A Few Steps We Took While Trying To Get Pregnant

Okay guys, this post is not for those people who do not want to read about trying to conceive, pregnancy or anything of the sorts. If you’re interested in things like sweaty workouts, giveaways and gift guides, come back tomorrow!


Once I shared our news on the blog, many readers asked for more details around our path to conception. How long did it take? Did we do anything special? Did we use anything special? At first, I was caught off guard by these questions, as many of them are quite personal. But then, I quickly remembered the hours I spent reading other people’s posts about trying to conceive and realize that while this post will be very personal, if it helps some of you, then it is worth it.

I can remember, back in January 2004, during one of our very early dates, talking with Bo into the late hours of the night about our future visions. We both wanted to travel, focus on our careers and eventually, have a family with two children. We both come from families with two children, a boy and a girl, and therefore always envisioned the same for ourselves. As we became more serious and eventually were on the path towards marriage, we continued to talk about our goals and ensure that they still aligned.  As we grew older, we both realized that we wanted to wait to have children. We both had a number of things we wanted to focus on, including our relationship with each other, before adding children to the equation.


Luckily, our parents were supportive of this decision, never pressuring us to have children sooner than we wanted. It was only within the past year that my mom, a neonatal intensive care nurse, reminded me that the longer we waited the more challenges we’d face. When we moved back to New York City after living abroad for two years, we looked only for apartments which could accommodate a larger family. We chose Brooklyn versus Manhattan as we were able to get more space for our money as well as a backyard, something we both craved. The apartment we found, two floors of a brownstone in Carroll Gardens, was perfect for us and would allow us to have not just one child but even two children. However, in our eyes, it was a fixer-upper.  We took on this challenge, deciding that we would focus on reestablishing our careers in New York and making renovations to our apartment until the Spring.

During those first eight months in New York City the only steps we took towards trying to conceieve were as follows:

  • I worked with friends to find an OB-GYN who I could see for my annual exam in advance of becoming pregnant
  • Both Bo and I focused on our health and wellness since we read in multiple places that this could help in trying to conceive.
  • I scheduled my IUD removal for March 29th, exactly five years after I had it put inserted.

Originally, we planned to start trying in April. However, Zika changed these plans as I had a non-refundable girls trip booked for Jamaica during late April. Since the CDC recommended that women have only protected sex for six weeks following travel to Jamaica, Bo and I decided to delay trying to conceive. During that period, we both had annual exams with our general practitioners which included a panel of blood tests to ensure we were healthy. I also had a blood panel during my annual gynecology exam where she checked my estrogen levels and other things.  Luckily we both received I clean bill of health.

Even though we were delaying the process, I continued to do research and begin taking steps to help the process once we started. Beginning in May, I added a few things to my daily routine.

In late July, we took the plunge and decided that we were personally ready to start trying to conceive. We had long conversations, ensuring that we were both ready emotionally in case we were lucky enough to get pregnant in the first month. Then the waiting game began. I was not prepared for this waiting game. After having sex on the recommended “most fertile” days of the month based on my app, I counted down the days until my period was expected to arrive. In August, when my period arrived, I remember crying knowing that we hadn’t conceived. I don’t think Bo nor I were expecting this reaction and neither of us knew how to handle my sudden wave of sadness. Thankfully, we have an amazing support system who lifted us up, supported us and helped us keep in mind how rare it is to conceive in the first few months.  I did more research that month, trying to see if there were other steps we should take.  While a very personal choice, we both decided to give everything a chance. We made the following changes the following month:

  • Reduced alcohol intake to less than once glass a week
  • Started using TTC lubricant which while expensive, came highly recommended from multiple people.
  • Had sex multiple times, not just during that key window.
  • I reduced my exercise routine to primarily yoga, barre, Pilates and lower impact options.

In September, upon getting my period, I once again had a few dark days. I wondered whether at the age of 32, we had waited too long. Once we decided we were ready, we were SO ready to have a family immediately.


When we would spend time with friends and their children, we felt at ease and ready to create the same for ourselves. We suddenly found ourselves whispering when we saw families in coffee shops or cute children’s clothing in the window. We caught ourselves buying travel insurance for trips in case we were to conceive.  When my period ended, I made a crazy request of Bo.

Can we try having sex as many nights as possible? I don’t want to leave anything to chance. 

