Friday Favorites – May Edition #2

Oh geez, what a day.


After a relaxed, early three mile run this morning along the lake, I gave Bo a big hug goodbye. He starts his new job in New York on Monday, which means that we will be apart for the next month. The good news is that in just 12 days I get to see him as I fly to New York for a house hunting trip! 

10408539_10203435199275459_8827873213107435198_nI know the time will fly but man am I going to miss him these next few weeks!


So instead of focusing on the fact that I’m here in Geneva and Bo is en route to New York City, let’s think about happier things like this week’s installment of Friday Favorites.

Bo and I fell in love with potatoes all over again during our delicious dinner at Cliff Townhouse in Dublin. I barely finished chewing the first bite when I asked Bo if we could recreate the mint potatoes at home. While he didn’t follow this Boiled Potatoes with Mint & Butter recipe exactly, this is very similar to the mint new potatoes we devoured Monday night.

Laura often shares helpful business articles on Twitter, which I pin and read later. The latest one I read addresses something that I wish I’d read YEARS ago! I can’t stand wasting time in useless meetings, but it’s often hard to push back without offending people. This simple email response is so concise and easy to use, I may just keep it drafted in my work email account.

Summer heat makes me crave smoothies. This cookies and cream smoothie includes lots of healthy ingredients which aid in your body’s recovery process after a long run or intense workout! x

While my hair may appear straight and smooth, it doesn’t begin that way. When traveling I rarely want to waste time with a blow dryer and hair straightener. I’ve bought two of these Alterna Bamboo Smooth travel kits so far, loving each of the products in the kit as well as the adorable bamboo pouch!

Like most people, I rarely dedicate the proper amount of time to core training. I know that it’s important for more reasons than just a flatter stomach but still, it is often ignored or short changed versus other body parts. Our office gym offers CXWORX, a Les Mills core training class that works my abs, butt and legs in just 30 minutes. The two classes I’ve taken thus far have only used body weight, a dumb bell or weight plate and resistance tube – all things I have at home. My goal is to take the class two times per week until June 23rd so I become familiar enough with the workout to replicate it at home in July!

While I’ve never tried meditating, the next month may be the perfect time to give it a try. Charlie’s latest post reminded me just how helpful this can be during a stressful period like a big move, family troubles, wedding planning, college finals or just life. The post also has a few great tips for anyone who is new to meditation!

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A Boating & Barbecue Farewell

Leaving Geneva just as Summer begins is gut-wrenching. Summers in Switzerland revolve around hiking in the mountains and spending time on and along the beautiful lakes.

Luckily, our friends know us well and provided us with one last opportunity to enjoy an evening on the lake together.

Happy Wednesday

Last night a few of our closest friends hosted a boating and barbecue night on Lac Leman, better known as Lake Geneva.


We started the evening with a two-hour boat ride or booze cruise on the lake. Bo and I brought a few bottles of wine for everyone to enjoy including bubbly and rose.  Though the wind and cool temperatures prohibited us from swimming and tubing, the clear evening allowed us gorgeous views of Mont Blanc and a perfect sunset.


Bundled up in sweaters and jackets, we sipped wine and reminisced for two glorious, relaxing hours.

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Two hours later, just as the sun began to set, we headed back to shore for the barbecue. Unlike New York City, you can barbecue openly in Geneva. During the Summer, the lakeside is packed with people relaxing, enjoying the sunset and barbecuing on both gas and charcoal grills.


Thanks to comfortable blankets, a conveniently filled flask and barbeque essentials, the night quickly escalated over delicious food and some flask action. 


Ed managed the miniature gas grill while the rest of us laughed and ate. The food was delicious, and the wine went down easily, but the highlight of the evening was the hours of laughter.

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Don’t forget to enter the Blog Refresh Giveaway, if you haven’t done so already!

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Blog Refresh Giveaway

Why is it no longer the weekend?


Bo and I woke up at 4:30 this morning, in order to make our 6:50am flight from Dublin to Geneva. Needless to say, I have been dragging ALL day.

As a way to make the long weekend transition just a little bit easier, I have a fun giveaway. Thanks to the help of Phil and the PipDig team, I have given this six-year old blog a much-needed refresh. The refreshed site will allow you to enjoy the site from any of your devices and include many of the requests you all have made over the past few weeks. Now, whether you’re searching for travel tips, workouts, race recaps or following along daily, you’ve have a better experience.


In order to thank you for your support and celebrate the blog refresh, I am giving FOUR lucky winners ONE $50 gift card to ONE of the following retailers: New Balance, Lululemon, Nordstrom or Sephora so they can stock up on their favorite things! This isn’t a sponsored giveaway; just my way of thanking you guys for your support and celebrating the refresh!

Blog Refresh Giveaway

    a Rafflecopter giveaway

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