2015 Nike Women’s Half Marathon San Francisco Race Recap

How can you not fall in love with a half marathon that includes gorgeous, sweeping views of Golden Gate Bridge and enough hills to challenge even the strongest of runners?

kristine ashley golden gate

As planned, Kristine and I made it our goal to PR in fun this weekend versus giving ourselves a time goal. We wanted the girls weekend in San Francisco to be enjoyable versus filled with race stress that comes along with a goal race. We took a Bar Method class together, we walked for miles exploring Marina and other neighborhoods, we stayed up watching our favorite shows and laughing, and we enjoyed a fun night on the town with her amazing boyfriend.

After last night’s unconventional, yet delicious homemade pre-race dinner of pork chops, roasted squash and Brussel sprouts, we said goodnight around 10:30 knowing that the alarm would be going off soon. This race starts at 6:30 which, while a dream for this morning gal, means that we had to be awake at 5 AM.

ready to race

After chugging some water and coffee we donned our race day gear and hopped in an Uber with our pre-race meal.

From her neighborhood it was an easy 15 minute ride down to Union Square, where the half marathon took over the entire area.


Within minutes of arriving to the start, Nike proved that they know what they are doing when it comes to this half marathon. Everything was planned and organized flawlessly.  Even though over 25,000 women participated in this race, the bathroom and bag check lines were shorter than most races due to the strategic placement of them inside each individual corral.  There was even NUUN water stations within each corral! Well done Nike, well done!

At exactly 6:30 AM the first runners crossed the starting line, signaling the start of the race. It took 10 minutes or so until our corral, the 9:00-9:59 corral crossed the starting line. I will say that as soon as we started we came to a dead halt due to bottle necking. Not a good thing if you’re trying to PR the race but if you’re hear for the fun then it is no big deal.

nike womens half marathon course

The first 5k included lots of turns and hills as we headed west through The Tenderloin area of the city towards Golden Gate Park. While my hip flexors and glutes felt these early hills, including the second steepest one of the race, the three of us just kept talking as we powered up each of the hills.

San Francisco Nike Womens Half Marathon Course Elevation

We entered the gorgeous Golden Gate Park around mile 3.5 and proceeded to weave through it for the next four miles. The park was a welcome change from the first few miles. There was lush greenery, gorgeous buildings, waterfalls and beautiful views everywhere. The course plateaud during these miles, allowing us to rest our legs a bit.

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There were three aid stations in the park which included water, NUUN, a medical tent and bathrooms. We took advantage of the bathrooms early in the race, around mile 4.5, in order to ensure we could enjoy the rest of the race.  It amazes me how the temperature and weather vacillates in San Francisco depending where you are. While the start was cool, the miles in the park were warmer and humid due to the initial morning fog, which typically holds in the humidity.IMG_5444

As we exited the park, I laughed knowing that while we’d passed the halfway point, the hardest part of the course was waiting for us at mile 10.  Sun, hills and thicker crowds greeted us as we navigated the neighborhood streets en route to The Presidio.


I don’t know if I was fully prepared for the beauty we’d encounter during these miles. While the climb from 9.5 to 10.5 was nothing short of soul crushing, the views were well worth the effort. Unlike last year, Karl the Fog lifted in time for our climb which meant we could see the bridge, bay, and rocky cliffs perfectly.


Since we were running the race for fun, we took full advantage of the scenic vistas, posing for fun photos and taking pictures of fellow runners. The energy that the cheer stations provided during this climb was on par with the New York City Marathon. Special thanks to the November Project, Team in Training and Nike for the signs, cheers and motivation.


What goes up must come down and as soon as we crested the climb we turned the corner for a fast, steep downhill towards the coast line. As soon as we finished the downhill dash towards the coast line, we entered a wide path along the coast line which included a chocolate station and final water station as well as a few bands and Asian dancers.

I didn’t enjoy these final miles as much as I expected due to a side stitch and the urge to finish. Since we ran at a conversational pace the entire time, we still had two miles left when my watch beeped 2 hours. Even though the path was along the water, nothing could compare to the incredible views of miles 9.5-11.5.

As soon as we saw the finish line we gave it a final kick over the finish line, literally running into Emily.


Our final time was 2:27, more than 25 minutes slower than last week’s half marathon due to a fun, conversation pace and multiple picture stops. It’s amazing to see how far I’ve come as this was a “difficult, hard to talk pace” during my early years of running half marathons!


After grabbing chocolate milk and filled water bottles, we made a bee line for the highly anticipated medals, aka Tiffany necklaces.


We were a bit disappointed to see that they replaced the fire fighters with volunteers this year. In years past, tuxedo clad fire fighters presented each winner with her teal box.

It’s been a while since I ran a half marathon for fun and I would happily do it more often. For most of the miles, it felt more like a casual long run with a  good friend than a half marathon.

kristine and ashley pic

Too bad all long runs didn’t include Tiffany finisher necklaces, race support in the form of cheering and NUUN, and great company.

