Publix Savannah Women’s Half Marathon Training – Week 10

Hey gang! If you’re in the Northeast battling blizzard conditions, I hope you are staying warm and safe. I am sure many people are forced to change their running plans or resort to the treadmill this week as it sounds like it’s going to be nasty weather. If you need some inspiration before your treadmill run, check out this race recap of a treadmill marathon!


Since it’s Monday that means it’s time to share last week’s training with you guys. I’m really pleased with last weeks training. Jess has done a great job making training work for my schedule which will often include winter sports during the weekend. This weekend that meant a day of cross country skiing but in the future there will be quite a few ski weekends thrown into the mix.

I was able to easily stick with a mix of cross training though I did fall short on the strength training. I find it’s so easy to do this when traveling as I far prefer it over hotel gym cardio machines but when I have other cross training options, it’s always pushed aside. Therefore, this week my goal will be to prioritize strength workouts just as much as my running!

Weekly Workout Recap – Savannah Half Marathon Training Week 10

Monday: Easy Run + Strides + Yoga I forced myself to roll out of bed early for a pre-work run. It wasn’t easy on a Monday morning but I was wide awake and energized after the 4 miles. The cold weather helped me move faster than planned, resulting in an “easy run” at 9:33 pace.  After work, I met a few friends for an hour of yoga at InnerCity yoga. The class is a relaxing class that has a different focus each week ranging from cooling inversions, twists and even a full class of hip and shoulder openers. The teacher, while newer, has a calming voice and does lots of adjustments during class which really helps me gain so much more from the 60 minutes.  I think this will be a regular part of my weekly workout schedule, becoming a social event, as each of us enjoy the class so much!

Tuesday: Swim+ Strength After snow and ice kept us from making morning swim practice, we rescheduled swimming for after work. I have no desire to swim after work again as the pool was packed. There were 10-12 people sharing a lane and every few minutes the lifeguards would close another lane due to competitive swim team practices. Regardless of how little I enjoyed the workout, the 40 minute swim felt great!


Wednesday: Spin I feel like this spin class should actually count as a strength workout as Bo and I had a private class due to many no-shows or last minute cancellations. Matt made us work hard the entire class and showed us no mercy. He focused in on my cadence and resistance, making sure that I was loaded heavy for the multiple climbs. I was dripping sweat and out of breath when class ended!

Thursday: Pick-Ups I really enjoyed this early morning run! I run a lot faster in the cold weather so  the pick-up minutes were easier and faster than expected though by the end my quads were burning. I started with a 15 minute warm-up followed by 2 minute repeats at 80% followed by 2 minutes at 40%, repeated 4 times. I finished with 10 minute cool down on the way home, slowing down to catch my breath and shake out my legs a bit. By the end of the workout my glutes and thighs were burning due to the spin workout and speed workout less than 12 hours apart!


Friday: Long run I woke up around 6:15, chugged some DailyBurn Pre and ate a few dried figs before heading out the door. The Weather Channel website said it was 28 degrees but felt like 21 degrees. Well, I think they meant felt like –21 degrees as this run was DOWNRIGHT freezing due to the damp air and blustery wind. Even in three layers and windproof gloves I was so uncomfortable that I called it quits at 6.2 miles, 10 minutes short of the prescribed 70 minute workout.

Saturday: Cross Country Skiing I now understand why many say that this workout burns more calories than any other. Holy heck was I sore after my first cross country ski experience!


Sunday: Rest I enjoyed a complete rest day save for walking up and down our four flights of stairs, unpacking the car and foam rolling. Spending five hours on the sofa watching movies (The Hundred Foot Journey left me craving Indian food in a HUGE way) and catching up with family on the phone was the perfect end to the weekend.

Your turn – How’s your training going? Did you get all your workouts done last week? Are you having to make changes due to this week’s snow? What’s your least favorite workout of training that always gets pushed aside?

PS: I’m working with the team to get the comments issue fixed – sorry guys! Just because you can’t see them doesn’t mean I’m not reading and responding to them!