I know, I know. Scientifically this barely increased our chances but honestly, we had so much fun with it. This forced us to make time for each other, whether in the morning before work or after work. If there was a day when neither of us felt like it, we didn’t force it but we certainly had sex more often than normal.  In fact, we had sex 26 times that month.  It felt crazy and like such a whim but we both figured, why not. I will say, during that month I cursed the price of TTC lubricant more than once.

On October 6th, my period was due to arrive. On October 8th, when it still hadn’t arrived, I decided not to race the RNR Brooklyn Half, instead running it for fun and keeping my heart rate below 140. While I know some women have run half marathons and even marathons while pregnant, I didn’t want to risk anything. I took pregnancy tests on October 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th all of which were negative.  Even though the tests continued to read negative, my mom had her own opinions. My extreme exhaustion, pale color and overall appearance caused her to immediately share that she thought I was pregnant. After laughing and telling her that science was proving her wrong, I finally took one more pregnancy test Monday morning, October 10th.  I took two test, both of which resulted in the brightest, most brilliant blue crosses I’ve ever seen.
positive-pregnancy-test                                                       This is the pregnancy test today, since I forgot to take a picture originally. Oops. 

I remember running down the stairs, screaming and crying to my parents who were finishing their breakfast and getting ready to leave for the airport.

I’m PREGNANT! I’m PREGNANT! You’re going to be grandparents!

After tears and giant hugs, I realized that I needed to let Bo know. Unable to keep anything a secret, I called him at his work, screaming into the phone. We cried happy tears for a few minutes, letting the reality set in. I called my OB-GYN, assuming we’d be brought in that week for our first visit. Ha, I know, I was so naive. My doctor informed me that she doesn’t see patients until seven week so she looked forward to seeing me on November 1st. During those next few weeks I continued to take workouts very easy, slept a great deal and started to feel the symptoms of pregnancy. But, it wasn’t until that first visit and holding these images in our hands that it all became a reality.


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Weekly Workout Recap – December 5th – 11th


AKA Workouts During Week 12 of Pregnancy 

Happy Monday! I hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was filled with holiday festivities including Theodora’s annual cookie swap and the annual holiday lunch with some of Bo’s best guy friends, many of whom I’ve now known for nine years! Thanks to a very rich, late lunch at Peter Luger’s yesterday, I was in bed by 7:45pm. This set me up well for an early morning Monday workout!

Since so many people have requested that I share my workouts throughout pregnancy, today is the return of my Weekly Workout Recaps. I will share these each Monday with not only links and class details but also any adjustments I made during class due to pregnancy. Since I’m still early in my pregnancy, just 13 weeks, there aren’t very many adjustments yet.

  • Monday December 5th – After a long Monday I was craving a cardio sweat party, aka Soul Cycle class. While I don’t take Soul Cycle that often, I find that it can cure a bad mood better than almost any other workout. Joyce’s class was almost completely out of the saddle which is a change for me. If you take Soul Cycle classes regularly, would you say this is typical these days?
  • Tuesday December 6th – You guys know I don’t have my rythym and therefore typically avoid dance workout classes. Thanks to Target‘s C9 brand and AKT Nomad I had the opportunity to try an AKT Happy Hour class bright and early Tuesday morning with Kayla, Theodora and other NYC influencers. The Happy Hour class is their signature dance-based interval class. The class alternated between choreographed dance cardio combinations and toning workouts including a VERY challenging glute series that left my glutes sore for two days. By the end of the class I’d let my inhibitions go and was having a blast even though I was always a step or two behind. I enjoyed this class SO much that I’d consider going to it again or even trying their AKTEASE class which is targeted towards beginners.
  • Wednesday December 7th – Rest Day
  • Thursday December 8th  – I received a cold weather running package from my friends at Brooks which inspired me to immediately try on the pieces and head out the door for an outside jog. I jogged for 30 minutes around the neighborhood, enjoying the holiday lights and festive decorations while trying to ignore the cold weather’s affect on my lungs.
  • Friday December 9th – Since joining the Brooklyn (Dodge) YMCA this month, I’ve had the chance to get back into Body Pump. This was the first workout class I took when I started my fitness journey ten years ago. I used to take Body Pump three times a week at the gym near my apartment in Wayne, Pennsylvania but since moving to New York City haven’t been able to take it since it’s only offered in certain gyms. Friday evening I kicked off the weekend with a very sweaty, fast paced Body Pump Express class. I thought express meant it’d skip one track to result in a shorter class. Nope, it just meant you did 90% of the work in 75% of the time and most of the time was saved during transitions. I think I’ll stick to regular classes during my pregnancy as I found the pace a bit hard to keep up with at times.
  • Saturday December 10th – I met my sister-in-law at the Brooklyn Heights Soul Cycle for a 60-minute Soul Survivor class led by the very energetic Eve. Her class included A LOT of time out of the saddle as well as Rihanna tunes. By the time class was over I was ready to get out of the hot, sticky room but during class I felt great.
  • Sunday December 11th –  I returned to jogging with a 40-minute treadmill workout consisting of 5 minute walking intervals at 4.2 speed and 5.0 incline followed by 5 minute of jogging intervals at 5.7 speed and 1.0 incline.


