Friday Favorites – May 20th, 2016

savannah square

Happy Friday guys!  How was your week? Have any fun plans for the weekend?

I hope you guys have had a great week.  For the first time in ages, I actually feel energized even though it is Friday. I successfully completed week one of my renewed focus on my health and well being. By ensuring that each of my meals were filled with healthy, natural ingredients and that I was drinking plenty of water all week I found myself sleeping better, having more energy during the day and feeling better during my workouts. Due to my hamstring strain and my bruised cuboid my workouts have been limited to yoga, barre and some strength training. I will share more details around my meals in an upcoming post but these changes allowed me to lose 3 pounds this week, much of which I’m sure was water weight I was retaining from travel and the indulgent eating.

This weekend we have very little plans since most of the weekend initially revolved around the Brooklyn Half Marathon. While I’m sad to not run this race this year, I’m looking forward to catching up with a few friends at a pre-race pasta dinner that Green Blender is hosting tonight. The rest of our weekend plans include some yard work, making our way through a few items on our to-do list, working on a few guest posts as well as sipping wine and grilling outside.

  • If you live in NYC or visiting in the near future and are under the age of 35, you need to check out Lincoln Center’s program, LincTix. Specifically for people ages 21-35 this gives you access to $32 tickets and great seats for Lincoln Center shows. Last night Bo and I enjoyed a very NYC evening, walking up to Lincoln Center after work to enjoy The King and I from third row seats!
  • After this week’s orthopedic appointment, I’ve realized just how important it is to give my feet the proper support all year long. I’m upgrading my Summer sandal collection to include these gold wedges and these comfortable, yet in-style rose gold sandals. What can I say, I have a thing for shiny shoes.
  • I’m only on the fifth episode of season one so I have a lot of catching up to do before the new Girlmore Girls revival, A Year in The Life, premieres.
  • Finally, an explanation to why New Yorkers where so much black.
  • I’m sure the company behind these neon little, sticky sheets of paper fully supports this type of war.
  • You know a dress is a winner when you receive multiple compliments all evening long, even when you feel less than your best. My favorite feature of this black, silk dress is the gorgeous back detail. I can already tell this is going to make many frequent appearances for both work and weekend outings this Summer.
  • I loved this tank so much when I wore it to hot yoga, I have already ordered it in another color. The material is sweat-wicking and light weight while still being unbelievable soft. The fit is slightly more fitted than their other styles which ensures it doesn’t move during runs, yoga or barre classes.
  • Even though I can’t run right now, I am so inspired by Kelly’s journey to run a Boston Qualifying time. These videos and posts are just the inspiration I need to set some tough goals for myself this Summer once I heal.
  • In case you haven’t read Sheryl Sandberg’s commencement speech she gave at UC Berkeley, here is the edited version. While I disagreed with certain points in her book, Lean In, I absolutely love the raw emotion in this speech and her reflection on how her husband’s death has changed her for the better.

Okay friends, it’s time to finish the work day and enjoy a wonderful weekend!

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Healthy Mexican Shrimp Salad

grilled mexican salad

On Monday, my first day of healthy eating after a long stint of indulgent eating, which led to tight clothes and hating pictures,  I developed a mad craving for Mexican. As in I caught myself dreaming of guacamole, margaritas and chips at the early hour of 11 AM. Oops. Dreaming of high salt, calorie laden, yet delicious food is not the best way to start a week of healthy eating. Similar to what I did ten years ago when I initially lost 50 pounds, I am focused on eating healthy food Monday through Friday at lunch. Then Friday night through Sunday I can enjoy in moderation. This type of healthy eating has always helped me maintain or lose weight while also being moderate versus restrictive – a technique I try to avoid based on my history of disordered eating. Instead of pushing the cravings aside and ignoring them or restricting myself, I decided to do something better. Create a healthy alternative that would answer my craving and allow me a bit of Mexican flavor until I can sip a margarita this weekend.

Meet my new favorite salad – Grilled Mexican Shrimp Salad. This healthy Mexican salad packs the punch with flavorful tomatillos, tender charred shrimp and a tangy dressing. Thanks to the grill, it barely makes a mess in your kitchen and is quick and easy!

grilled mxican salad


Grilled Mexican Shrimp Salad

Makes two salads


  • Lettuce
  • 12-14 large shrimp – peeled and deveined
  • Thinly sliced white onion
  • 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
  • 1/2 avocado, sliced
  • 2 tablespoons Queso Fresco cheese crumbled
  • 4 Campari tomatoes (or your favorite type of tomatoes), quartered
  • 2 tomatillos, quartered
  • Half jalapeno seeded, fire-roasted and thinly sliced
  • One ear of corn, fire roasted and cut off the cob
  • 2 teaspoons Chili powder
  • 1 teaspoon Garlic powder
  • 2 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil for brushing shrimp
  • 3 tablespoons Extra Virgin Olive Oil for dressing
  • Juice of 2 limes
  • Juice of 1/2 orange
  • 1 tablespoon baking soda
  • Salt and pepper to taste


