The Berlin Marathon Expo

First and foremost, thank you guys so much for your sweet comments and emails in response to my breakup post. I am so thankful for you all and your words left me reassured that I am making the right choice.

Now, back to talking about the marathon.

On Saturday, as soon as I woke up, I headed over to the Berlin Marathon Expo to pick up my bib and check out the merchandise and booths. I’d heard from many that the expo would be huge, crowded and difficult to navigate as it takes place in an old airport.  Instead of hopping in a cab or using public transportation I headed over to the expo on foot, enjoying a 3 mile shake out run along the way. I always do an easy run the day before a half marathon or marathon, especially when I’ve spent time on a plane or in a car. It’s a great way to loosen up my legs and body. I even ran by Checkpoint Charlie on my way to the expo!


I arrived at 8:55, just five minutes before the doors opened, to find over 200 people crowded outside.


As soon as the doors open the herd of people rushed inside, flowing through the multiple hallways and gate areas, out onto the tarmac and through a terminal before arriving in the very back where the bib pick-up area was housed. Luckily there were arrows and signs which made it easy to find.


They checked to ensure everyone had their marathon participant certificate either printed out or on the free iPhone application so I was relieved that I remembered to print mine before leaving the hotel that morning.  They split the start number pickup by women and men, whereas at most races it seems to be either alphabetical or by your race number.  In addition, this race gives you many options when registering. For example, you could sign up for a 15 minute massage, a pasta dinner and whether or not you wanted a technical race shirt. I opted yes for the race shirt though many people waited until arriving to choose their shirt as the Berlin Marathon offered 4 or 5 different styles. Note, the entry fee is cheaper than most, especially the marathon majors, in part due to not including the t-shirt.


I felt a huge wave of relief pass after I had the bib in hand. I spent the next thirty minutes exploring the booths, taking fun pictures, checking out the gear, and buying a few Berlin Marathon items. It was definitely just as large and overwhelming, with over 50 brands represented between the three large rooms and tarmac space. There was even a beer garden and car display, very on equity for Germany!


I found a few things at the New Balance booth which have been added to my fall and winter running gear wish list. Otherwise, I only ended up spending money on two items – a Berlin Marathon pint glass and the pink Nike long-sleeve technical t-shirt which I’m sporting in the below picture. It even features a cute Berlin marathon logo.


Key things to know about the Berlin Marathon expo:

  • Go as early as possible.
  • Make sure to bring your marathon race confirmation either on your phone via the application or printed.
  • Bring an ID in case needed.
  • Due to the large space it takes time to navigate, especially when crowded.
  • Not all the booths accept credit cards.
  • Go through the swag bag before shopping as this year a few brands had discount coupons in the bag.
  • There are a TON of booths so take a look online before to figure out which ones you want to see unless you have unlimited time.

Have a great night! I’ll be back tomorrow with my Berlin Marathon race recap!

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I Think We Need A Break

Five years ago, I signed up and trained for my first marathon. The entire process was like a dream, pushing my body to do something I never fathomed I would be able to do. As we’ve talked about previously on the blog, I did not grow up an athlete nor a runner.  In fact, while I spent a great deal of time outdoors growing up, I was only on a formal sports team four times in my life and each year I dreaded the physical fitness test mile run more than a doctor’s appointment or getting shots.

The 2010 New York City Marathon was a day that will forever remain in my brain, each mile still is imprinted and I could recap the entire race course experience to anyone today, even five years later. Each mile was a miracle as I pushed through the boroughs, taking in every single mile with a huge smile on my face.


Since then, I continued to sign up for one marathon each year. I had a different goal for each marathon, but primarily my hope for each was to improve my time. Five years and five marathons later, I have improved my time from my original 5:29 marathon but I’ve spent the past four years, finishing short of the goal I had in my mind. Completing a marathon, regardless the pace, will always be an accomplishment in my book. As someone said yesterday, moving 26.2 miles on one’s own two feet is something that most people never dream of doing, much less in 5 or so hours.

