Practice Makes Perfect

Eight months ago, I decided to put on my big girl pants or ahem swimsuit and join our PG swim team.


Multiple co-workers had suggested I join, noting that the team needed more females and I am evidently considered "sporty" and "athletic" within our office.
The first practice was humbling to say the least. My marathon legs did little to help me in the pool, and I quickly realized just how different the cardio and muscular demands of swimming are versus running or yoga. But, I finished and called Bo immediately after, telling him that I found a new challenge that I hoped to stick with on a weekly basis. While I haven’t made it to every Tuesday or Thursday practice since then due to either travel or lack of wanting to wake up at 5am, I have averaged once per week.

imageSome practices have left me encouraged while others leave me cursing my parents for not signing me up for Summer swim team at an early age. I have also muttered some words regarding American practices versus Europe. In French and Swiss schools swimming is included in gym class and students learn all four strokes in order to pass the test. Really? My first day of practice I was able to complete a lap of freestyle only. Butterfly, breast stroke and backstroke attempts left me sinking to the bottom or moving slower than Yertle the Turtle.


But, regardless of pace, I’m proof that practice makes perfect, though results are slow and steady versus overnight. There are many hour long swim practices that weren’t fun. 500 meters of butterfly followed by 200 of dolphin swims is the last thing my shoulders, abs and 30 year old body want to do but in between the grunts and groan, I started to see the benefits. My traps and shoulders are developed, in between wine, cheese chocolate and the European diet my legs and abs have leaned out and through taking on a new challenge I’ve found confidence. In fact, just a month after joining the swim group, I wrote this post about overcoming my fear of swimming.

imageOn Tuesday when our coach emailed us, promising a Christmas gift at practice on Thursday I was excited versus nervous. A 5000 meter swim challenge wouldn’t be easy but it was a perfect opportunity to test my ability. In fact, instead of deleting the email immediately out of fear, I emailed my swimming buddy, Laurianne, suggesting that we use the practice not to reach 5000 meters but instead to see how much of the prescribed workout we could during the hour and a half session.


Ninety minutes after diving in the pool, Laurianne and I exited smiling and feeling on top of the world. My body was sore, and while we didn’t achieve the 5,000 meter goal many of our colleagues achieved, we swam for 90 minutes and each finished 3,200 meters. This distance was not only a personal distance record for both of us but also a huge confidence builder. Now and then we all need something to remind us that anything is possible with hard work and dedication. A year ago, I never would have thought that I would gain this reminder from swimming. This has me so motivated that instead of just packing running gear for our two-week holiday in the United States, I also packed my swim gear.

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What was the last hard workout you did which reminded you how much progress you’ve made?

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5 Beauty Products I Use Daily

I have a bad habit of waiting until I get to the office to put on makeup. This habit started over a year ago as I found that trying to apply makeup in the gym bathroom was fruitless. Still damp from the shower, the makeup wouldn’t stay in place and the moisturizer would melt right off. After doing this the entire Spring, while working out at Barry’s Bootcamp before work, this became a habit which I’ve had an issue breaking.


Instead of trying to break this habit, I’ve tried to figure out a few quick ways that I can leave the house looking just a bit more presentable each morning. These five products, which range in price from $6.99 to over $200 have left me feeling & looking fresher & more vibrant each morning when I walk out the door.

I’ve been using these products for over a month and noticed the difference almost immediately. Each morning I wake up and find that my skin is radiant and my under eye circles and bags have drastically reduced thanks to the eye cream and moisturizer I apply each night. My co-workers have commented on my makeup at the coffee shop in the morning when the only thing I’m wearing is lipstick and concealer. The moisturizer repaired my wind chapped skin after a weekend of skiing while the concealer hid the fact that I’d been out dancing until 4am. A quick swipe of this red lipstick  makes me look awake and put together even when I’m running ten minutes late. The vibrant orange-red hue is best for medium complexions like mine hand helps counteract any tiredness or dull skin coloring during the winter months! If you’re trying to figure out what the best red is for your skin-tone, check out this helpful Allure article!

While I love each of these products, for very different reasons, if I had to buy one today for every person on my Christmas list it would be the Crest Pro-Health Clinical Mouthwash. It has left my teeth at least two shades whiter without resulting in any sensitivity. I get asked about my whitening treatment at least once a week from friends and co-workers, a sure fire sign that the mouthwash is working.


Whether you try one of these products or not, if I could give you a resolution to add to your list come January 1st it would be to use moisturizer and under eye cream daily in 2015. None of us are getting any younger and you can easily improve the look, feel, texture and radiance of your face by using these products and drinking plenty of water. It only takes a minute or two each night to apply and makes a world of difference after just a few weeks.

Also, keep in mind, many skincare products such as moisturizers and eye creams, only require a small amount each day. This means that a product can last multiple months before you need to replace it. Your skin is an investment and you only have one chance to take care of it! Spending $200 on a moisturizer which lasts 6 months nets out to less than $0.55 per application!

Your Turn – What’s your favorite beauty product that you use daily?

*While I am an employee of Procter & Gamble I did not get compensated to review any of these products. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Verbier Ski Weekend

Hello and happy Monday! Waking up was not easy this morning after a long weekend in Verbier! Eight of us shared a gorgeous AirBnB chalet in Verbier for a weekend of too much fun and lots of skiing. A few of us worked from the flat on Friday, taking full advantage of the gorgeous office space while enjoying the roaring fire and mountain views.

IMG_9415fireplacework from verbier

As the chalet included a wonderful kitchen and large dining area, we took advantage and enjoyed cooking together both Friday and Saturday night in addition to our breakfasts. Our only formal meal out  was lunch on the slopes Saturday at Cuckoo’s Nest, our favorite spot on the mountain.

cucoos nestBo made a huge batch of chili Friday night and Saturday was fajitas and nachos. The weekend’s dessert was a delicious, homemade Funfetti birthday cake which Emily baked as a belated birthday gift. Our time around the dining room table were some of my favorite moments this weekend. We laughed until we cried, got to know each other better while having conversations we’d never have in a restaurant and were free to linger as long as we wanted, in no rush. I think we all agree that we prefer eating dinner at home in between après ski and going out later.

dinner at chaletbday cake

We went to Le Rouge for après ski on Saturday before heading to Pub Mont Fort and finally ending the night with dancing at The Farm.

le rougefarm club

The rest of the weekend we were on the slopes, enjoying the sunshine and blue sky. Since there hasn’t been much snow nor cold weather yet in Verbier the entire mountain isn’t open yet, just about 50%. But, luckily we were plenty occupied by the open slopes, including a few of my favorite ones from last season!

erbier snow 3verbier snow 1verbier snowamyashleyskiing

Emily and I were constantly in awe of just how much skiing is like riding a bike. After the first few runs our ski legs returned and we were enjoying red and black runs without fear. We are definitely less advanced than many others out there, but considering we only learned to properly ski last year, we are beyond excited with our progress!

ski weekend

Such a fun weekend! Luckily we already have two more ski weekends plan with our friends including one cross country skiing excursion! Here’s the recap from last year’s December Verbier ski weekend!

Your Turn: Do you prefer downhill skiing or cross country? Next month will be my first experience with cross country! I’m already nervous!

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