London Winter Run Race Recap

Today I ran my first race of 2015! The London Winter Run 10k was a perfect way to kick off February, support a great cause, catch up with friends, and enjoy a run through some of London’s top sights.

London Winter Run After a quick breakfast of oatmeal, banana and DailyBurn Pre, Charlie and I headed into Central London. The convenient starting location in Central London meant it only took us one tube and 30 minutes to reach the race area. On the tube it became clear that the race attracted lots of people in its inaugural year as the tube was filled with runners! Upon exiting at Embankment we headed up to the VIP area to pick up our bibs and check in with the other ladies. The organizers were kind enough to provide some of us with bibs in exchange for helping them get the word out about the race and the great cause it supported, Cancer Research UK.

The VIP area was unlike anything I’ve experienced, complete with bag storage, sparkly nail manicures, snowflake face art, sparkle lips, refreshments, and guided warm-ups. Due to the race’s wave start, we opted to stay in the warmth and start in a later corral so we could run together.  IMG_5980IMG_5982IMG_6031

An hour later we emerged, complete with sparkling snowflakes adorning our cheeks and glitter lips!


After giving a few polar bears high fives, we reached the starting area, packed with runners waiting for their wave to begin. There were seven waves in total, each one allowing around 2,500 runners to start before cutting it off. The starting line staff did a great job keeping the crowd’s mood up with warm-ups and loud music. It was blustery and frigid at the start but group dancing helped keep us warm. Big Ben smiled down on us as we huddled together, waiting for our corral to cross the starting line. During the 30 minutes we waited it continued to get sunnier. burning off the morning clouds.

London Winter Run Starting LineIMG_5993

My goal for the race was to have fun and enjoy the course, only focusing on maintaining a consistent pace. Luckily Charlie, Zoe, Leah and Laureen had the same idea! Since my goal for the day was bidding Leah farewell, I stuck by her side, letting her set the pace. The race course was well organized with volunteers supporting and guiding runners in the right direction, large signs marking each kilometer, a water station and multiple “Winter snow zones” along the course. As the Swiss Tourism Agency was one of the sponsors, there were even fun Swiss flags illuminating the tunnels!  Switzerland Flags in the tunnel IMG_6010 London Winter Run St. Paul's CathedralDue to the corral system the race never felt too crowded, even in the narrower areas where the course looped through London and sent runners turning back towards the finish area. The flat, fast course could be a great PB attempt though I highly recommend running it for fun too! In fact, I would recommend this 10k to any London runner who is looking for a fun way to get out and enjoy London during the bleak winter months.

Everyone in our group enjoyed it and the snowflake medals we received upon crossing the finish line! London definitely gives out more race medals than Switzerland!

London Winter Run medals London Winter Run Finish Line

After the finish we met the rest of the group at Bill’s Restaurant for brunch. Leah did a great job organizing and due to placing our food orders in advance, we each had delicious food within minutes of sitting down!

IMG_6024 IMG_6037 IMG_6038I’m so thankful that Leah’s organization and support of the London fitness community helped me meet so many inspiring ladies! The Team Naturally Run community is so supportive and perfect for anyone in London looking for group fitness and running support!

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Friday Favorites – January Edition #2

Greetings from the airport! I’m heading to London for the weekend for a bit of a girls weekend, combining time with Charlie and Casey while also bidding Leah farewell! ‘m looking forward to the girls weekend. My weekend adventures in London are always packed with fun activities. This weekend is no different – brunch at Granger & Co, a 10k race, yoga, and hopefully a little bit of shopping.


Here are the things that I’m loving this week!

I think I squealed with glee when I learned that Matthew McConaughey (Am I the only person who has to look up how to spell his time EVERY time I type it?!) has been cast in the movie adaptation of Born to Run. One of my favorite running books, I am thrilled that they cast someone who is a dedicated runner.  

Jess has done a great job making sure I weave strength training into training. I think next week’s goal will be helping me realize that before the warm-up run there needs to be muscle warm-up. Oops. These 8 Dynamic Warm-Ups are easy to do anywhere and will immediately improve your next run!

After doing those 8 warm-up moves, end your run with these quiver inducing ab moves from Amanda. This dynamic abs series will strengthen your core without the boredom of the typical, stationary plank. plankGina featured the POSH DJ podcast in her round-up last week. Since then I’ve been jamming to the great dj mixes during runs and my daily commute. In fact, I think the latest mix may have made me break out in dance halfway home last night. It’s hard to beat the free price or weekly updates!

imageI’ve had a tough time figuring out the layering game this week during my morning runs. The snow/sleet mix calls for something water resistant while the cold temperature has me wanting something soft and cozy. My compromise has been ALL THE LAYERS including this wind and water resistant Sugoi Versa jacket. It converts into a vest for the in between temperature runs and the large pockets are convenient for stashing the house keys and gloves. 

Buffalo Hummus Dip Recipe |

Even though I won’t be watching the Super Bowl this weekend, I can’t help but pin game day worthy dips. This Buffalo Hummus includes a surprise ingredient and is easy enough to whip up Sunday afternoon before the game.