  • Pre-heat grill to high heat
  • Dry shrimp and place them in a bowl
  • Season shrimp with salt and sprinkle with baking soda, let stand for 15 minutes
  • While waiting for the grill to pre-heat and baking soda to set into the shrimp, toss lettuce with tomatoes, tomatillos, white onion, cilantro, avocado and cheese
  • Pat dry shrimp and stick on skewers, tight together
  • Season with salt, pepper, chili powder and garlic powder
  • Brush shrimp with extra virgin olive oil
  • Cook shrimp and corn on high direct heat for 3-5 minutes per side, just until they pass the translucent stage
  • Quickly char jalapeno for 30 seconds to one minute
  • Remove all items from heat
  • Cut corn off the cob and sprinkle on top of salad
  • Top salad with charred, sliced jalapeno, to taste
  • In a separate bowl, whisk lime juice, orange juice, and 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
  • Dress salads with dressing then top each with 6-7  grilled shrimp
  • Enjoy!



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Virtual Coffee Date May 2016

Ashley coffee

Have a seat friends and refill that cup of coffee, because it is time for a virtual date. A lot has transpired since our last date together. In fact, I feel as if the past few months have been a whirlwind and a blur, leaving us both a bit exhausted but very happy. After nine months in our Brooklyn apartment, it feels like home even though it is a bit messier than I’d like right now.  Our back yard has transformed thanks to a few days of hard work and we are now planning a Summer of barbecues in our refreshed backyard complete with new landscaping and new patio we recently built. I have a lot to share so here goes.

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you that after being injury free for almost 32 years, I’ve had some bad luck these past few weeks. I strained my left hamstring during the Cherry Blossom 10 miler which caused me to take a break from training and do far less running during much of April and May.  Then, last Sunday, while working in our yard I kicked a brick and have either bruised or injured the right arch of my foot. I have a doctors appointment scheduled for later this week but it’s beyond frustrating. It’s been nine days since I ran and I already miss it!

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you that due to these injuries I have decided not to run the Brooklyn Half Marathon. Even though I could probably push through and walk/jog the course it would be pure stupidity and miserable. The last thing I want to do is injure myself further.

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you how thankful I am that Bo and I are both very happy in where our careers are today. There have been some twists and turns over the past few years and we are both now in very different roles than we were in a few years ago but we are so happy. He started a new career path a few months ago and while it wasn’t something we’d planned for, the effects have been wonderful as he is so fulfilled and happy in this new role.

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you that these injuries have made me realize that my health has to be a priority more than ever. The past two months I let life get the better of me and wasn’t training properly nor taking good care of myself. My body doesn’t recover the way it used to from anything – a race, hangover or even constant travel.

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you that I have a renewed love of reading. I have read five books (The Nightingale, Girl on the Train, Unleashing Mr Darcy, The 5 Love Languages, and All the Light We Cannot See) in the past month and love the time each evening that I spend reading in bed before I go to sleep. I also find that twenty to thirty minutes of relaxation before bed is helping me sleep better.

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you that I still can’t decide whether I prefer my hair shorter or longer. It’s been three months since I cut it and I still miss my long hair yet love the ease of this shorter style.

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you that this reading time occurs at the time I used to blog each night.  I have read multiple articles about the benefits of decreasing screen time before bed so while it’s been an adjustment to find time to blog in my current role, I don’t regret this change. Instead, my plan is to blog on weekends and early mornings before workouts.

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you that I’m so thankful that Bo and I both call Savannah, Georgia our hometown. It is such a blessing that each of our parents still live in Savannah as it is a wonderful location to visit multiple times a year. While Bo and I love living in Brooklyn and working in New York, it is our goal to make it down to Savannah more often. Even during the wedding craziness this weekend, we were able to enjoy a few relaxing hours in downtown Savannah wandering through the park and taking in the beauty of the squares, majestic oak trees and warm sunshine.

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you that Bo and I have made a conscious choice to reduce travel and commitments over the next few months. Last year we were so busy with our move back to the US and Brooklyn that we didn’t have the opportunity to enjoy Summer in New York City. Whether it’s dining outside, sipping wine on a rooftop, going to an outdoor workout event or taking in a special event New York City offers so many great opportunities in the Summer.

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you that this morning I faced the scale after a few weeks away. Unfortunately, as I broke out my Summer dresses this weekend in Savannah, I was made very aware that I’ve indulged too much over the past two months. Indulging in alcohol and food while also cutting back on workouts due to injury has lead to a ten pound weight gain. While I know that some of this could easily be water weight, for the first time in ages, I cringed at the pictures taken of me this weekend.  Even a health and wellness blogger can lose sight of just how quickly those indulgences can add up. During Bar Method yesterday, I didn’t recognize the person I saw in the mirror. The good news is that as of yesterday, I am focused on my health and getting back on track by scheduling low impact workouts, making sleep and water a priority and stocking our house with plenty of healthy food.

If we were sitting together today, I would tell you that as part of this health focus I have decided to start tracking my meals and keeping myself accountable through pictures. I am not counting calories but instead trying to just be conscious of what I eat while also following intuitive eating principles and focusing on whole, natural foods. If you guys are interested, I can share these pictures and a recap of what I eat in future posts.

Your turn, what would you share? 


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