Five Tips to Improve Your Next Treadmill Run


I don’t know about you guys, but this winter weather wreaks havoc on my love of outdoor running.  Suddenly my regular path can barely be found beneath the snow and slush and those other spots of sidewalk and street are often a danger zone due to black ice. Even though I love the winter weather, it has forced me to spend more time than usual on the treadmill.

Luckily, after ten classes at Mile High Run Club, I’ve learned a few tips and tricks to improve my time on the treadmill. These teachers, many of whom are elite runners and run or coach a multitude of run clubs and workouts throughout New York City, do a great job dishing out tips on form, posture and workout structure during class. Even though they spend the entire class walking around the room, supporting and motivating us to run stronger and push harder, they never miss an opportunity to provide coaching that goes far beyond our pace and often applies to runs both on and off the treadmill.

Five Tips to Improve Your Next Treadmill Run

Based on the ten classes I’ve taken at Mile High Run Club this year, these five tips will help any runner get more out of their next treadmill workout.

  1. Never start your workout without a dynamic warm-up. Similar to what I’ve learned during my NYRR workouts, I feel a significant difference in my workout when I invest even just 3 to 5 minutes doing a few key moves before I start running. These moves help get your heart pumping, loosen your joints, stretch your muscles and tell your body it’s time to work. The most common warm-up moves are body weight squats, lunges, lateral lunges, butt kicks, and high knees. 
  2. Always set your treadmill to a 1.0 incline unless you are doing specific hill work. Researchers have found that a 1% grade on the treadmill best matches the intensity of outdoor running. If you are training for a race, the last thing you want to do is train in conditions that are easier than what you’ll encounter on race day. While you of course can’t replicate all of the variables such as weather, by setting the treadmill at 1.0 you make up for the lack of wind resistance and better simulate outdoor running.
  3. Use the entire treadmill. Like many other runners, I found myself running towards the front of the treadmill, hunching over the screen. During my first and second classes at Mile High, the teachers constantly reminded me to move back towards the middle or back of the treadmill so I could reach my full stride potential versus running like the Hunchback of Notre Dame. But, what I noticed more then improved posture or gait was actually the opportunity to pump my arms. Once I was running further back I was able to move my arms, providing extra momentum during the speed and hill intervals.   Give it a try during your next treadmill session and I promise you’ll notice the difference immediately!
  4. Switch things up to beat boredom. During each of the Mile High classes, whether we are running for 28, 45 or 60 minutes, the goal changes every few minutes. This method of breaking the class into individual workouts such as hills, recovery and speed helps students compartmentalize each workout so they can push through walls as well as make the class fly by.  I don’t know why but 90% of the classes I’ve taken at Mile High focus on hills first and end the class with speed. If it works for them, it’ll work for me next time I find myself on the treadmill.
  5. Grab a friend. Surrounding yourself with 30 other runners, each pushing through the same workout as you, it’s hard not to push yourself to your full potential each class. There is always someone in the class you can use as your motivator whether it’s their form, speed or endurance. More often than not, Theodora is my motivator during Mile High classes, helping me reach deep and push harder since it’s my goal to keep her pace. But, whether you want to race a friend or just have someone to keep you company, running on a treadmill is far more enjoyable with a friend on the treadmill next to you. Over the years, my friends and I have scheduled many group running sessions at a nearby gym when snow or inclement weather has kept us from running outside.

Want to learn more about Mile High Run Club? Check out my full review or send me an email! If you’re local, let me know as I’d love to grab a class with you! My favorite instructors are Andia, Jes W and Laura C!

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A Snowy Weekend in Brooklyn

Greetings from snowy Brooklyn!

Unlike many of my friends, I spent the entire weekend smiling. Snow makes me feel like a child again.  I absolutely love the peace and tranquility that a fresh snow brings to the streets of New York in addition to the child like antics that come out during the aftermath.  We so often finds ourselves going constantly, with very little relaxation and down time so it is a welcome blessing to have snowy conditions force us to rest and relax. My in-laws, Bob and Mimi, happened to be in town this weekend which made things even more special. I can’t tell you the last time we all spent so much time together.

Friday evening Mimi (my mother-in-law) and I started the weekend with a donation based community yoga class at Brooklyn Yoga Project before dinner at the adorable Locanda Vini e Olii. Their house made olive oils stole the show but everything we tried was delicious.

