Virtual Iced Coffee Date

Have a seat friends and refill that cup of coffee or iced coffee, because it’s time for a virtual coffee date. A lot has transpired since our last date together. Bo is back in New York City, loving every minute of his new job, and I’m finishing up the final days of work in Geneva. I just arrived in New York City for a quick four-day house-hunting trip. To say that I’m feeling emotional, these days would be an understatement.

If we were sitting together, sipping iced coffees, I’d probably have a hard time staying focused on a single thought, instead talking about a range of topics. I feel pretty scattered these days, but I hear talking helps provide clarity, so here goes.

If we were sipping iced coffee together today,  I’d tell you that yesterday I cried uncontrollably in front of strangers. I went to the Office Cantonal de la Population (Geneva City Population Office) to get my Letter of Attestation, or proof that I am leaving the country on June 27th. As soon as the kind woman gave me the letter, complete with letter press seal, I completely lost it. As much as I know we’re leaving at the right time and for the right reasons, it doesn’t make the decision to leave our friends, beautiful country, and Geneva.

If we were sipping iced coffee together today, I’d tell you that I bought a portable charger for my iPhone a few weeks ago for $19, and it has been a complete game changer. If you’re always finding your phone with 5% battery, just as you’re supposed to use Google Maps to find the bar where you’re meeting a friend or post that next picture on Instagram, go to Amazon and order one today!

If we were sipping iced coffee together today, I’d tell you that I haven’t seen Pitch Perfect 2 yet but I downloaded the soundtrack on iTunes as soon as it was released. I don’t typically listen to the album as a whole, but I love when one of the songs pops up during a run. The upbeat mash-ups make the pace drop and leave me with a silly smile. Back to Basics, though only 1:31 long, is my favorite song of the soundtrack.  For those of you who have seen it already, how is the movie? As good as the first one?

If we were sipping iced coffee together today, I’d tell you that a friend of mine has decided to take control of his life and focus a bit more on getting healthy. I am elated that he’s allowing me to coach and motivate him on this journey. Nothing makes me happier than supporting him via daily text messages. To make things more manageable, we are only focusing on one change per week and weighing in once a week. It’s all about the small changes friends! So far he is down 10 pounds – more than 4% of his starting body weight! 

If we were sipping iced coffee together today, I’d tell you that Sunday afternoon I spent two hours on the couch folding clothes and watching a movie. Flipping through iTunes and Netflix in search of something light, the smoldering face of Christian Grey tempted me to push rent on Fifty Shades of Grey. Oh, my word ladies. I love my husband, but I’d say that Jamie Dornan has officially replaced Ryan Gosling for the top spot on my list of hot actors. Yes, I watched the movie and no I’m not sorry. Some people watch hours of Real Housewives or other reality television. I do, however, hope that they can build a bit more chemistry in the second movie because these two characters did not seem to work.  Am I the only one who gave into temptation and watched this movie, regardless the number of splats it received on Rotten Tomatoes?

If we were sipping iced coffee together today, I’d tell you that the past year was stressful. We were managing through a lot of change and uncertainty together. Unfortunately, this stress has resulted in more than a few gray hairs. I just counted three while washing my hands in the bathroom. No bueno friends. I’ve always banked on the fact that I’d have my moms luck and not fight gray hair until my 40s.

If we were sipping iced coffee together today, I’d tell you that we’ve started the hunt for a perfect apartment, and while exciting, it’s also proving quite stressful. Since we want to call this apartment home for at least three to five years, there is an added stress to find a great one. This time around we know what we want in an apartment and neighborhood.  We learned during our time in Geneva that outdoor space and an updated kitchen are important. Since I’m going to work from home, two bedrooms is important. We love Brooklyn and our preferred neighborhoods, but so far everything on Street Easy seems to be facing one of the major streets. I’m sure there will be quite a few stressful moments during June and July as we hunt for a perfect spot. If you live or have visited Brooklyn, what is your favorite restaurant or coffee shop?

If we were sipping iced coffee together today, I’d tell you that for the past year I’ve sworn by shellac nails, preaching their longevity to everyone. I insisted that they weren’t weakening my nails, even though almost any article I read online or in beauty magazines said to give your nails a break every few months. Looks like my nails are SCREAMING for help as they are constantly breaking. I’m going to try TenOverTen this week in New York, opting for their organic manicure and pedicure instead of shellac.

If we were sipping iced coffee together today, I’d tell you that I lost myself in Andie Mitchell’s memoir, It Was Me All Along, this weekend. I read the entire book in less than 48 hours, finding myself in each of her pages. Unbeknownst to many of you, I spent my childhood binge eating Halloween candy and other sweet treats, hiding the wrappers deep in my family’s garbage can or in other hiding spots. I’ll never forget my embarrassment when my parents found over 50 candy wrappers floating under our sofa after our water heater burst, flooding our house with water. The emotions she describes so clearly and eloquently in her memoir are a must read for anyone who has gained and lost weight while building a new appreciation for food.

