Resolutions for a Great Year

I love the beginning of January!  It’s the beginning of a fresh new year with promises of wonderful things and the opportunity to shape the year you want. 


This year, while Bo nor I have many formal resolutions, we are both focusing on us. My resolution, or intention, is to strive to be the best possible version of myself, whether as a wife, daughter, co-worker, friend blogger or athlete.  It is easy to try and do many things during the course of a year only to look back and find that I focused on too many things. This year, I have come up with a few easy ways to improve each area of the roles I hold on a daily basis.


Wife: There is going to be a lot of change in 2015, just like there has been in each of our five years of marriage. Now more than ever, we need to stay connect, talking with each other each day over a glass of wine or in the kitchen cooking. When life gets busy, stressful and chaotic it’s easy to lose ourselves in the routine but we’ve learned a lot over the past month when we took time to pause and reconnect each day.

Daughter & Friend: Towards the end of the year I started picking up the phone more often, as part of the changes we made for a happier life. This made all the difference when we saw friends and family this holiday season. Instead of feeling disconnected, we were able to give huge hugs and then fall into comfortable, normal conversations since we were caught up on everyone’s life happenings during our regular phone calls and FaceTime conversations. In addition, my mom had the wonderful idea to start a mother daughter book club. Our goal is read a book a month, beginning with Pride & Prejudice.

Co-Worker: There are many days at work that are wonderful but it is during the more stressful moments when I believe I have the opportunity to lead by example. My goal is to remain calm under stress and motivate those around me with a positive, supportive attitude versus the natural tenancy to stress.

Blogger: After five years, I continue to gain a great deal from each of you who read and support the blog. The blog introduced me to a number of close friends in New York City, London and Geneva. In addition, the motivation and inspiration I gain from reading other blogs is endless. This year, I want to continue giving back to you all by sharing more posts that you request – European travel, tips for working out and staying healthy during travel, and more recipes.

Athlete: I haven’t finalized my goals for this area but I do know I’d love to train and run a sub 1:55 half marathon. It took me years to break sub 2 so I know it won’t be easy but it will be a great thing to focus on during the winter months! In order to help with this, I am going to use the Run Less, Run Faster method again and track every workout in DailyMile so I can keep myself more accountable and review the progress I make during the year.

Your turn: What are your goals or resolutions for 2015?

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New Year’s Eve 2014

Happy New Years!

New Years Eve 2014

We are currently relaxing on Meg & Russell’s couch in Brooklyn sipping mimosas and watching Harry Potter. In my opinion it’s the perfect relaxation afternoon after a fun New Year’s Eve.

New Years Eve 3

Our flight from Savannah landed in New York around 3pm which gave us just enough time to shower and change before heading out. Since neither Meg nor I knew what to wear, we ended up sharing a Rent the Runway order which worked out perfectly! She wore the two piece Badgley Mischka while I wore a Slate & Willow sequined, copper tone shift dress.   We didn’t have time to get blowouts so instead she put my hair up using a sock bun.

Our festivities started in Carroll Gardens, meeting the newest addition to our supper club, Eloise Margaret.


She stole all our hearts last night, sleeping and cuddling in our arms while we brought her mom and dad a bit of New Year’s Eve cheer. Even though they didn’t make it out with us last night it was the perfect start to the evening and so much fun.  IMG_4840 New Years Eve 11

From there, six of us headed into Manhattan to ring in the New Year at Toro NYC. Their chef’s table, in the back corner, served as the perfect base for our group of more than 20 friends. 

New Years Eve 2 New Years Eve 5 New Years Eve 12

Toro’s family style menu included an array of Spanish tapas including delicious street corn, grilled octopus, Spanish style potatoes, and marinated skirt steak! My favorite was definitely the grilled octopus – so delicious!

New Years Eve 10

At 10:30 Toro staff cleared away the tables and chairs, set up an ice luge and let the DJ kick off the party.

IMG_4878New Years Eve 6 New Years Eve blurry Our night ended around 1:30, late enough to allow for lots of midnight celebration and just enough bubbles to make our late night picture blurry.

What did you do to celebrate New Year’s Eve?

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A Quick Trip to Columbia

Yesterday Bo and I took a daytrip to Columbia, South Carolina to meet this adorable threesome. IMG_9492

Amy, one of my oldest friends, had a baby back in March and while I had the chance to meet him for some newborn adventures in April, Bo still hadn’t met him yet. Since Amy was in Charlotte for the holidays we figured out that Columbia, South Carolina was a perfect halfway point. Luckily Trip Advisor recommended The Gourmet Shop, a Columbia spot near University of South Carolina campus which is a kitchen store, wine shop and restaurant.


The restaurant was sweet enough to seat us at a corner table where we could chat and enjoy getting to know Parker and catch up without bothering other guests. We sipped on coffee and ate an early breakfast while passing the very content 9 month old around.   IMG_9474 IMG_9480 IMG_9486 IMG_9491 

After lunch we strolled around the block, popping into the multiple boutiques and shops. Bo offered to watch his new best friend Parker, so Amy and I could enjoy a few minutes of girl time and browse in the adorable shops.


It was such a fun visit and the perfect amount of time for little Parker. The drive home wasn’t as easy as the drive up as we had lots of traffic on I-95 south. Luckily episodes 3-7 of Serial kept us occupied! We are both hooked and already looking forward to our time in the car tomorrow to listen to the next episode!

Have you listened to SERIAL yet? Thoughts?

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