Fall Is for Runners

fall runningHappy Saturday!

I feel like a new woman after eight hours of sleep and a relaxing evening at home. I don’t think I realized how exhausted I was from the week until I sat down last night. Needless to say, by 10 pm I could barely keep my eyes open to finish this week’s Scandal.

Instead of waking up super early to finish our run, Bo and I worked around the house this morning while prepping the food for tonight’s party and sipping coffee. Since we are in between half marathons, we decided to keep things a bit relaxed with the distance but push the pace and ensure we included hills in the route.  Little did I know when we decided to run through Prospect Park, that I’d spend the entire run smiling.

This morning’s run made me realize that Fall truly is for runners. 

-Cooler temperatures allow mean you can sleep in as late as you want since you aren’t beating the heat! We didn’t start our run until 9:55 and it was still only 50 degrees!

-The fall leaves provide a colorful background to any path. Just two weeks after the Rock’n’Roll Brooklyn Half Marathon, Prospect Park took on a whole new look today, as all the leaves have quickly turned gold and red.


-The cooler temperatures also allow me to swap out the tank tops and shorts for crops and long sleeve shirts. After five months of wearing them, I’m tired fo the same few running outfits so opening a drawer of cooler weather running gear is almost as good as going shopping for new workout gear.  My crops are so much easier to run in with their hidden pockets, handy zippers and flattering lines.

-Farewell to pit stains, sweat and red faces. Even after running a hilly 6-mile route, Bo nor I were drenched in sweat. In fact, we easily ran errands in our clothing before coming home for showers. In the Summer nothing can happen after a run until we’ve showered as we are basically walking puddles of stinky sweat.

-Faster paces require far less effort. Our pace during this morning’s run was far faster than any of our previous training runs. I feel like 50 degrees is my running “sweet spot” where my body isn’t having to exert effort to keep me warm and the temperature allows me to push harder without feeling the effort in my legs or heart.

This weather makes me wish I’d signed up for even more Fall races, if that’s even possible. It looks like my friends running NYC Marathon next Sunday will have perfect weather!

How about you? What is your favorite running season? 


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Friday Favorites – October 2015 Edition

It is a perfect Fall Friday in New York. I’m already dreaming of tomorrow morning’s run through Prospect Park and the pumpkin beers I’ll enjoy during our housewarming party tomorrow night. I can’t believe it’s finally here – our first party in our new home. We have a lot to do between now and then but first, let’s take a break for Friday Favorites.


Thank you PopSugar for testing out the best pumpkin spice candles! After reading this article I know which ones I’ll be lighting for tomorrow night’s party. Similar to their reviewers, I can’t stand a candle that is artificial or too sweet.

Wait, really? Did you guys see this article? We are comparing cheese to crack? While it may be equally as addictive, this is an addiction I fully support.

Instead of spending hundreds of dollars on a new desk, add these workout moves to your weekly routine to counteract the damage that sitting does to your body.

joie kidmore snake skin shoe

Kristine introduced me to these comfortable and chic shoes when I was visiting her in San Francisico. Within minutes of seeing hers, I’d hopped on my iPhone and ordered a pair for myself. The black color will transition easily through the seasons and they are a perfect shoe for Bar Method commutes and leisurely strolls through the neighborhood.  While they aren’t cheap, they are often included in any sales, so snag them during Bloomingdales, Saks or Nordstrom’s next sale!


Talk about efficient use of space, did you know there is a farm at one of the world’s largest airports!? JetBlue has big plans for the crops but for now they will supply fresh food to the restaurants in Terminal 5.

JCrew Double Faced Wool Crepe Dress

Even though I work from home, on average of four times a month I need a good power dress. A power dress is my nickname for a dress that when paired with a cute pair of heels and chunky statement necklace, makes me feel like a million bucks. I debuted this dress yesterday for our quarterly meetings and received no less than twenty compliments! It is fully lined, fits perfectly, runs true-to-size, has a fun exposed back zipper, and is tailored perfectly for a flattering fit. A perfect three season dress, I love this dress so much that I have it in two colors!

Your turn: What should I know about this week? Any great fashion items or articles? 

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and instead is a list of the things of my favorite things this week. As normal, it includes lots of beauty and fashion items which means there are a few affiliate links via ShopStyle. It takes time and money to maintain a blog so I thank you for the support and few cents that come from clicking through the links!

