My New Favorite Group Workout

For years, I thought that the only sign of a good workout was being drenched in sweat. I spent my time taking high-intensity workout classes, Bikram yoga or sprinting on the treadmill. When Bo and I would come home to Savannah for the holidays, instead of going on long walks with my mom or Mimi, my mother-in-law, I’d head to the gym or out for a run.

Since my mom is training to walk her first half marathon, the Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon, I promised her that I’d lace up my shoes with her during our vacation.  (If you want to register to walk or run this half marathon or 5k, use the code healthyhappierbear for a discount!)


After four long power walks which have left me tired and sore, I’ve realized that walking can be a great workout and help me stay in shape while we’re home. Walking has more benefits than weight loss and maintaining physical fitness. The walks are far more relaxing than my typical workouts and have a mind-clearing benefit, similar to yoga. There is so much valuable conversation enjoyed during a two-hour power walk through our neighborhood and views of the marsh and local wildlife only add to the experience. Today my sister-in-law and mother-in-law ended up walking together for almost two hours while chatting about upcoming travel plans! On Friday, my mom and I explored parts of the neighborhood we’d never seen, using Google Maps to navigate our way when needed.

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While long walks can’t fully replace my typical workouts, they are a great workout to include in my routine while we’re home. I joked with my mom today that long power walks are my new favorite group workout. While I can easily take a long walk solo, with Serial or another podcast keeping me company, it’s far more to pass time chatting with friends, similar to a long run.

If you’re at home for the holidays with a family who likes to walk, lace up your shoes and give it a try. It may take a bit longer than your typical workout, but you will have the opportunity to catch up with loved ones and have a great workout.

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Christmas in Savannah

"If you really want to make a friend, go to someone’s house and eat with him…the people who give you their food give you their heart." —Cesar Chavez


Christmas in Savannah revolves around food. Each of our families love sharing home cooked meals with us whether that comes in the form of casual, grilled meals or full Christmas Day feasts.

Everyone has contributed to each of the meals, meaning that no one person has had the full burden on their shoulders. My mom and I baked all the holiday treats including these new favorite Chocolate Candy Cane Crunch Cookies and the Best Sugar Cookie recipes.

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My brother and dad have been in charge of the meat each night, ranging from grilled ribs to fried turkey.

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In between all the eating, there has been laughing and joy with our families. This has been the most relaxed, wonderful holiday trip. Since last year’s holiday was ruined by my flu, this has been a healthy, relaxing treat.

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We hope you and yours are having a wonderful holiday season and enjoying some much needed time of rest and cheer.

What does your family eat Christmas Eve or Day? Do you all feast on lasagna, turkey, ham or something different?

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Atlanta Christmas 5k

I apologize for the silence but Bo and I have been having a blast back in Georgia!

We landed in Atlanta on Friday evening and since then have been going non-stop, squeezing in as much time with friends and family as possible!

One of our weekend highlights was running the Atlanta Christmas 5k! The race, which ran through Virginia Highland was the perfect way to kick off our Christmas vacation back in the United States. We were able to enjoy a fast 5k through one of our favorite Atlanta neighborhoods and catch up with college friends who were also running the race. IMG_4451


The race atmosphere was so much fun! There were lots of hilarious holiday running outfits ranging from holiday themed tights to people decked out in tacky Christmas sweaters including one woman who had blinking Christmas tree lights on front and back! The humans weren’t the only ones who got into the spirit though. There were TONS of dogs running the race decked out in bells and sweaters.

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A small, fun holiday race, capped at 1500 people,  each participant received a Santa hat when they picked up their bib! Unfortunately my ponytail didn’t allow me to wear the hat but it was such a fun detail!

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The course, though flatter than last years, was filled with lots of turns and hills through the Virginia Highland neighborhood.

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Bo and I ran together the entire race, doing our best to balance pushing the speed with climbing up each of the hills. It was a very different experience versus our European races as we were in the middle of the pack the entire time, rarely passed by other people. We had a great time chatting and looking at the gorgeous homes and hilarious outfits in between feeling the burn in our legs as we climbed the hills.

At one point, as we passed the two mile marker, I began to question our pace as my body was hitting that point of pain that I rarely feel. I knew the pain was only temporary an as it showed up at the two mile point, I only had another 10 or so minutes to push through before the finish line. As we were running Garmin free we agreed to run as quickly as possible though we’d pull back if Bo’s knee or leg started to give him pain.

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As it turns out, our effort was worth it! This was a new 5k PR for me of a 27:04 or 8:44 pace. As I know I have faster in me, especially on a flatter course, I’m already excited for 2015!

Did you run a Jingle Jog or holiday race? What was the best outfit you saw on the course?

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