Talk about Friday surprises, Renaud clearly knows the way to my heart. He surprised me with a delicious, fudgy brownie this afternoon. The toasted pecans and the extra dash of salt in Jaime Oliver’s Vegan Chocolate Brownie recipe are a game changer! Feel free to swap out the soya milk for almond milk or your favorite milk substitute but be sure to leave some for enjoying with the warm brownies.

Your turn – What are you loving this week?

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5 Lifestyle Changes That Go Beyond January

For years, both Bo and I have relied on quick, extreme diet changes in preparation for beach vacations and special events. Most of us know the feeling. First, you start by choosing some unrealistic goal within an even more unrealistic time frame.

I want to lose 10 pounds in a week and fit in a dress that hasn’t fit in two years.

I want to have a flat stomach before my tropical beach vacation.

I want to banish all my arm fat before wearing a strapless formal dress in three weeks.

After years of this mentality and more than one too many food and wine induced hangovers during the month of December, Bo and I started 2015 in a very different mentality.

We were ready to make a lifestyle change.

Working out has not been an issue for either of us over the past seven years. We each workout 5 to 6 days a week. Regardless how busy our schedule, we will make time for an hour workout whether this means eating lunch at our desk, waking up at 5am or going to bed later. We love the post gym endorphins and the strength and self-confidence we gain from a great spin class, day on the slopes, or long run.

Even though we’ve heard from dieticians, personal trainers, blogs and even the New York Times that 80% of weigh loss and health is what goes into our body; we haven’t paid enough attention to this part of the equation. We considered ourselves healthy eaters, not frequenting fast food restaurants or filling our plates with multiple servings of fried foods. But, upon further analysis and lots of conversation, we realized we each had some work to do in the diet and nutrition department.

We didn’t want to re-haul our diet in an extreme way, leading to failure. Instead, we spent a few hours on our Savannah to New York City flight outlining our goals and what we wanted to achieve from the change. Bo is more interested in the psychology of changing what goes in our bodies. While we’ve always known the “right way to eat” and fuel our bodies, it has always been easy to rationalize the little things. I was interested to see how my body and mind would react to the change. For at least five years, I’ve eaten nearly the same thing Monday through Friday, almost reaching a robotic state during breakfast, lunch and snacks.  This would be the perfect opportunity to start experimenting with new cooking techniques, ingredients and snack foods.

Since our goal is a long-term life change versus a January resolution diet, we collaborated on a plan of action, agreeing to evaluate our progress each month and hopefully make further changes as we progress.

Reduce our alcohol intake to 2 nights per week. We can’t exactly pinpoint when we started enjoying a glass or two of wine each night, but it probably coincides quite closely to when our morning workouts became more difficult, and our stomachs became a bit softer. It’s easy to rationalize unhealthy food after two or three glasses of wine. Making dinner becomes a distant memory when a glass of wine is in hand, and the mind is too relaxed.


Cut out Coca-Cola and drastically reduce sugars Of course it is difficult to cut out ALL refined sugars but we have rid our home of Coke Zero, processed snack bars and artificially sweetened foods and desserts. I have substituted my horrible afternoon chocolate and cappuccino or Coke Zero habit with popcorn and sparkling water. I missed Coke Zero for about a week but now I prefer my afternoon sparkling water or warm cup of green tea. I no longer have the 5pm headaches that followed the sugar rush. While Bo and I both have a sweet tooth, we’ve realized that having one or two indulgent, high quality desserts each week is more enjoyable.

Always be prepared.  Whether we’re out on the slopes, at the office, on a plane or even in the comfort of our home we always have healthy food nearby. Our refrigerator and pantry is filled to the brim with roasted chicken, cottage cheese, hard boiled eggs,  freshly popped popcorn, Fage Greek yogurt, apples, clementine oranges, celery, carrots, roasted cashews, almonds and salad ingredients. In case we got hungry while skiing this weekend, we each carried pre-portioned cashews in our ski jacket. We board each flight with two gallon Ziplock filled with yogurt, nuts, hummus, vegetables and fruit.


Portion control is key to success. We use our food scale at the beginning of each week to portion snacks into individual portion containers to make snacking easier. The first day we measured, we realized we were eating 2-3 times the serving size of most foods. Regardless of whether they are healthy or not, food in excess is never healthy. It was a tough habit to get accustomed to the first week but now it’s become second nature.


We committed to making the change together.  We aren’t policing each other’s progress. Instead we are merely cheering each other on each day and supporting the changes. We’ve been going through cookbooks together choosing healthy, weeknight recipes while also planning indulgent weekend meals based on what we’re craving that week. When you’re only having wine, cheese and dessert one or two nights per week there is a lot of joy in anticipating that weekends meals.

Next week, after we’ve had time to reflect on our first month, we’ll be back to share our thoughts and results.

Your turn: What’s a small lifestyle change you’ve implemented that has had a big impact?

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