If we were sipping iced coffee together today, I’d tell you that people ask me what I will miss most about living in Europe and Geneva. I have a hard time pinpointing just one thing, but ask me what I won’t miss, and I can easily answer that question. Living in Geneva, where many people’s native tongue is French, has been especially frustrating over the past year. For the first few months, everyone speaks in English, often giving you a pass since you’re new and still learning. But, now, I’ve found myself in more than one social situation feeling lonely and isolated because I can’t comprehend their conversations. Never before have I felt so lonely and incompetent. Balancing the level of study required to master French lessons just wasn’t possible while balancing a relationship, blog, expat life, traveling, work and an active lifestyle. I could sit here and wish things were different, but instead I’m sharing this experience with you guys and moving on.

If we were sipping iced coffee together today, I’d tell you that for the past few months, I came home each night to delicious meals, cooked and created by Bo. Cooking is a passion of his and was a great way to take his mind off the frustrations of the job search.  Though I’ve missed these meals the past two weeks, I have LOVED getting back in the kitchen. I’ve rekindled my friendships with the market vendors while choosing the freshest vegetables and fruits. I love the gratification that comes from creating a delicious meal, even when it is a simple Summer salad.


So, if we were having iced coffee today, what would you share with me?

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The Weekly Sweats – Sweats & Eats

Happy Wednesday gang! I’m typing this on my flight from Amsterdam to New York City. Believe it or not, a week has gone by since I shared this accountability series with you and I’ve actually stuck to the plan!


Two years ago, when moving from New York City, the going away events caused anxiety and stress.  My mind would race, worried what effect seven nights in a row of evening events, many of which are filled with bottles of wine and heavy, restaurant meals would have on my health.  Instead of letting the anxiety paralyze me and keep me from enjoying the time with friends, this accountability challenge has changed things. This time around, due to my planning, tracking and moderation, I am able to savor the fun change in schedule and be thankful for such loving friends. Eating healthy during the day and working out has let me truly enjoy the time with friends, versus feeling anxious and stressed.

I finished the week feeling healthier and more energetic than I’ve felt in ages – proof that daily workouts and healthy eating can help balance the nightly fun! It’s all about #wycwyc – walking instead of taking the bus, waking up early, going to bed as soon as I get home, and making sure that I eat healthy at the office. In addition to the promised SWEAT and EATS recap, I also have a few more tips that I implemented that helped make the week a success.

Thumbs up for a plan that has lasted more than a week!



Since sleep is of the essence this month, I want to ensure that I fall asleep quickly each night. To help ensure this, I removed all technology from the bedroom. Reading a few pages in my book or a magazine each night relaxes me far more than the bright light on my iPad or iPhone.

Since I prefer French Press coffee, I don’t always have time to prepare coffee before my morning workout. I’ve been sipping warm lemon water each morning to wake my system up and love the fresh and uplifting effects it has in addition to being a great way to detox my body.



  • Monday – I kicked the week off on the right foot with a speedy 4 mile run before work with Amy then ended the day with an hour of yoga with mom and my girlfriends. 
  • Tuesday – During lunch I squeezed in a 45-minute Body Pump class that left my triceps and thighs quivering in pain.
  • Wednesday – A solo early-morning 3 mile run at 8:56 pace exploring a new park near my flat.
  • Thursday – Each week I think that the CXWorx class will feel easier only to find myself dripping sweat after only five minutes and the first core circuit. This class is a killer! I capped off the workout with a 12 minutes treadmill run at an 8:20 pace.
  • Friday – Deciding to switch things up, I headed down to the lake for a speed workout including 1 minute repeats. I ended up doing 3.1 miles in total and keeping an 8:22 pace overall.
  • Saturday – Relaxed, conversation-filled 3.2 mile run along the lake with Leah
  • Sunday – I think my sweat may have actually smelled of white wine during my mid-day sweat fest aka a speedy 5k run through Geneva. It was the perfect way to prepare for what will most likely be a hot and humid Oakley 10k in New York City this Saturday.



Breakfast: I switched things up again this week, adding two new things into the usual breakfast routine.