While the $200 price tag of the Nike Women San Francisco Half Marathon can provide some with sticker shock, I would highly recommend adding it to your race list. It is a wonderfully executed half marathon in a gorgeous city. In addition, the Nike tank, re-usable bag filled with race swag and Tiffany necklace are included in that price.

Final stats:

Nike results

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This Week’s Favorite Things

Good morning from San Francisco!


The first 24 hours were an absolute blast, filled with lots of good food, exploring and fun. I’m so thankful that we both decided to run the Nike Women’s San Francisco Half for fun versus putting time pressure on ourselves. Since our mentality is all about enjoying the course and having fun, we’re able to do things like Bar Method together and go bar hopping until well past midnight!

While we’re off sweating together and exploring the Marina area today, here is a round-up of this week’s favorites. Usually posted on Friday, these favorites include links, recipes, articles and other things that caught my eye this week.

I spiced things up this week by giving my morning yogurt bowl an autumn makeover with Siggi’s Pumpkin & Spice yogurt.  This Fall yogurt flavor has 14 grams of protein, a short list of clean ingredients, and a 130 calories.

This metallic pencil skirt gives the sometimes boring office wardrobe staple a bright, creative spin. I love that J.Crew has it in regular, petite and tall so ladies of all builds can sport it with a turtleneck, casual chambray or crisp white shirt.

As soon as cooler temperatures begin, I swap out the bright, Summer nail polish colors for rich, deep shades. Amy and I fell in love with CND Shellac in Masquerade, a rich, burgundy color.

Running before the sun rises or after it sets can be dangerous, especially when near cars. The Night Runner 270 shoe lights ensure that everyone will see you, regardless the hour. The lightweight lights clip on to your shoe laces and can flash in three different settings: white, red, or red flashing. These are a perfect gift for any runner, walker or cyclist!

While Bo and I are still loving Purely Elizabeth and Small Batch granola, Megan’s Salty Macadamia Nut Granola recipe has me motivated to make my own. Requiring only 10 products that you already have in your pantry, the salty sweet flavor combination will upgrade any yogurt or smoothie.

Sometimes, without realizing it, my dad aids in my shopping rationalization. He sent me this WSJ article which provides tips from stylish but economical women on how to navigate through the most fashionable of trends.


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Training Recap Week of October 5th

Happy Thursday! I’m currently watching Pitch Perfect 2 as our plane cruises over the middle of America en route to San Francisco! I’m spending three days in San Francisco catching up with lots of friends, enjoying delicious food and wine, oh and running 13.1 miles worth of hills on Sunday.

My plan for the weekend is to soak up San Francisco and have fun. The only goal we have for Sunday is to enjoy every mile, take lots of pictures and hopefully give a few high fives to my many friends running the half. It’s going to be a crazy race weekend but I’m excited! This girls weekend comes smack dab between two busy work weeks, so it will be a great way to relax and decompress.

Before shutting the computer down for the night, I wanted to check in to share last week’s training log. You know how the weekly training recap works. At the beginning of each week I share the past week’s workouts with you all in order to give you a glimpse into my training, hold me accountable and help me keep a record so I can see what works and doesn’t work after each races comes to a close. Last week was all about resting before the Brooklyn Rock’n’Roll Half Marathon.

half marathon

Monday: I headed into the city for Y7 yoga which never ceases to challenge me.

Tuesday: My final speed workout of this training schedule went wonderfully due in part to the cooler weather. After a 20 minute warm-up I completed 10 1-minute pick ups followed by a minute of recovery and a 20 minute cool-down.

Wednesday: After a 5 AM flight to Cincinnati, there was no better way to end the day than a long walk through Amy’s neighborhood. Amy and her husband suggested that we take their normal hour long route, making a quick stop to pick up dinner. The hour walk included just enough hills to break a sweat, but walking allowed us to catch

Thursday: Amy and I took advantage of their home gym, doing arms and abs while watching Quantico, a new ABC television show.

Friday: Our workout for the day included a stroll around the neighborhood, foam rolling and a pedicure. Oh wait, that isn’t a workout? Well it seemed like the perfect thing to do before the half marathon!

Saturday: Rock’n’Roll Brooklyn Half Marathon aka 13.1 miles of fun executed at a near perfect pace

Sunday: After most races I try to squeeze in an actual yoga class but sometimes that doesn’t become a reality. Our to do list one the battle and instead of a formal class, I spent 30 minutes on the yoga mat streaming JasYoga from 9:30-10 PM. Not ideal, but it was definitely better than nothing. Also, take my advice. Hop over and give your body the gift that is her full body recovery video. It is 26 minutes of feel good stretching and relaxation.

So that’s how last week went down gang. It was far more relaxed than most weeks but I think that’s why my body felt so good during the half marathon. I slept seven hours four nights in a row, ate well, foam rolled and kept the workouts relaxed.

This week I dove right back in, making very good use of my ClassPass Flex membership by taking classes in both New York City and San Francisco!

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