ING Hartford Marathon Recap

Yesterday morning Amy and I woke up bright and early ready to run our hearts out in each of our respective races, the half marathon and marathon. We both slept wonderfully the night prior and literally jumped out of bed when our alarms went off. IMG_5076 We enjoyed a cup of coffee, toast with peanut butter and banana, and some water before leaving for the race. We drove Amy’s rental car downtown and were elated to find easy parking within 5 minutes of the start. There were a number of parking decks in downtown Hartford, open yesterday morning, within walking distance of the race start. We were especially surprised to find that parking was only $5, even on race day! IMG_5080 IMG_5078By 7:10 we were in the VIP area, thanks to Danielle and the race’s generosity. They allowed me, Amy, and a few of my runner friends access to the area to make our experience as smooth as possible as part of my partnership with the ING Hartford Marathon. The VIP area was amazing with a dedicated area for elite runners, plenty of tables, bathrooms, food, and water for everyone before the race. We had a perfect view of the finish line, as you can see above! We were able to easily meet up with Laura and Melissa Z who were also running the marathon before heading over to the starting line together which was right near Bushnell Park. The start was truly a party with fun music pumping. The 4 of us were dancing in the starting corral in between stretching!

start line I am not sure how long it took us to cross the start as I didn’t look at the clock but I’d say we crossed the start within 10 minutes of the gun going off. Later in the race I would regret this choice.

Lesson #1 of the day: In any race, always look at the clock time when you cross the start so you know your time difference versus the race clocks along the course.

The first mile of the race flew by and before we knew it we said goodbye to Amy who veered right for the half marathon course. Melissa Z and I made plans earlier in the week to run together for at least the first 13 miles. This plan worked flawlessly as we reminded each other to fuel, sip water and keep our pace as close to 10:18 as possible. The first few miles of the course were through downtown Hartford and an overpass before we headed down into Riverside Park. Miles 3-8 were along the river in Riverside Park and absolutely beautiful. There was a decent amount of shade and due to the narrow course along these miles, many runners started talking with each other. The two of us primarily listened as we were trying to save energy, but it still helped the time pass.

Around Mile 8, as we exited the park’s lovely shade, I realized just how warm the last 18 miles would be. Unlike my previous 3 marathons where I barely sweat the entire race, due to cold temperatures, sweat was dripping into my eyes beginning at mile 8. I mentioned to Melissa that this was going to be very different than expected due to full sun, warm temperatures and humidity but she just said to focus and forget about it.

Lesson #2 of the day: If there is any sunshine or heat predicted, especially more than you are accustomed to, wear a visor to help block sun and sweat from face.

Lesson #3 of the day: When you realize temperatures or conditions may affect your run, think about altering your time goals early on in the race so you adjust and don’t burn out early. (Runner’s Connect has a great tool which adjusts your goal paces for you based on temperature. This shows I should have adjusted to a 10:27 versus 10:18 since it felt like 70 while we were running yesterday.)

After the scenic beauty of the park, we exited onto a street for miles 9-12 which weren’t very memorable. In fact, I recall a business park, some industrial park and an awesome volunteer who was out there with her oxygen tank. The sun was growing very warm at this point but we kept on our pace goal and even saw Kristin and her husband cheering around this point! (Thanks for the picture Kristin!)

imageIt was also around these miles where Melissa and I decided to take advantage of the multiple water stations. Hartford Marathon was had a water and Gatorade station at EVERY mile which was incredible especially considering yesterday’s weather. I wanted to ensure that I didn’t run out of NUUN in my CamelBak so I took a sip of water or Gatorade every other mile at this point.  At mile 10 we both took salt shots, minus the tequila, to help us since we were both sweating profusely.

Lesson #4: Always carry salt packs with you as you never know when you’ll need them. You can grab them at any fast food restaurant and they are perfect to use on a hot day!

