Geneva Triathlon Training– C’est La Vie

Last week is the perfect example of what happens when I don’t have an actual plan in place. I worked out a lot but I also missed a few key workouts in preparation for my trail race this month and triathlon next month.

C’est la vie!

Charlie and I originally planned a few extra workouts together during our girls weekend but at the end of the day we listened to our bodies. Sleep won out over some extra workouts including a bike ride and a run. We are both about to kick off our Berlin Marathon training so there will be plenty of running and sweat in our future!


Instead of focusing on the fact that I practiced yoga more than I swam, ran, or biked last week I’m going to focus on the fact that I finished the week feeling strong!

Rumor has it this is a new week, perfect for starting fresh!

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Here’s a quick recap of last week’s activities:

Monday: Rest Day

Tuesday:  4 hilly miles on the treadmill followed by 2 hours of sweat inducing power yoga

Wednesday: 9 mile bike + weights

Thursday: 5 mile trail run including 4 hill repeats followed by 90 minutes power yoga

2014-05-21 19.14.15

Friday: 4 mile run + 90 minutes power yoga with Charlie

Saturday: 1,000 meter swim which included moving obstacles, aka children

Sunday: 4 mile iced coffee walk with Charlie + the London Color Run 5k

This week I have a plan in place and no excuses not to nail my training thanks in part to Bo, who is thrilled to help me practice clipping in and join me for a long ride. In addition, we have another bank holiday which means plenty of time to run, bike and swim since we’re not traveling this weekend!

How was your training or workouts last week?

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Good Things Come in Pairs

This weekend in London was pretty much PERFECT!

Two Wahaca margaritas.

024 Two bottles of Prosecco shared with Charlie.

IMG_6837 Two frozen yogurt dates.

026Two long walks with iced coffee through Chiswick.


Two lovely ladies and one furry friend named Lady, who opened their homes to me this weekend.

1307 Two workouts: 1,000 meter swim and The Color Run 5k.


Two fabulous dresses purchased for 50% off from Laundry Boutique, an adorable Chiswick boutique.

image Two brownies from Outsider Tart – chocolate oatmeal and peanut butter chocolate.


Two pieces of triathlon gear purchased from Ocean Leisure – wetsuit and tri-suit.


Two egg and avocado on toasts breakfasts – one at home and one enjoyed at High Road Brasserie.

IMG_6809 Two attempts required to wash all the color out of our hair after the Color Run London.


Now it’s time to head to bed as I have an early flight to catch back to Geneva!

How was your weekend?

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May 2014 Goals – Check In & Reflection

As May comes to a close, I wanted to take time to reflect on the May goals that I made 30 days ago.

May Goals

This was the first time in ages that I’ve truly set goals for the month and thought about them throughout the month. The fact that I shared these goals on the blog and with Bo made me more accountable and also allowed me to make them a bigger priority. Since you all seemed to like seeing the goals shared and they were helpful for me, I’ve decided to make this one of the regular features similar to my monthly favorite things posts.

Fitness: Overall, I would say my May fitness goals were a huge success. None of these goals would have been as successful without the support of great friends. My new half marathon PR is 2:02 thanks to Charlie and Laura’s great pacing and motivation. Katie, who is quickly becoming a good friend in Geneva is a yogi and therefore encourages me to practice yoga frequently. Thanks to her, I found myself at InnerCity Yoga 5 times this month. Each practice was 90 minutes which pushes me more than the typical 45 minute or 60 minute classes I used to take in NYC. The only fitness goal I didn’t achieve was swimming. Due to travel and missed alarms I only made it to 5 swim practices versus my goal of 8.

Home: I owe accomplishing this goal to Bo as he has really made organizing our flat his #1 priority this month. In fact, I think he has taken more trips to Jumbo, our local Home Depot like store, than any other person in Geneva. In order to bring our lives and our stuff together it meant making use of our space in the most efficient way – similar to NYC. Every closet, bin, drawer, and shelf has a purpose and is organized in a way that makes least to him. One of my projects was to go through the closet and drawers and donate anything that I don’t wear anymore which included shoes, swimsuits, coats, and all my clothes.

Personal: This is the goal that had the biggest impact on my life. Catching up with friends and family members via phone versus just over text helped me feel reconnected to some of the most important people in my life! It was scary just how easy it was to go a month or even six months without talking to a girlfriend or loved one on the phone. Since May 1st I’ve spent more minutes on the phone than I did the entire 10 previous months. Each Tuesday instead of taking the tram from work to yoga I spend 30 minutes walking there so I can call someone. Since it’s 3pm in the states when I’m leaving work I tend to chat with my friends who are on maternity leave or who have flexible work schedules. But, I’ve also been able to schedule phone calls with friends for weekends when we both find ourselves with more flexibility. This is a goal that is going to continue each month until it has become a habit.

Blog: This is the one goal which gets a complete fail. While I did make some headway on the future of the blog I didn’t make progress against the goals I made for the month. This goal is getting carried into June along with a few additional things which will make my blog more updated and reflective of my life NOW versus a year ago!

Now it’s your turn – how did your May goals go?

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