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24 Hours in La Clusaz, France

I hope you guys are having a wonderful weekend whether fighting the bitter cold weather or enjoying sunshine.

Here in Europe the continent seems to finally realize that it’s Winter. France and Switzerland have both received a fair amount of snow in the past two weeks and there is more on the way.


Six of us left Geneva yesterday morning to spend the day cross country skiing in La Clusaz, France. Located an hour from Geneva, the picturesque, small ski town was perfect for a one night trip. Kerrie and Ed, our friends who planned the trip, did a great job and we would happily return to the hotel, restaurant and bars we went to yesterday!


Since it was our first time cross country skiing, Bo and I started the day with a two hour lesson. Per the recommendation of the staff at Espace Nordique des Confins, the cross country course where we were skiing, Bo and I stuck to parallel skiing, the more classical style of cross country skiing. There are actually two types of cross country skiing these days, as explained online:

There are two techniques of cross-country skiing. Using the older classical technique, a skier travels with skis parallel and kicking backward to create a gliding motion across the snow. The more-recent skating, or freestyle, technique, developed in the 1970s, closely resembles the motions of ice skating. With this technique the skier pushes the inside edge of the ski simultaneously backward and outward at about a 45° angle, thereby generating more speed than with the classical style.

IMG_9639IMG_9641Cross country skiing uses different boots, skis and poles than downhill skiing. There were no ski pants, helmets or big jackets in sight. Everyone, including us, was dressed in clothing that resembled or was the same as what you would wear for a winter run. Everyone, including men, were wearing spandex pants. On the gear front, the boots felt more like running shoes and were so comfortable that during lunch I completely forgot that I was wearing them! Unlike in most downhill skis, the boot bindings are only connected to the ski at the toe, which allows for easier movement and larger range of motion.


During our lesson we spent the time practicing form and movement, as it’s important to have proper alignment to maintain balance and not injure yourself from over-extending your legs. You are constantly pushing and pulling your body while engaging every muscle group to move yourself forward, especially on the uphill portions. I didn’t realize it before but one aspect of traditional “parallel” cross country skiing is that your skies are in a track. These tracks make up courses which you can follow, often having a wider path running parallel for those people who are doing the skating method of cross country skiing.


Within thirty minutes of starting, Bo and I were both sweating profusely. By the end of the two hours we were comfortable enough to conquer the 2.5 kilometer course on our own, before taking a quick break for lunch. In the afternoon Bo and I both snapped into the skinny skies again for another hour or two of practice on the trails. I really enjoyed timing myself on the 2.5 kilometer course, focusing on getting faster while becoming more efficient in my movement while Bo went with the guys on another, more challenging course. IMG_5780IMG_5779IMG_5789

By the time we finished we were all freezing due to the mix of heavy snow and cold sweat covering our bodies. Still the Southern girl at heart, I couldn’t head back to the hotel without a picture in front of the snow covered fir tree! I still squeal with excitement every time I see large accumulations of snow!


Our hotel was a small, quaint hotel located in the center of town. Though described on their website as being simple, we found the accommodations perfect! Our room included a full bathroom and queen size bed, two things that aren’t always easy to find in ski towns. In addition, for a small extra charge we were able to enjoy a large breakfast this morning including toast, eggs, meats, cheeses, yogurt, fruits, pastries and coffee. How adorable is the small fireplace and sitting area?


We started Saturday evening off on the right foot with bubbly at Le Caves de Paccaly, a popular après ski bar located within feet of our hotel. We started on their outdoor terrace, enjoying the DJ and views of the falling snow but ended up moving inside as the small heaters weren’t enough to keep us warm in the 20 degree weather.


After working up an appetite we headed down the block to our dinner destination, La Scierie. Our group of six thoroughly enjoyed the atmosphere and food at this upscale restaurant featuring Savoyard cuisine. Though some things on the menu were quite expensive, the set menus were a good deal at 45 euros including appetizer, entrée and dessert.  Each dish was a unique interpretation on the classic which was fun to experience throughout the night and also sparked a lot of fun conversations. My warm goat cheese salad featured melted goat cheese, intended to be used like a salad dressing.