Mile 14 we hit the out and back part of the race, which would last for 6 miles. I enjoy out and backs courses as I love watching for friends or running outfits on the other side. In smaller races, such as Hartford, it provides a good change of scenery. We hit a gradual 2 mile incline as we started heading up Main Street.  Main Street was dotted with homes and fall foliage, not quite as nice as I was expecting, but still very quaint and very “New England.” Unfortunately mile 14 is also where things started to go south. Melissa felt we were going fast and her Garmin had us running closer to a 10 minute pace while my watch showed we were around 10:20. We asked people next to us and they said they were running a sub 10. But, at this same time the 4:30 and 4:45 pace groups past us. I was wary of going too fast so decided to slow to Melissa’s watch. A few minute later, just as we passed the Mile 14 marker Melissa needed to stretch so I promised to stay on the right side of the road and slow my pace, in order for her to catch up. Unfortunately, I slowed my pace down to around an 11 minute pace at this point which really messed things up with my body. Suddenly I felt everything from my hips to my quads.

Lesson #5: Try to keep your pace within a few seconds of your goal pace for as long as possible as slowing or changing pace dramatically can affect your gait and muscles.

After stopping to stretch again at Mile 15 Melissa said I needed to proceed on my own as she didn’t know how long she could progress. We were both exceedingly hot at this point but Melissa was feeling ill. I took a 30 second too long stretch break and continued running. I put my headphones on at this point, thankful for my marathon playlist on Spotify. Around mile 16 I saw Laura running towards me and we exchanged quick smiles and waves. As expected, these miles were very quiet as there were only a few local families out spectating, many of which were just sitting outside watching versus cheering. I took my 3rd and last fuel pack around mile 16, wishing I had brought more. Luckily, there were multiple cyclists volunteers along the course passing out Gu packets. I grabbed 2 (tri-berry and vanilla) to save for later miles.

At Mile 18 I felt like complete crap. I was disgruntled that the pace groups had passed me. My Garmin which was 100% charged at the beginning of the race went dead. The moisturizer I put on was dripping in my eyes, which along with the salty sweat, burned and caused me to wince constantly. This was my lowest mile mentally as I just had no desire to continue running. I also knew that there was no one I knew cheering along any of these miles so I had very little to keep me motivated. Due to slowing my pace so early my hips and quads were tight in a way I had never felt before. At mile 19 I was forced to stop and stretch out a charlie horse in my calf. From this point on I told myself that I needed to be stronger. I had to get out of my head and just focus on putting one foot in front of the other whether walking, jogging, slogging, or running.

I had no idea what my pace through these miles was but did my best to jog for about 8 minutes and walk for 1-2 minutes. As I started this I also started keeping my eye on people, trying to pass them one by one. This worked wonderfully until mile 23.5 where I just hit the wall completely. I stopped to stretch and burst into tears. I’d trained so hard for this marathon and wanted a PR so badly. Without knowing my pace or the time, I had no idea how close or far from last years time I was. I felt like I had let Gia down as my coach. I felt like I’d let so many readers and friends down who had cheered and supported me and BELIEVED in my 4:30 goal. I probably stood there crying for about 2-3 minutes. Truly pathetic, I know. Now looking back it annoys me even more as if I’d been walking during these minutes or better yet jogging, I would have run a PR.

Then, this lovely woman who I’ll call Angel, since I didn’t get her name, came up and slapped me on the back. She said her goal had been to run sub 4:20, which she ran on the Hartford course last year, and had been following me all day. My pink tutu was the “rabbit” she was trying to keep up with after starting to feel fatigue early in the race. She said there was no way she was letting me hang out on the road. She motivated me to start jogging again and from that mile on we jogged to each water station. She warned me that the Founder’s Bridge, which we’d hit at 25.5, would feel like hell as it’s so late in the race. We kept moving over that bridge and then at mile 25.75 I saw a smiling face, Amy jumping up and down screaming at me. IMG_5102I was crying in both pain and excitement at this point. Amy hugged me and jumped in with me, as promised, to run the last half mile. She said that I’d crushed the first half, perfectly on pace. I laughed and told her that yes, I had crushed the first half and the second half had crushed me. I told her I was in pain and could only move at a slog until the last tenth a mile where I promised to give it my all. We passed Kristin and her husband at mile 26 who were cheering loudly and chanting. They were so incredible.  1374201_10101260610198855_1601307453_nThe finish shoot was exactly what I expected, magically lined with gorgeous Fall mums and tons of spectators screaming their heads off, including Laura and her mom. The announcer called out everyone’s name as we crossed and at that  point I was the happiest person in the world. Sure, I didn’t set a PR but not every race can be a PR. Yesterday’s marathon was about learning a lot, helping Melissa Z push through the first half, experiencing a new town and course, and finishing. 1381897_10200250126330626_1127165089_n After finishing I immediately followed Amy back towards the VIP area where we were able to celebrate with Laura, her mom, Kristin and her husband. There was delicious Harpoon beer, cold chocolate milk, candy corn, and a Mexican burrito bar waiting for me! We had a blast cheering on other runners until the course closed at the 6 hour mark. It was truly the perfect way to end a great day! VIP after partyThank you again to Danielle and the rest of the Hartford Marathon Foundation staff who made yesterday possible. It was a wonderful weekend filled with friends, good food, great memories, and 26.2 miles which taught me more than I ever expected!

