Swim Etiquette – Do or Don’t?

Hey gang! I hope you guys had a good evening. It seems like most of the people in my Facebook to Twitter feed were busy watching the State of the Union. When dealing with time zones, I’m thankful for recordings and clips so I can feel as if I watched it, even though I was fast asleep. 

Yesterday morning’s early swim practice didn’t happen as the snow and ice made it virtually impossible to leave the house at 5:45am! In fact, at 8am when I left for work, the commute took over 45 minutes as I walked part of it! Talk about a core workout, trying not to slip in slush and ice will work your whole body!


Instead of skipping yesterday’s workout, Bo and I headed to the pool after work. This is just another example of when having a training plan really helps keep me accountable.

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Our swim might as well have been a return to this Summer’s open water swim practice as I shared a lane with 10-12 people – far too many for my liking. Also, can we talk about swim etiquette for just a minute? Who the heck tries to swim breast stroke or butterfly when sharing with that many people? You know who does that – more than four different people in the lane. Also, one final point for the rant, these people who have no idea how to behave themselves in a lane are indignant about their behavior. In fact, I have heard many stories of fast swimmers kindly asking one of these lane loafers whether they might do their slugging in the open swim area to have their ear torn off completely. 

After our swim workout we headed home to enjoy dinner and Modern Family & Law and Order: SVU. Unfortunately I ended up working on a project most of the evening so it wasn’t exactly relaxing. 

Before turning on the television, Bo and I spent 15 minutes chatting and catching up. I really can’t stress to you guys enough what a difference this change can make in a relationship. A lot of time the day is busier than you think and suddenly you realize that you go to bed without really talking.  We’ve done a really good job sticking with the few changes we made in December. This week we have put time on the calendar for smaller, more intimate dinners with a few of our friends this week and next week. We also made sure to schedule phone and FaceTime dates on our calendar as it’s easy to miss a week or two and then forget.

Your turn – Do you follow the swim etiquette in the article when sharing a lane or do you fight for your space by throwing elbows?

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Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon Training – Week 11

There is something wonderful and exciting about a training plan. I’m excited to lace up these week, hoping I’ll feel a bit stronger than the week prior.


Each Sunday brings a new email from Jess with a list of workouts to accomplish for the week. Having someone who I can confide in daily, via email, makes training a lot easier. Sometimes training for a race, regardless the length, can make you a bit crazy. Was I this sore the last time I trained? What do I do if my legs are tired? How many rounds do I do of this workout. Suddenly there is this voice of reason who speaks to you on a weekly and daily basis. Yes, I know I can get training plans for free in many different places or just motivate myself to run but man oh man is it great having her support these days.

This training plan is 11 weeks in length, last week being the first week of full training. I thought it would be tough to jump back into a more strict workout routine, ensuring that some of the fun, “extracurricular” workouts are replaced with challenging runs, but I am actually thriving.

Maybe it’s because amidst lots of upcoming travel and work demands having this training plan makes just one thing in life simpler and clearer. Regardless the reason, I couldn’t be happier with training and am happier now that it’s back in my life. I’m sure I may have a different response ten weeks from now when the race is quickly approaching, but for now, I’m so excited for the half marathon and to see friends and family.

Even though we traveled to St. Petersburg, Russia Thursday through Sunday I was able to easily keep up with training and in fact, it helped motivate Bo and I to workout for an hour each day, helping balance out all the indulgent food and vodka.


Weekly Workout Recap – Savannah Half Marathon Training Week 11

Monday: Easy run + strides + yoga  My lunch time run was easier than normal thanks to the final Serial episode and some new music. I kept a 9:34 pace which was probably faster than my easy run should be moving forward but it felt good. I ended the run with 5 20 second strides. Monday evening I met my friend for InnerCity Yoga’s relax yoga class. By the end of class I was pretty much melted onto the mat. It is one of the first yoga classes that leaves me feeling blissed out and relaxed versus sweating from pushing myself.

Tuesday: Spin After work we met a few of our friends for a hill filled 80’s night themed spin class at Spin Geneve. It’s been three weeks and I can already feel my legs getting stronger and my body becoming accustomed to the bike. It’s so nice to finally have a spin studio in Geneva!


Wednesday: Pick-ups This workout was a new one but a perfect way to beat treadmill boredom as the sleet and rain forced my early morning workout inside. The workout was 15 minutes of warm-up followed by 8 x 1 minute 80% effort intervals with a 1 minute 40% recovery in between. My 80% effort ended up being 8:12 pace with 9:30 for the recovery intervals.  I finished with a 10 minute cool down and some much needed time on the foam roller.

Thursday: Long run As soon as we arrived at our hotel on Thursday Bo and I headed to the gym, intent to squeeze in at least a quick workout before dinner. I hopped on the treadmill for a 6 mile run. Having Bo’s company made the run fly by as we talked about St Petersburg and what we’d seen so far while I ran and he biked. My 9:41 pace didn’t feel easy but I was happy to have it done.


Friday: Strength Workout Jess put together two different body-weight strength workouts I will do each week during training. They look innocent on paper but by the end of the workout I was drenched in sweat. They high knees, lateral jumps and jump squats killed me! It helped me realize just how under-trained some aspects of my body are right now. I’m excited to see the improvements during the next ten weeks.

Saturday: Rest This was an active rest day as we walked more than five miles but it felt good to take a break from formal workouts. Our hotel’s spa special was too good to pass so I also enjoyed a 90 minute deep tissue massage, perfect for my sore legs.

Sunday: Strength Workout Bo and I did strength workout #2 together in the hotel gym after a warm-up on the elliptical and bike. Wall sits are my strength while jump lunges are my nemesis. Just like Friday’s experience with these body-weight plyometric workouts, my body was begging for mercy by the end.

So that’s a wrap. Week one or eleven, depending how you count, is finished and in the books!

How is your training going? What is a podcast or book that you enjoy for long runs or workouts?

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Silent Saturday – St. Petersburg

The cold, windy weather couldn’t keep us from exploring the city on a quiet Saturday, including the famed Hermitage Museum!

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