The most popular entrée of the evening with our group was the chicken served two ways. The homemade gnocchi placed atop roasted leeks was the perfect way to enjoy a small dose of one of my favorite pasta dishes! While I can’t quite put my finger on the two chicken cooking methods, the shredded and pulled chicken left me wishing the portion was larger!


After dinner the evening continued into the early morning hours thanks to lots of dancing, friends who make you want to stay out past your bedtime and one too many round of drinks. As Bo and I aren’t drinking alcohol Sunday through Thursday, we realized last night that our tolerance has plummeted. Not necessarily a bad thing but definitely a hard lesson to learn after a round of tequila shots at 2am.


Thanks for a great Saturday gang, though my Sunday afternoon headache doesn’t thank you one bit.

Your turn – What is your favorite alcoholic beverage when you’re out with friends?

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Friday Favorites – January Edition #1

It’s Friday! Insert all the excited emoticons and celebratory gestures!

What do you have planned for the weekend? I’m looking forward to a large pour of red wine tonight and a weekend in the mountains. We’re heading to La Clusaz with our friends for some cross country skiing and relaxing, mountain fun. The trip is easy since La Clusaz is only 90 minutes from Geneva, in southeastern France. As we’ve never cross country skied, Bo and I are taking our downhill skies in case the lesson doesn’t go too well. 

When we’re not traveling, I want to make Friday Favorites a regular blog post as I enjoy sharing my favorite things with you along with a few of the things on my wish lists. You can expect that most Friday’s it will be a mix of articles, fashion and beauty items.

So, let’s get things started, shall we?

This article blew my mind yesterday! Hard boiled eggs in a muffin tin? Who knew!


I love that these 12 women dedicate part of their morning to their family and their health. However,  I have to agree with a few other people – they seem to get ready in record time considering they are the “face” of their companies!


Running outside more, and crazy wind in Geneva and St. Petersburg has me replacing my usual lipstick with this lip balm! I love the price, small package that doesn’t open in your purse (lipsticks!!) and the faint tint it provides.

People asked how I stayed warm in St. Petersburg. While the temperatures weren’t that cold, there was ice and snow everywhere. My favorite Sorel boots didn’t come off my feet the entire weekend, save for those workout sessions and sleeping.

The other essential wardrobe item this winter is my new Patagonia Nano Puff jacket. My dad LOVES giving me a jacket each year for Christmas as he knows I’ll think of him when I wear it. When he chooses one as epic as this lightweight, compactable, WARM jacket, I don’t mind at all! Until I owned a Nano I didn’t understand the hype behind what I thought was just another jacket. I love that it is fitted, windproof and lightweight – making it perfect for travel or everyday use!

I’ve been layering this tissue-thin turtleneck under my blazers and favorite fur vest so much that I wish I owned one in every color! I’m was silly and only bought one when we were in the US, but highly recommend you take advantage of the sales and stock up! 

My hair goes all sorts of flat in the dry, winter air, but this brush has been taming it better than any I’ve tried previously. The barrel is wide enough that I don’t worry about getting my hair stuck and gives body and gentle waves. For less than $10 it’s a great deal too!


Last but not least, I blame Grace for introducing me to one of my new favorite skincare products. I’ve never been one to use all natural body or face products but after her rave reviews of Tata Harper’s products, I couldn’t help but use my Sephora gift card to try the brand firsthand. My mom and I both used the Tata Harper Purely Powerful trial kit during the holidays, and each raved about how fresh, vibrant and clean our skin felt after using the gentle exfoliating cleanser. The moisturizer is super rich, perfect for nighttime.

Your turn – what do I need to discover next?

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and instead is a list of the things of my favorite things this week. As normal, it includes lots of beauty and fashion items which means there are a few affiliate links via ShopStyle. It takes time and money to maintain a blog so I thank you for the support and few cents that come from clicking through the links!

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