*I received a complimentary marathon bib and entry to the VIP area in exchange for my blogging about the race.

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NYRR Oakley Mini 10K

On Saturday I raced the NYRR Mini 10K for the 3rd time in so many years (2012 and 2011 recaps). It’s not easy to find 6.2 mile races around this area, especially through New York Road Runners, so it seems to always be a good goal race. It’s right before marathon training truly starts and the distance allows me to push “my speed” some while also not being in full sprint mode like I am for repeats or a 5k race. I love that for a month or so I can focus and I end up having a strong base to begin marathon training.

However, I wasn’t really confident in my abilities this year after a less than stellar few weeks of training. Yes, Bo and I did a great job of staying active during our Turkey and Switzerland adventures and I logged a few workouts during the work travel to San Francisco and Seattle but at the end of the day flying over 25,000 in a month time period can leave you exhausted regardless of how much water you drink, number of workouts, or healthy meals. However, Saturday morning I woke up after a few glasses of wine and a delicious home cooked dinner with my in-laws and decided to give the race every ounce of effort and enjoy myself. If nothing else at least it’s hard not to smile when one is wearing this much neon.


I have an amazing running coach who continues to motivate me daily both by her accidental PRs and her attitude. On Friday, while we emailed and texted back and forth about the race plan, she reminded me that I’m stronger than I think and that I have sub 9 inside of me for at least a few miles. While I think in a perfect world those sub 9 miles would come later in the race, like oh maybe mile 5, I’m not complaining with my new shiny PR which now tops my Mini 10K race history!

  • 2013: 57:57 9:20 pace per mile
  • 2012: 1:00:15 9:43 pace per mile
  • 2011 1:01:36 9:56 pace per mile

So now that I’ve let you all in on the news that I set a new PR, let me give you a glimpse into how it happen. Keep in mind, do as I say not as I do. Therefore, one should always strive to negative split. However, when you’re tired and unsure of what your body can do running as fast as possible is a whole lot easier.


I met Katie, my awesome running buddy who is looking to mingle with new running friends after my July 11th move, in the Times Warner Center around 7:30 before we headed into the corrals. We had time to chat and stretch in the corrals while enjoying some epic people watching. Everyone was so pumped for the race. There were teenagers running in neon and cool shades while the elite were walking right by us ready to take their place in the front. The energy was contagious and with temperatures in the mid 60s it was the coolest Mini 10K on record! Combine that with some great jams (LOVING Daft Punk, Bastille, Icona Pop,  and right now) on the iPod and a running bud who promises to push you makes for a great race.

I went light for this race, running without water, phone, or fuel so I don’t have pictures to share with you or even conscious thoughts since I definitely zoned out for parts of the race. Though Jen caught this picture of us running around mile 3 which pretty much summarizes the way I felt in the early miles. Also, note to self, wear more supportive running bras.


Mile 1: Running is amazing! Look at all these powerful women. I’m so glad I wore my compression socks. My legs feel great. This cool weather needs to last for the entire race. Quick glance at watch to ensure we’re keeping a pace we can maintain reveals 8:20. Oh, hello. Rack my mind to decide which approach I want to take. Decide to give it all I have and can always recover in the middle.