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Two New Health and Wellness Trends

The only thing I enjoy reviewing more than workout classes is beauty and spa treatments. Similar to workout classes, these treatments have the ability to relax and rejuvenate me in just a few minutes. Since New York City seems to unveil new trends faster than the Kardashians find a new tabloid topic, it can be difficult and downright intimidating to keep up with these fads.

Lucky for you, I tried out two of the hottest trends for you. If you’re a New York City local I highly recommend you add these to your list of things to try and if you’re a tourist, they are each a must if you are a health and beauty maven!

Face Love Fitness

Face Love Fitness– While this chic start-up is currently located in an adorable pop-up shop in the Financial District, the minute you sit down in their relaxing lounge chair, you’ll forget where you are. Face Love Fitness doesn’t offer facials or other treatments. Instead, they have pioneered a 15 and 30 minute workout routine for your FACE. Yup, you read that right. During the 30-minute FaceLove workout, my face was treated to a warm-up, high intensity workout and cooldown in a session that reminded me of a personal training session. Using multiple tools, including Pilates rings, my face was put through different exercises and movements which released tension, promoted oxygen and blood flow and rejuvenated my skin. Similar to a one-on-one personal training session, my instructor, the lovely and flawless founder Rachel, taught me about the importance of each exercise as well as a way to do it at home during the session. After the workout my face looked flawless and as if it was five years younger. My complexion was radiant and bright while my wrinkles were diminished.  The 30-minute workout session is $50 while the 15 minute workout session is $30. For those people who want to do a mid-day session, don’t worry about removing your makeup. Since you won’t sweat, the treatment can be done with or without makeup and they even have a small touch-up area for both your hair and makeup.

Would I pay for this?  While I can’t afford the weekly or bi-weekly workouts, I would definitely book a treatment before a black-tie event or after a stressful week when I can use some relaxation and pampering with a dose of wrinkle release.  

Lift Next Level Floats

Lift Floats – Whether you get your news from Daily Burn or the New York Times, it’s clear that floating or sensory deprivation is a hot fitness and health trend right. For those of you who haven’t heard about it, floating basically is a relaxing bath tub on steroids. For many people, there is nothing more relaxing than a lengthy evening bath complete with soothing music and bath salts. Each pod or tank combines over 1,000 pounds of Epsom salts in the warm water so that you can float effortlessly. While Epsom salts are known to many for their relaxing and holistic benefits, floating has an even more important benefit. It allows you to spend the time exerting zero effort. The team at Lift Floats, down the street from our apartment, welcomed me in for an hour float session so I could personally check out the trend. After a brief introduction to the gorgeous, loft like space, I was escorted to my tank. I chose a tank over a pod since I don’t love small spaces, though I immediately was struck with many questions regarding the tank. Would water fall out when I open the door, how deep was it, would I be able to float? Luckily, I quickly learned that the tank is a glorified bathtub. Only a few feet of water filled the large tank but over 1,000 pounds of salt would ensure that I floated and never touched bottom. The tank featured lights and spa-like music which I personally chose to turn off. I wanted the full experience of floating in total darkness. After a quick shower to rinse off, I put in two ear plugs to ensure that salt water wouldn’t get into my ears. With a large step, I entered the tank as if it was my bath tub at home. I gingerly laid myself into the water, sure that I would immediately sink. Science proved me wrong and I quickly floated to the top, adjusting my arms alongside my body. Similar to savasana, I found that lying with my hands palm down is most comfortable instead of cactus arms or palms up. I calmed my mind in the same way I do after a busy day, by counting backwards. After 200 counts I felt my entire body relax, as if melting into the water. For the next 58 minutes I wavered between sleep and a very relaxed state of awake. I thought about nothing until the lights started to gently brighten, signaling the end of my session.  Similar to the calm and enjoyment that I find from savasana, floating allowed me to fully relax in a way that I have never done while awake. I have never been able to calm my mind enough to find a meditation practice but while floating I was able to zone out for 60 minutes and fully relax. As the staff warned, I emerged from the water as limp and relaxed as a noodle, wanting nothing more than a fluffy robe and glass of tea. Instead, I headed home to cook dinner but found that by 9 pm, just a few hours later, I could barely stay awake.

Would I pay for this? Ideally, I would float once a week on Friday evenings as a way to welcome the weekend. But, similar to many health and wellness treatments, I can’t afford to make a float session a weekly treat. The $99 price tag that accompanies the hour long float session means that this will be a treat, used as a reward after especially tough races or work weeks.

Want more proof before you choose to book these sessions? Check out Theodora and Meaghan’s reviews!

Have you ever floated or had a facial workout? What were your thoughts? 

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