36 Hours in Paris

What a wonderful weekend we had in Paris!


It was the perfect, quick 36-hour trip to the city of lights.

Bo and I decided to use AirBnB for the first time on this quick trip to Paris in hopes of saving a bit of money. As its peak tourist season in Paris many of the hotels in Champs-Elysees, where my aunt and uncle were staying, were over $300 per night. We found a studio apartment located just 10 minutes from their hotel for $150 per night! It had a few quirks, such as the below sparkly toilet lid, but was overall a perfect spot for our quick weekend and far cheaper than area hotels.


We kicked off our weekend with an hour bike ride followed by champagne and cheese enjoyed waterside in a new to us neighborhood, Canal St Martin.


The highlights of our trip took place on Saturday, a very full day spent with my aunt and uncle while  enjoying as much of Paris’ food, wine and culture as possible!

The Louvre

Our first stop was the Louvre, as my aunt and uncle hadn’t been to Paris since the famous I.M Pei Louvre pyramid opened in 1988!  


We discovered two things about the Louvre this time around:

1) You can buy Louvre tickets in advance which will save you valuable time! You can’t pick them up at the Louvre but there are lots of ticket pickup spots around the city or, if you plan far enough in advance, they can mail them to your home or hotel!

2) The medieval Louvre exhibit, underneath the current Louvre, was a part of the Louvre we’d never seen before and really loved! On a crowded, Summer day it can provide welcome relief from the heat and the crowds.


After the Louvre we enjoyed lunch, Parisian style, at Le Madeleine 7. I love sitting on the street sipping wine and enjoying a huge salad after a busy morning. Located between the Louvre and the Opera House, a bright red awning and huge salads caught our eye as we walked by the restaurant. It was still packed at 2pm and most people sounded and appeared as if they were locals, always a good sign.


The Paris Opera House

After three trips to Paris in the past year, we finally checked the Paris Opera House off of our “must see” list! So many people and articles have recommended touring the Paris Opera house that this was the first thing we booked this trip! We bought tickets ahead of time for a self-guided tour and audio guides which allowed us to visit at any time yesterday versus being locked into a particular guided tour slot. The audio guide tour was 45 minutes in length and took us through the entire space including the grand theatre, the halls, and special exhibits!

Bo and I agree that this is one of Paris’ highlights. It  features architecture and design that doesn’t necessarily fit well in any category, but its utter exuberance will make you gasp upon entering at the grandness of the design and decor. Another random fact is that this was being built while the Americans were fighting the Civil War.


Dinner and Drinks in Saint-Germain-des-Pres

A perfect counterpoint to the right bank of Paris, Saint-Germain-des-Pres reminds me of Gramercy and the West Village in New York City. Narrow, tree-lined streets with cobblestone roads meant more for pedestrians to walk, hand in hand, than for cars. Cafes are plentiful and many fit no more than 50 in their small spaces. The beautiful and perfectly maintained Luxembourg Gardens sit at one end while the Seine, Notre Dame and the Louvre are all within walking distance just north of the area.


The concierge at my aunt and uncle’s hotel recommended Brasserie Lipp, a Paris restaurant which has been a favorite spot of Hemingway and many others over the years. Last night the restaurant was empty when we arrived at 8pm but packed and bustling by 9:30 when we left. I’d suggest this restaurant for a traditional French bistro dinner but wish our reservations had been for 9 or 10pm in order to get the full restaurant experience. They didn’t like cameras so I don’t have any pictures from dinner itself, but my steak was cooked perfectly rare, just the way I like it, and everyone loved each of their dishes.


Following dinner Bo and I introduced Rusty and Randy to our favorite neighborhood and park, meandering down the small streets, laughing about our wonderful day and planning our next adventure. We felt so lucky to have this time with them while they were in Europe, blessed that Geneva is located so centrally.


Later in the evening, after the Luxembourg Garden gates closed, we found ourselves not wanting the night to end. Instead of parting ways, we stumbled upon a wonderful, intimate bar, Le Mont Verdi,  where we enjoyed a few night caps. If you find yourself in the area, please go. The live piano, candlelight, book-lined bar, and perfect pours were the perfect ending to our day together in Paris. (source)

Have you been to Paris? If so, what is your favorite restaurant or spot in Paris?

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After 8 Years of Running It Finally Happened

Even though I took today off work, I still woke up at 5:55. Getting out of bed wasn’t easy but as soon as I saw specks of blue sky waking up became far easier.


It’s rained so much in Geneva this week that I figured I’d be doing my long run in the rain this morning. In fact, when organizing my gear last night I included a visor and my running raincoat in the pile. As I didn’t have to be at work this morning, I took my time getting ready. I treated the morning much like a race morning. I sipped my coffee and ate my peanut butter and banana before getting ready.

