My Favorite Healthy Breakfast Recipes

Last week during a work happy hour, a co-worker who is getting married in six weeks asked me how she can lose 10 pounds before the big day. While I am neither a dietitian nor a personal trainer, I spent the next thirty minutes sharing with her a few of the tips and tricks I’ve learned over the years.

Since she and the other co-workers continued to ask me questions for the duration of our happy hour, I thought it was only kind of me to share the discussion with you guys.

Over the next few weeks, I am creating posts inspired by the questions asked during the conversation. Some of them may be more basic and less relevant for readers who are already practicing a healthy, balanced lifestyle. But, for others, I hope that these tips, tricks, workouts and recipes will serve as inspiration to improve even just one aspect of your day.

As you know, my goal is to inspire each one of you to lead healthier, happier lives regardless of your stress levels, commitments or daily life demands.

Today’s focus is BREAKFAST.


Now, I’ve never been one of those girls who can survive on water and coffee alone until taking a lunch break. While I know many people who just “aren’t breakfast people” I am not one of them. Growing up, my parents never let us leave the house without eating breakfast. Over the years this meal evolved from milk and cereal to toaster strudels and Jimmy Dean sandwiches until finally circling back to the balanced, healthy meal of oatmeal or eggs. In fact, eating a healthy breakfast makes me feel like SuperWoman the rest of the day.


Not on team breakfast yet? Maybe these facts will convince you.

  • Breakfast eaters tend to have better diets overall, consuming more fruit, vegetables, milk, and whole grains than non-breakfast eaters. (Consumer Reports)
  • Studies show that breakfast can be important in maintaining a healthy body weight. (Johns Hopkins)
  • Breakfast needs healthy protein and fat in order to satiate you and stabilize your mood and cravings. (AnnetheRD)

A creature of habit, over the past ten years, since taking charge of my health, I rotate through the same four breakfasts depending on the season, my workout schedule or mood. Similar to my workout habits, my breakfasts have evolved for the better over the past year. I’ve spiced up each of the breakfasts to have a bit more staying power, nutritional punch and flavor by adding protein sources, fruit and spices. Gone are the packs of Quaker Oats Weight Control oatmeal, of which the banana nut flavor was a favorite during my Weight Watcher weight loss era from 2005-2007. Friends and resources like Anne have helped me understand the importance of being able to pronounce each ingredient. I don’t need to buy prepackaged oatmeal with many unknown ingredients. Instead, I can save money and eat healthier by making my own oatmeal concoction, inspired by seasonal flavors.

quaker oats nutrition facts

Below, you’ll find a round-up of my favorite healthy breakfast recipes for each of my four breakfast rotations.

Healthy Breakfast Round-Up




Yogurt Bowl

How about you? What is your favorite breakfast? 

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Snowflakes and Negative Splits

i love winter running

Hello from a very endorphin-wasted runner who is thrilled to have just finished her first snowy run of 2016!

After a relaxing afternoon, curled up on the couch reading, I finally laced up my shoes for a run.  Unlike many runners, seeing that snowflakes were falling outside actually motivated me to get moving. There is nothing I love more than watching small snowflakes accumulate on my gloves or gear as I run outside. I know, I’m a crazy person for enjoying the cold but I blame it on 22 years of heat and humidity. After dealing with Savannah summers, you welcome four seasons and cold weather.

Since I’d already done speed and hill work this week at both Mile High and during my NYRR group run, today’s run was meant to be my long run.  Since the temperature was 33 degrees I opted for fleece leggings, windproof running gloves, my new Nike Pro Limitless training hoodie, Lululemon ear warmer, and Brooks vest (on super sale right now).


I arrived at Prospect Park with no goals. I wanted to enjoy the run, zone out, enjoy the people watching, and catch snow flakes falling from the sky.  Who knew I’d actually run into six horses, which looked like Clydsedales, during my run!


I’m not sure if it was the power, tempo and beat of the SoulCycle x Target Spotify playlist which I listened to my run or the frigid weather, but this run was five miles of perfection.


While I still have eight more long runs in between me and my goal half marathon, the NYC Half, today’s negative splits (9:01, 8:53, 8:41, 8:33, 7:54) left me excited to see what is possible.  I guess these legs like weather that is cold and blustery enough to chill the soul. That final mile was motivated by the fact that I knew I had a hot bath and cup of tea waiting at home.

Looking for more winter running inspiration? Check out these posts:

Your turn: Do you prefer cold weather or warm weather running? What’s your favorite piece of winter running gear right now?

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Friday Favorites – January 15th, 2016

Nike top stretch

Happy Friday! I kicked off Friday with a sunrise yoga class before working from a neighborhood coffee shop with a friend. After working from the same desk and home office all week it’s a nice break to spend a few hours in a coffee shop, surrounded by people and the inviting coffee aroma. This weekend is shaping up to be a great mix of friends and relaxation. Tonight and tomorrow we’re pretty busy but Sunday and Monday we have nothing on the calendar. I’m thankful that we get to enjoy a three day weekend! Am I the only one who feels as if they holidays were months ago versus just two weeks ago?

As promised, in regular Friday fashion, here is this week’s version of Friday Favorites. So, as you count down the minutes until the weekend begins, let’s dive into this week’s edition of Friday Favorites, including recipes, articles, posts and other things that caught my eye this week.

I’ve decided that every Friday I need a five minute YouTube break to laugh and get over the afternoon slump. This week’s is Adele’s carpool karaoke with James Corden. My favorite part is her story about what she does when she’s drunk at a restaurant. Can I be part of her squad? Please?

During last night’s NYRR coached run club, I sported my Nike Pro Warm Printed Half-Zip. As you can see in the picture above, the top is bright and cheery while also featuring functional details such as thumbholes and a longer hemline. The brushed material kept me warm during the nighttime run while also wicking the sweat away. I bought this top for the pattern but it’s functionality has me wanting to buy another!

After reading the New York Times review of this book, I immediately downloaded it and proceeded to get lost in the authors beautiful prose. Even though he is describing such a horrible thing, the book is a wonderful and moving read.  I can already tell that this book will have an impact on me long after I finish the final page.

Since receiving the luxurious, fragrant Diptyque Baies candle for Christmas, it’s luxurious aroma has permeated our home each day.  It was such a perfect Christmas gift as I rarely indulge on Diptyque candles but now that I’ve been spoiled with this candle I may have to sample other scents by ordering their sampler pack or a few small sizes.

These healthy, portable and protein packed egg cups are a perfect breakfast option! Since the next few weeks are going to involve a few days at the office, I may whip these up on Sunday.

If you’re constantly trying to find a place to store your jewelry, this mirror idea from A Beautiful Mess is the perfect solution!


Do your New Year’s resolutions include eating more vegetables? If so, check out these 20 spiralizer recipes that won’t disappoint even the most discerning taste buds.

While Gisele and Tom are quite the beautiful couple, I’ll happily take my weight and moderate lifestyle over their restrictive, healthy diet. Moderation is the key to life folks, am I right? This hilarious piece from Bon Appetit follows one person as she tried to survive their diet.

Your Turn: What are you loving this week? 

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and instead is a list of the things of my favorite things this week. As normal, it includes lots of beauty and fashion items which means there are a few affiliate links via ShopStyle. It takes time and money to maintain a blog so I thank you for the support and few cents that come from clicking through the links!

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