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In Case You Missed It …


Oh my gosh, both Bo and I are overwhelmed with the outpouring of love and support we’ve felt over the past few days since sharing our news publicly. As you can imagine, it was very difficult to contain our excitement these past twelve weeks.

When you share so much of your life on social media, it is very difficult to keep up an active, energetic appearance when all you want to do is sleep and eat Saltines. There were days when I would watch other friends conquer tough workouts, run races I’d once planned to run and immediately want to dive under the covers. Keeping this news private was very overwhelming for me due to the amount this wonderful news changed my lifestyle almost immediately.

For those of you who haven’t been on the journey of motherhood, I quickly learned that the first trimester is the most fragile. I didn’t see my doctor until week seven and before that, I was constantly worried about doing something to harm the baby. As soon as we found out we were pregnant I started sleeping more, changed my workouts to exclusively walking and barre classes, fueled my body with nutrient packed foods like protein, fruits and vegetables, and said NO to commitments.  While all doctors are different, during our first visit, my doctor recommended that I focus on rest and relaxation during the first trimester to balance the stress of everyday life. She didn’t want me doing high intensity workouts or pushing myself. While I’ve historically been stubborn and prided myself on my ability to “do it all” I took this feedback to heart and pushed the brakes the first twelve weeks.  The human body has amazed me through this process, as it naturally forced me to slow down by using all my energy to form Baby Girl Diamond and the headaches and nausea forced me to sleep more than normal.


Now that we are in Week 12 I feel like I’m starting to experience the pregnancy glow and energy that so many people told me would come in the second trimester.  Last week I craved workouts for the first time in three months, enjoying everything from incline walking to two Body Pump classes. My aversions have subsided while my cravings for fruit, protein and sparkling water are still going strong.

Here are a few statistics and updates for everyone:

  • Week of pregnancy: I entered week 12 yesterday!
  • When is Baby Girl Diamond due: As of now, her predicted due date is Father’s Day – June 18th, 2017.
  • Who is my OB-GYN: I am in love with my OB-GYN, Dr. Cheon. My friend Meggie referred me to her and since then I’ve had the wonderful opportunity to refer four of my friends to her. She personally calls us with updates and test results and has spent at least 45 minutes with us during each of our appointment.
  • How many months did it take you all to conceive: We were actively trying for three months before we conceived. I will do a dedicated post on this topic later this week.
  • What birth control was I using, if any before? I had an IUD in for five years until March 2016.
  • When and how did you find out you were pregnant? Since we were actively trying, I started taking pregnancy tests the day after my period was supposed to arrive. I had five negative pregnancy tests before having two positive ones five days following my expected period. I looked and felt very lethargic the entire weekend my parents were visiting us in New York City and my mom insisted that she thought I was pregnant. Luckily I took the sixth test right before they left for the airport on Monday morning. I was 3.5 weeks pregnant when we found out.
  • What kind of pregnancy test did you take? Clearblue PLUS Pregnancy Test
  • How many doctor’s appointments have you had so far? We have had two appointments, week seven and eleven, including two sonograms.
  • Did we want a boy or a girl? The only thing we wanted was a healthy baby – the sex did not matter.
  • Do you have a name yet? Yes, we have a name but we are not sharing with anyone, including parents and family, until we hold the baby in our arms and decide that the name fits her.
  • Aversions: Randomly, the three things I’ve had the largest aversion to are brussels sprouts, coffee and bacon.
  • Cravings: Fresh mango, cottage cheese, seltzer water, lots of protein (cottage cheese, Baby Bel cheese, Fage yogurt), shrimp and Greek salads.
  • How did you find out the sex so early in your pregnancy? We opted to have an optional blood test during week eleven which measured PAPP-A and Free Beta HcG as well as provided the sex of the baby.

Please keep the questions coming friends! For those of you who are less interested in pregnancy posts, my posts Tuesday and Wednesday this week aren’t pregnancy focused! 

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