Dining Dockside in Savannah

When our friends arrived in Savannah on Thursday, we wanted to greet them with a lovely, relaxing Low Country dinner. After doing some research we both agreed that Bonna Bella Yacht Club would be the perfect spot. Located a bit off the beaten path, Bonna Bella is accessible via both car and boat, just a 20 minute drive from downtown Savannah.

Want to bring a smile to the face of weary travelers who are kicking off vacation? Give them a menu that shows $4 drinks along with marsh views and sunshine.

The views from our large table were spectacular and within minutes we were toasting to the start of a long weekend and soaking in the sunshine.IMG_7330IMG_7312After our first round of beers, appetizers were in order. Luckily the Bonna Bella menu is quite extensive for a dockside restaurant, featuring 15 different appetizers. We chose things which could be easily shared including the peel & eat shrimp, crab fritters, shrimp skewers, and pork sliders. The only thing missing from their menu were hush puppies!

IMG_7316As I was more focused on talking than choosing an entree, I let the waitress choose. She highly recommended their mexi-cali style tacos which are available with pork, shrimp, fish, and vegetable. The tacos were a popular item with our group and when they arrived we all agreed that they were the right choice! The fried fish and blackened shrimp options were by far my favorite!

IMG_7337 After a relaxed dinner we headed over to the corn hole area where many of us tried our luck with the bean bag sacks. When we weren’t tossing we were sipping Sweet Water 420 and enjoying the perfect evening. IMG_7370IMG_7338IMG_7365If you’re visiting Savannah, or a local, head over to Bonna Bella Yacht Club for delicious food, inexpensive drinks and great views. The staff is friendly, the dining areas have large fans to keep the temperatures cool and the restaurant and bar don’t close until the last patrons are ready to leave.


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An Impromptu 24 Hours in NYC

Instead of saying hello from Geneva, we are still in New York City!


Last night as we were boarding our flight from JFK to Paris, Delta announced that they were looking for volunteers to give up their seats on the oversold flight. Without thinking twice, Bo and I jumped in line to happily trade in our seats on yesterday’s flight for a spot on today’s flight. As Bo spoke with the Delta agent I quickly emailed, called and texted a few of our friends who weren’t able to make it down to Savannah last weekend.  Within minutes we went from boarding a flight to Paris to enjoying the New York sunset from a cab window.

IMG_1219[1]Our friends who just moved to Carroll Gardens were ecstatic to host an impromptu dinner for eight of us. Having the chance to catch up with these friends, two of whom are expecting their first child, was priceless. The evening was exactly what we wanted, casual and relaxed. We ordered pizza and salads, drank beers on the rooftop and enjoyed the cool, breezy evening.

IMG_1222[1]Thankfully Bo and I packed our workout clothes in our carry on bag as we thought we may have time for a quick workout during one of our layovers. As no trip to New York is complete without a Central Park run, I threw on my running gear and headed uptown at 6:45 to meet Gia and Theodora. We had no specific plan in mind so just headed to the loop for a few speedy miles filled with lots of chatting and a few hills. After my break from training, I was happy to feel strong during the run, able to keep up with the 8:40 pace!

IMG_1225[1]IMG_1229[1] IMG_1228[1]The rest of the day has included breakfast at Le Pain Quotidien with Theodora, where we planned her Europe trip over iced coffees and the avocado toast, which was full of flavor and very filling!

IMG_1232[1] After saying goodbye to Theodora I ran a few errands, including a stop at Jack Rabbit Sports to buy my marathon shoes for Berlin. Rounded out with a lunch uptown catching up with Jen and a shower, this day has been pretty perfect. Now Bo and I are lazily relaxing with a book before heading back to JFK for our flight to Europe.

Hope you all are having a wonderful Thursday!

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Taking A Break from Training

I’m currently sitting on the roof of the JFK Delta Sky Lounge, enjoying the 80 degree temperatures and last bits of sunshine before our evening flight to Europe.


This vacation has been absolutely incredible in so many ways and I will certainly share more details in the upcoming posts but today, I figure I should take a pause to focus on the one thing giving me a bit of anxiety right now.

The press around Shalane Flanagan sub 2:20 hour Berlin Marathon goal earlier this week made me remember that in just 8.5 weeks I too will be lacing up my sneakers and pinning on my bib to run 26.2 miles.  First of all, my mind is at a loss when I realize that she will finish the marathon before I hit the half marathon point. Second of all, while vacation has been wonderful and I have absolutely zero regrets, I haven’t exactly stuck to my training plan. As I sit here typing this post I think there may be a few anxiety hives showing up on my neck.

This vacation was a much needed chance to unplug. I have been virtually silent on social media, except for a few check-ins here and there and a daily Instagram post. Instead of focusing on an agenda and calendar each day of vacation, as I’ve done previously, I was the most relaxed I’ve been in years. Many vacations I still bring my training plan with me and focus on squeezing in every workout. While that is healthy and sometimes makes sense, for this vacation I knew I wanted to relax emotionally, physically and mentally.


I didn’t gain a single pound on vacation due in part to the fact that I was active every single day whether walking on the beach, practicing yoga in the backyard, biking around the island, or running. My long run was 10 miles and every other run was between three and four miles, far shorter distances than my training plan prescribed. As I have my sights set on a PR in Berlin, I know this decision wasn’t necessarily the smartest physically but mentally I think it was the best thing possible. For the next 8 weeks I will be living by my training plan and this mental break allows me to start fresh. Based on my physique and headstand abilities, I know that I am the strongest I’ve ever been and that my body is ready for any challenge I will give it over these next few weeks. The first few days of training won’t be easy but at least I am fresh and ready. There may not be a washboard stomach in the below picture but there is a heart and soul that craved attempting headstands on a daily basis and finally, after days of trying, was able to hold it long enough for my dad to capture on his phone camera. IMG_1199[1]

Now it’s your turn, what are your suggestions for making my first few weeks of training easier? How do you jump back into long runs after a momentary break?

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