Mile 2: I tell Katie to prepare for some hills as we are approaching the start of Harlem Hills. She smiles and says she’s loving the race so far so I smile back and tell her that we’ll keep up the pace. Icona Pop comes on just as I glance down at my watch finishing mile 2 and see that we kept a 8:28. Right at this moment I start to wish this was a 5k race.

Mile 3: Okay we crushed that hill so just one more big one. I tell myself that I can start grabbing water in this mile so focus on the water station’s arrival instead of the hills. Catch myself rapping Ludacris out loud. Oh well. Grab water and see that we’re at a 8:53 pace. I’m fine with this.

Mile 4: Coming into this mile my body starts to feel the pain. I just sprinted the first half and am left pretty empty. I tell Katie that I’m going to slow it down big time to ensure I can finish strong and that she can leave if she wants. I still don’t know whether she laughed or yelled bullshit but regardless she stayed at my side. I remember what Gia told me and lean into the down hills letting gravity do its job. Feel like we’re keeping a good pace but notice that we’re at a 9:30. Ugh. Really?

Mile 5: Start to get negative in my head because 9:30 is a number I didn’t want to see. To make matters worse Katie misread the sign and tried to tell me we only had a mile left. Ha. But then I realize that was only in the initial race plan which included negative splits. I get out of my head and focus on people watching. I see people I recognize from other races, the gym, a blogger, and then oh hello co-worker. Watch beeps with 9:43.

Mile 6: This race really needs to be done. My legs are screaming and my left quad is straight angry. I grab more water and pour it on my wrists and in my mouth. The humidity is definitely present and I know we have some rolling hills in this mile before the final uphill. I barter with myself. I know I have a PR in the bag and know that reaching the stretch goal is pretty impossible. I want to walk. It’s hot. But then I tell myself that this is when I prove my strength to myself. A year ago I would have walked. This year I trudge through saying that anything is better than walking or stopping. I look down and see 9:39.

Mile 6-6.2:  Why does this race always end on an evil uphill. Let’s see if I see anyone on the sidelines. Oh wait there is Leanne – it’s sprint time. Uhoh, that’s a dry heave. Hold it down Ashley, that will make for an ugly race picture. Look at watch to see the time and give Katie a huge, sweaty hug! We did it! None of the pain matters now because I pushed through and achieved my goal of setting a new PR while leaving myself hungry for the stretch goal Gia set for me of a 57:00 10k.

So there you go. Do as I say (negative split, train hard) and not as I do (push it for as long as you can). But more than anything, reach deep and believe you can do it. There is someone out there who knows you can do it!

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Brooklyn Half Marathon Recap

Until yesterday, it didn’t really register for me that I was running the Brooklyn Half Marathon. I’ve run this race three two times before and didn’t love it either time, therefore deciding that I wouldn’t run it again. Until I made a alcohol influenced decision in Puerto Rico for Theodora’s 30th birthday. She saw everyone tweeting about it and convinced me to sign up for it. I figured that it would be a great way to keep me training after the New York City Half Marathon in March and kick off our vacation since we leave for Istanbul on Tuesday.

Well, training between March and now didn’t happen in a very organized fashion. NYC was definitely my PR race and I put my heart and muscles into training, following everything Gia coached me to do and making sure to log every run. Over the past two months I’ve enjoyed life. My workouts have been consistent, still squeezing in 5-6 workouts a week, but they’ve revolved around enjoyment versus a training plan. In addition to enjoying life the past three weeks have been filled with business travel which has meant that workouts have been shortened and a bit different.

Keeping all of this in mind, I decided to go into today’s half marathon with a positive, fun outlook. My only goal was to have a good time and finish.


Katie, my dear friend who was running her first half, met up with me bright and early for a trip over to Brooklyn. The day didn’t start out too wonderfully as I realized around 6am that we had no bread, bananas, or peanut butter. Fail. I made a small thing of oatmeal instead hoping this would work. I also forgot to grab water in my haste to leave so I could catch the subway downtown. I don’t think there was anyone other than runners on the subway line this morning.