Therefore, when year after year, my body falls short of the goal I’m chasing, I finish the 26.2 miles with my head hanging lower than it was when I started the journey. At 30 years old, I do not have anything left to prove to myself when it comes to the marathon. I have successfully completed 5 at this point, I know that my mind and body are capable of accomplishing the distance. But, what I have also learned along the way, and unfortunately my friends and family as well, is that my body really does not enjoy the distance.

I am thankful and blessed to have suffered no physical injuries during five marathons but I have suffered one too many emotional injuries. Each year, somewhere between mile 15 and 22 the wheels come off. In most cases, it seems to be attributed to heat, which also explains why my best experience to date was the Philadelphia Marathon where it was below freezing at the start. As someone who sweats a great deal, I can’t seem to hydrate or take in enough fuel to overcome nausea, muscle cramps, or in yesterday’s case severe quad cramping and vomiting.

What started out as being something that I loved has grown to be something that makes me think less of myself. I beat myself up internally for not achieving a goal which based on my training runs, half marathon time and speed workouts seems achievable. I question the twelve to sixteen weeks of my life, dedicated to marathon training, trying to figure out where the process went wrong. I question the forty-eight hours leading up to the marathon, wondering what I should have or shouldn’t have eaten. I drive my husband, who is the most supportive and incredible marathon cheer leader and spectator, crazy with agony as he watches my self esteem diminish along the course.

I know that there are people who run marathons for fun and would tell me that I am too hard on myself and that every marathon won’t be a personal best. I know that the goal is to enjoy the miles and focus on the fact that each one is a gift. Trust me, yesterday during the toughest miles, these were my mantras. Every ounce in my body, especially in my legs, wanted to stop at mile 18.

But, after five years, I think that marathons and I are ready for a break. While I enjoy the training process, I’ve stopped enjoying the race day, which is unfortunate but true. There are too many other things in my life which bring me great joy to continue doing something which doesn’t make me happy. As I reflect upon this training cycle the things that I enjoyed most were my speed workouts and tempo runs. There is no question that I’ve become a faster runner in the past 12 weeks. I set a new half marathon PR and have set multiple unofficial 10k and 5k PRs during training runs and speed workouts.

Yesterday, though the Berlin Marathon was everything everyone promised – beautiful, flat, filled with amazing spectators, and a bit chaotic, I never enjoyed the race itself. For almost five hours I waited to find my groove and enjoy the experience only to finish without ever reaching that point. My happiest moment was chatting with fellow runners in the starting area, motivating one runner who was about to embark on her first marathon.

While sitting at dinner, a few hours later, a reader proved that they knew my running records better than myself, quickly making me realize that yesterday was 2 minutes short of a PR. As I sat there in tears, Bo asked me why I continue to put myself through this each year. Before last night, I had never truly thought about it. Maybe it’s because as a health and wellness blogger I am surrounded by so many incredible people who take on athletic feats each day. But, what I realized is that what was once a huge accomplishment had started to turn into just a habit that came around each year, choosing what the next fall marathon would be.

So for now, while I know the marathon and I may meet again one day, I’m ready to focus on other things such as triathlons and shorter distance races. The half marathon will always be my favorite distance and I would love nothing more than to enjoy a few, especially while combined with European travel to new cities with Bo or girlfriends.

Thank you for your support these past few years during the roller coaster of marathon emotions.

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2014 Berlin Marathon

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The Berlin Marathon did not disappoint. A new personal best was set on the course, though it wasn’t the time that I was hoping for based on my training and recent half PR. Some days just aren’t meant to be perfect running days and today was one of those. I thought of each and every one of you while I was out there on the course as your well wishes, thoughts, motivation and prayers helped me push through.

A full recap will come tomorrow but for now, let me leave you with thank you. Thank you for everything you each do daily to motivate me beyond what I think my limits are both mentally and physically.

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