  • Mashed avocado + lemon + chili pepper flakes spread atop a piece of whole wheat bread
  • Greek yogurt + 1/4 cup raw oats + cinnamon + chia seeds + 1/2 banana + 1/4 c blueberries
  • 2 hard boiled eggs + apple
  • Greek yogurt + 1/4 cup raw oats + cinnamon + chia seeds + 1 tablespoon almond butter + sliced strawberries
  • Cooked oats + 2 sliced apricots + cinnamon + dollop of Greek yogurt

Lunch:  After buying way too much at the farmer’s market, I took advantage of the extra food by taking lunch to work three days this week. While I appreciate our subsidized salad bar at work, it was so nice to change things up. My favorite salad was Summer inspired, featuring fresh peaches, small slices of Chevre cheese, blueberries, avocados and crisp bib lettuce. During the weekend, even while relaxing with friends on the lake, I stuck with my healthy lunches. On Saturday I chose the Greek salad for lunch and delayed alcohol until 5pm.

Snacks: I made office snacks even easier this week by bringing everything to work on Monday. My desk looked like a stand at the market, filled with unsalted nuts, dried apricots, large apple and fresh apricots. Most days I snacked on a fresh apricot around 10:45 and then ate nuts and the apple with a cup of tea around 4:30 or 5, depending on evening plans. The later snack ensured that I didn’t find myself hungry while at a happy hour or dinner event.

For those of you who joined the challenge how is it going?

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My Final Weekend in Geneva

Happy Sunday! It was another sun-filled weekend in Geneva!  I hope you had a chance to relax this weekend. Due to my house-hunting trip in New York City and the Nike Women’s 10km race in London, this was my final weekend in Geneva. The sunshine and warm weather allowed me to enjoy it just the way I wanted –  by the lake.


Many of my friends have asked why I didn’t travel somewhere this weekend while I have Europe at my fingertips.  Honestly, at this point, there was no where I wanted to be more this weekend than relaxing in Geneva. While many of my friends were out of town for weddings, bachelorette parties and other travel a few lovely friends were here to relax and soak up the sunshine. Once back in New York City, relaxing on the water and enjoying views like this won’t be nearly as convenient as they are now. Keeping that in mind, I slathered on the sunscreen and headed outside for the entire weekend.

Friday night I enjoyed a lakeside barbecue with Leah and Jason who stopped in Geneva on Friday night as part of their honeymoon which is taking them across the world for six months!


We sipped wine, relaxed and enjoyed grilled sausages and salads while catching up. I loved hearing about their adventures thus far, especially their time in Slovenia, their favorite country thus far.


We were treated to an incredible sunset before the sky opened and forced us to run home in the pouring rain.

Saturday morning I happily obliged Leah’s request for a leisurely 5k run through Geneva before they left.  We ran along the lake, stopping a few times for some intervals including tricep dips and bench dips.


After sending them on their way, I met Sandra and Louise at the Wakeboard Center for an afternoon of sunshine and reading on the rocks. IMG_0593

A great area for an afternoon on the lake, the Wakeboard Center has a great mix of options including 2 bars, restaurant, stand up paddle boarding, wakeboarding, in addition to space for relaxing on the beach, floating dock and rocks. We preferred it over Genève Plage as it had far less kids and entrance is free.

2014-06-21 11.54.12

Perched on the rocks we spent hours soaking up the sun while enjoying a bit of a breeze. Temperatures in Geneva reached 90 yesterday, so after a few hours Sandra and I decided to take to the water. Sandra and I spent an hour exploring the lake via stand up paddleboard. We spent half the time paddling and half the time using the board as a base for swimming in the water and relaxing. We both found it more challenging than expected due to the boat wakes but definitely enjoyed it! Though I can’t imagine surviving a stand-up paddle boarding yoga class, I’d love to try it next time I’m in Savannah or another waterfront location.


After so much sun, fresh air and a beer it was difficult to rally but after a round of showers and some much needed aloe we continued the fun with dinner and drinks


Our evening progressed into dinner a wine and cheese filled dinner Le Decanteur, gelato at Manu and a nightcap at Bottle Brothers.  Yesterday was SUCH a relaxing day – exactly what I wanted.

After sleeping off yesterday’s fun in the sun, I woke up ready to continue the weekend’s relaxing theme while still enjoying some sunshine and getting my life in order. Since I fly to New York on Wednesday, laundry was first on the agenda and starting to pack and organize things was second.


My morning coffee and the New York Times fueled a sweaty run and farmer’s market shopping session in preparation for this evening’s dinner date with Emily. I knew I wanted something healthy, fresh and easy. It’s way too hot in this apartment for the oven and I had too many other things on my list to be burdened with a complicated recipe. Pinterest came through again by recommending this Best of Summer Salad with Blueberry-Balsamic Vinaigrette.


This picture doesn’t due it justice!  Suffice it to say, Emily and I both agreed that this giant salad, inspired by the above recipe, needs to become a Summer standby. Healthy and fresh, the salad was delicious and the avocado, Chevre and almonds helped ensure we were satiated. I can’t wait to take the leftovers to the office tomorrow!

How was your weekend? What is your favorite Summer salad combination?

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