By 7am we were in the corrals, ready for them to close at the planned 7:05am in advance of our 7:30 start since we were in wave 2. I have to give the New York Road Runners credit for their choice of starts and planning. The start was right near the subway station and each corral had plenty of portapotties, at least in the second wave.


Once we got into the corral we even found Kristin, my Philadelphia marathon buddy. She is always such a joy to be around, filled with positive energy. Katie and I were laughing non-stop for the 20 minutes we waited.


At 7:30 on the dot these pink running shoes all started their trek towards Coney Island. Katie decided that she wanted to start out slowly since it was her first half and she knew she had the energy to finish but wanted to enjoy every minute. Kristin and I both were focused on having fun but were toying with the idea of seeing how much we could push our speed. We decided we’d start together and split off if necessary.

The first seven miles were absolute bliss. The weather was overcast and cool though definitely humid. Kristin and I were either side by side or right in front of the other. Since she forgot her Garmin I would tell her our pace at the end of each mile. The first few miles before entering Prospect Park were speedy for us, under 9 minute mile pace. Once we hit Prospect Park I remembered it’s hidden hills, especially since my legs had just pushed through a 28:30 5k which is faster than my current 5k PR of 28:49. My goal for the park was to slow my speed a bit and focus on breathing and my music. The hills are no worse than Central Park so I knew it was nothing I couldn’t handle. I took a GU around mile 5.5 since my legs were feeling a bit heavy. At this point I heard someone yell hello and saw a smiling Katie at my side. As she’d predicted, the slow start had worked perfectly for her and now in the last 7 miles she was ready to drop her pace. Me, on the other hand, had just run a 59:34 10K which was also faster than my PR of 1:00:16.

As I crossed the 7 mile marker I had every emotion going through me. I knew that I was on track to run a sub 2:00 half marathon which is my long term half marathon goal. But, I also checked in with my body and realized just how exhausted I was. My heart rate was far too high, I felt nauseous, I was thirsty, and my legs were heavy. I told myself to just push on, get my pace closer to a 9:45 or 9:50 pace for a mile or two and then try and drop my pace past the 10 mile point.

Within minutes, everything started to get hazy and my right calf developed a horrible charley horse. When I saw the medical tent at mile 8 I knew I needed to pull over. I treated it like a drive through. I registered, sipped water, took some Pedialyte like substance they had for dehydration, promised them I’d run walk the rest, and then headed out within 5-6 minutes. I am a smarter runner than I was five years ago. I know my boundaries and I know when it’s stupid to push.

Since I knew a PR was no longer possible I went back to my original goals and focused on fun. I turned up my music, started taking pictures, took in the sights, and enjoyed motivating other runners.

How awesome is this woman’s outfit and sign? She was screaming and shouting like a crazy lady and I loved every second of it!




I told myself that I needed to keep moving and not risk further cramps by stopping. I took the advice of the medics and kept a run walk pattern until mile 13. I would run three quarters a mile and then walk a quarter of a mile while also grabbing water at the fluid stations.

As soon as I saw mile 13 I knew that I’d made it. I had pushed through the race and still enjoyed myself even though it wasn’t the race I expected. There were so many runners with whom I’d chatted during these final miles – motivating them to keep moving, talking about the great weather in comparison to previous years, and just enjoying ourselves. In the final quarter mile, along the Coney Island boardwalk, I found myself so thankful. Running is a sport which keeps me guessing each time I lace up my shoes. I never know what the run will hold but I find that I learn something from each run and race. Today I learned to respect any distance, whether it’s a 5k or a marathon. I thought for a brief few seconds that I could PR without training and that my friends isn’t smart. I’m pretty pleased that my 14th half marathon was my 3rd fastest even with the medical tent stop. This has lit a fire inside of me for next month’s Oakley 10k! I can already taste that PR!

IMG_8603Luckily, as I crossed the finish line I saw a familiar face and reunited with Kristin who had also had a less than stellar race. We decided to end the day in pure joy by dashing down to the ocean for a natural ice bath!


Your turn: What’s your favorite race distance? I am a huge fan of half marathons, especially when I train for them properly! It’s a challenging distance but it isn’t as large a commitment as a full marathon!

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