished 1600 meters whereas other, faster swimmers completed 2000M+. If you’re just starting out, I would suggest cutting 100 meters off every section.

Swim workout 

If you have any questions, feel free to let me know and I’ll work with Steeve to answer them!

What is your biggest athletic fear? Mine definitely has to do with my upcoming open water swim during the triathlon!

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