382By 7 o’clock, I was out the door, without my raincoat, excited to spend the next 2 hours running along the lake. 390

I have started getting a bit bored with my regular route so I changed things up today, heading further north along the lake than normal. I only had the lake on my side for half the run but for three of the middle miles I weaved through small towns, sunflower fields and vineyards.


This route was a nice diversion and added a few hills to my normally flat, long run. My lake route has spoiled me with the multiple water fountains. I underestimated my water need since the temperature was only 65. But, due to the 90% humidity, I was sweating immediately and finished my water after just a few miles. There were no water fountains past the second mile and, unfortunately, many of the local bakeries and cafes I passed refused to give me water or let me use the bathroom. I am going to leave some money in my Spibelt from now on so I can buy water in the future.

imageimage At the half way point I stopped to take a few pictures and try a new to me Gu flavor, Salted Caramel. I have tried using natural food like dates and apricots for fuel but have found that my body is craving something a bit more substantial during long runs. Even though, this Gu had caffeine it didn’t upset my stomach and the flavor was delicious. In fact, I felt like I was eating candy!  If you tend not to like most Gu flavors I highly recommend this flavor! I like it better than my old standby, Vanilla frosting.


I was perfectly in the zone,  with just four miles left in my run, when a sudden, wet surprise snapped me back to reality. After 8 years of running a bird, finally pooped on me. I’m not sure why they say it’s good luck to be pooped on by a bird because it felt like anything but this morning. Of course, I didn’t have any paper with me so instead I resorted to cleaning my hand and water bottle with a few leaves. 402As soon as it happened I couldn’t stop laughing. While laughter isn’t how most people would react to this I couldn’t help myself. For years, I’ve often found myself thinking that I am surprised I don’t hear more runners get targeted by birds during long runs.

This run didn’t feel easy, but I’m proud of my pace especially since I changed things up a bit and added a few more hills. My pace for the 14 miles was 9:55, perfectly on target for my marathon goals. 394

The next time I head out for a long run it’ll be back on American soil in Savannah, Georgia since next weekend’s long run is replaced by my triathlon! 

Have you ever been pooped on by a bird?

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Outkast at Montreux Jazz Festival

Last night we checked another item off our Switzerland bucket list – Montreux Jazz Festival.


A world famous music festival, in its 48th year, Montreux Jazz festival started as a three-day festival to highlight jazz artists. Now lasting two weeks, the festival includes far more genres of music than just jazz. In fact, this year’s line-up includes Pharrell Williams, Outkast, Robert Plant, Robin Thicke, Van Morrison, and Stevie Wonder. When we moved here last year we just missed the festival and it was something everything told us we had to experience this year.

The day tickets went on sale, we were surprised and excited to see Outkast on the program. Originally formed in East Point, Georgia in 1992, both Bo and I have been fans since their early days. In fact, the night Bo and I “re-met” in Athens, Georgia he was rapping ATLiens on a stage at our sorority party. Since the duo has been on hiatus since 2007 we were excited to see that Montreux was part of their 20th-anniversary music festival tour!

Last night 12 of us, including 5 of my old co-workers who are in town for global meetings, headed to Montreux via train. We arrived in time to brave the pouring rain to grab a few beers and dinner from the food and drink stands surrounding the main music area. Typically the views and atmosphere would be incredible with the lake and majestic mountains surrounding the festival but yesterday it was nothing but rain and low lying clouds.


As we were late leaving Geneva we entered the auditorium just minutes before Outkast went on stage. We were in the general admission section which was standing room only. This worked to our advantage as when we entered the area was less than half full. We claimed our space about 15 rows from the stage before spending the next 90 minutes sweating, dancing and singing like we were back in Georgia reliving many high school and college memories.


Their set was incredible; including:

  • B.O.B (Bombs Over Baghdad)
  • Ms. Jackson
  • Roses
  • So Fresh, So Clean
  • Hey Ya!
  • ATLiens
  • Rosa Parks
  • Ain’t No Thang

While I later found out that some of my co-workers thought Outkast was a jazz group, since we were going to the “jazz festival” I think everyone still had a great time. The concert was perfect for a weeknight as it only lasted an hour and a half. In fact, we were back in Geneva by 12:30am, just in time to see the last five minutes of the Netherlands vs. Argentina game!

What is your favorite concert? Growing up, Outkast was especially popular in Savannah as Big Boi aka Antwan Andre Patton is from Savannah, Georgia but also went to my same high school. 

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