Saturday morning, I woke up and ran to the window, like a kid on Christmas morning. I managed my expectations, after years of disappointment, expecting to see a few inches and nothing more. Instead, I saw that our back yard was a blustery, winter wonderland!


Like crazies, we bundled up and headed to another wonderful hot, power yoga class at Tangerine Yoga. Considering the conditions, we were tempted to stay in our pajamas and bake an elaborate, warm breakfast but we wanted to share this yoga studio with both Meg and Mimi after weeks of raving about their classes and hands-on instructors. By the time we left the studio at 10:30 the wind gusts were reaching 30 miles per hour and Brooklyn looked like the inside of a snow globe.


The rest of our snow day accomplishments included making homemade pizza dough, baking a chocolate cake from scratch, perfecting the art of creating snow angels, working on our snowball aim and warming up with a beer at our favorite neighborhood bar, Buschenschank.






Your turn: What did you do this weekend? Were you in a snow globe or in one of the few areas that didn’t see cold weather and flurries? 

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Virtual Coffee Date

Have a seat friends and refill that glass of wine or coffee, depending the hour of day you’re reading this, because it is time for a virtual date. A lot has transpired since our last date together. Winter has arrived in New York City and we’ve quickly realized that our old house has more than a few drafty spots. But, regardless of the draft, we’re still thrilled with the apartment we chose and the home we’ve created. We’ve hosted a number of dinner parties over the past month and love having a kitchen large enough to accommodate a large group of friends while we cook, drink and talk together.


If we were sitting together today, I would tell you that I think I’m the only crazy person who is hoping that New York City gets more than just a few inches of snow this weekend. It’s been six years since Bo and I went sledding in Central Park and I would love nothing more than to sled down the hills of Prospect Park this weekend. There is something so inviting about a winter snowstorm. Movies on the couch, wine, time together and the cozy warmth of your home. Yes, I realize all of this goes out the window if you lose power during such snowstorm, but let me romanticize it in my head.

If we were sitting together today, I’d rave about my office. Even though I spend way too much time in it, I’m head over heels in love with the space. Maybe it’s the small space heater I use when I’m working in the office each day or the cozy slippers I wear while sitting at my desk. When designing this room, we knew that we wanted a soothing color pallet since I’d spend at least eight hours a day in here and luckily, that desire has translated.

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you how unbelievably thankful I am for our parents. We are so lucky to have parents who support us and love us unconditionally. After living abroad for two years, it is so nice to have the space to host them for multiple weekends a year. This weekend my in-laws are visiting and in two weeks my parents will be here.

If we were sitting together today, I would rave about the movie Spotlight. Bo and I saw it together on Monday and immediately called our parents, insisting that they see it. The cast is stellar and the storyline is straightforward yet perfectly crafted. I think Spotlight deserves even more recognition than it has received.

If we were sitting together today, due to two days of subway issues, I read over 100 pages in When Breath Becomes Air during yesterday evening and this morning’s commute. I was so thankful to have a book at my fingertips to pass the time. I am also very glad I didn’t apply mascara this morning as the author’s prose brought me to tears during this morning’s commute.

If we were sitting together today, I’d tell you that I signed up for NYRR coached run club on a total whim but am so glad I did. The eight-week outdoor group training has already helped me after just two sessions. Both sessions start with a five minute warm-up of butt kicks, high knees and strides which even though coaches have recommended in years past, is something I rarely do. I’ve felt the difference in both of these runs and therefore built it into my solo runs over the past week. It is also helping me fill the void that I have since my running buddies don’t live down the block anymore.

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you how amazed I am that months later, I’m still wearing my Shine activity tracker. I never expected to wear it longer than the month partnership but now I’m in love with tracking my sleep.

If we were sitting together today, I’d tell you that I wish I could fly my girlfriends who live across the United States, to one warm location for a beach weekend. While we’ve had the opportunity to spend time with our families recently, I would like to have more time for friends in the coming months.

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you that I am more tempted than ever to cut my hair short. I keep seeing women with adorable lobs (long bobs) and think they look so chic and cute. But then, I remember how easy my long hair is and decide to keep things simple.

Your turn, what would you share? 

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