The Hardest Class I Took at the YMCA

Thanks to the YMCA of Greater New York for sponsoring this post.

Over the past two months, I have taken multiple classes at the YMCA including, but not limited to boot camp, yoga, spin, TRX, water aerobics and even a trampoline class. While each YMCA location had it’s own individual community vibe, I loved that every class format provided a safe environment for all abilities with teachers providing modifications throughout class.  The instructors took time before and after class to engage with students and it was clear that in most classes, I was the only new person. The YMCA members are loyal to their classes and instructors, and this was especially clear in my final class – Insanity.

After reading about the Insanity workouts on other health and wellness blogs, I was excited to discover that YMCA branches offer this workout to its members for no extra charge. Typically, the Insanity workout is only available when purchased through a Beachbody coach or their official website for 3 installments of $39.95.  This intense workout uses only your body weight and is a maximum interval style workout. This means that you push yourself, as hard as possible for 30 second to 1.5 minute increments and then have a very brief recovery between moves.

Chinatown YMCA

Offered Tuesday and Thursday evenings at the Chinatown YMCA, there was a line waiting outside the studio when I arrived, ten minutes before class. I asked a few of the students if they were regulars and took the class often. Their responses quickly told me that this class was going to be intense and I should fill my water bottle up and grab a towel because I’d be a sweaty mess by the end.

This class is awesome. 

The workout is efficient and killer!

Wait, this is your first time? Good luck! Make sure to tell Marc. 

Spoiler alert – this 45-minute class was beyond hard. In fact, it was not only the hardest class I took at the YMCA but one of the hardest classes I’ve taken – ever!

Insanity after

This class, while open and available to all members, is not for all abilities. Even though the friendly and high energy instructor, Marc, asked students about injuries and provided some adjustments, it as non-stop plyometric work. Almost all the moves were high impact including lots of jumping, side to side movements, sprints, and bursts of power. I can’t remember all the moves but the ones that stuck out in my head were the tuck jumps, ski jumps, cross jacks, ski abs, and clap push-ups. It wasn’t necessarily any individual move that made this class tougher than most of the classes I take at Barry’s Bootcamp, Fhitting Room, or Brick but instead the constant intensity. There weren’t alternate exercises to use as a “rest” such as weights or erg pieces. Instead, you were constantly moving between these high impact movements.

Insanity 2Insanity 1

Now that I have experienced Insanity, I can understand the appeal. For people who want to take their fitness and health to the next level, this is a great option especially if you workout at home. If you do the routine the 6 days a week that founder Shawn T recommends, you will get into fighting shape. However you will also put your body at a very high risk of injury if you don’t already know the right form and have a strong fitness base. Instead of trying this at home initially, I would recommend seeing if your local gym or even ClassPass studio offers the class so you can try it in-person with an instructor. If that isn’t an option, try to partner with a friend who has done it before or is experienced in high intensity workouts so they can help you with your form.

If you’re a member of YMCA of NYC and looking for a challenge, Marc’s twice a week Insanity classes will leave you sweating and out of breath. His friendly smile and awesome playlist will make you forget that you have 44 minutes left of class after you’re already out of breath in the first minute of tuck jumps.

Your turn: Have you tried Insanity yet? If so, what were your thoughts? 

Live in NYC and want to see what your local branch offers? Check out the YMCA website.

Disclosure: This post is part of a sponsored partnership with the YMCA of Greater New York.

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Five Workouts That Improved My Half Marathon PR by 35 Minutes

Five Speed Workouts for Half Marathon PR

Did tracking your friends or favorite bloggers during today’s Boston Marathon inspire you to run faster? While I may never qualify for Boston, running this race remains an item on my race bucket list and seeing friends fight through the heat and headwinds today, inspired me to push through this week’s workouts. After a few Epsom salt baths (these are my favorite), a deep tissue massage and lots of stretching, I’m looking forward to tomorrow morning’s run! Fingers crossed my body allows me to continue training to run stronger and faster!

Brooks stretching pic

Jacket Shirt Socks Shoes 

If you have your eye on setting a new PR (personal record) or becoming a faster, more confident runner, the number one tip I can give you is to run faster during training. I spent far too many years training at a steady state or comfortable speed, never pushing outside my comfort zone. Then, on race day, I went into panic mode when I felt that heart pumping, sweat inducing, energy rush and short of breath feeling that comes with racing. The more often you run at previously uncomfortable paces, the more accustomed your body will become. Here are a few of my favorite workouts that have helped me improve my half marathon time from 2:36 to 2:00 over the years.

Benefits of Speed Training

  • Improve your running form and efficiency
  • Help your body become accustomed to quick feet and stride
  • Burns more calories than steady state running
  • Increased cardiovascular benefits than steady state running
  • Can be performed on the treadmill or outside

Five Speed Workout Posts I Reference Often – Since I am not a certified running coach, I look to other bloggers and resources for advice. These are the ones that I have used, recommended and referenced multiple times for both tips, tricks and the workout included. 

Two Speed Workouts for New-ish Runners from Mile Posts and Women’s Running

Speed Work for Distance Runners from Sublimely Fit

Three Workouts to Increase Pain Tolerance from Runner’s World

Mile High Run Club 30 minute workout for Runner’s World

Two Treadmill Workouts to Improve Speed from FITaspire

As my massage therapist reminded me tonight, both the warm-up and cool-down become even more important when running faster. Don’t forget to spend five minutes doing dynamic warm-up such as lunges, butt kicks, high knees, hip openers and grapevines moves before you start! 

All pictures courtesy of the talented Lydia Hudgens.

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Friday Favorites – April 15th, 2016

marsh pic

Even though this week was a short one, after enjoying an extra day of vacation in Savannah on Monday, it has been brutal. Between client and team meetings, I felt like I was running all over NYC and New Jersey. There were also some subway issues this week, which I’m sure were due in part to the craziness taking place with the presidential candidates in town yesterday. Oh well, this afternoon we are heading down to Stone Harbor, New Jersey for a gorgeous beach wedding. Even though the wind and cool temperatures are following me everywhere, I am already looking forward to tomorrow morning’s long run along the water and some relaxation while Bo and the other groomsmen attend to the groom tomorrow.  What are you doing this weekend? Any fun plans? 

As promised, in regular Friday fashion, here is this week’s version of Friday Favorites. So, as you count down the hours until the weekend begins, let’s dive into this week’s edition of Friday Favorites, including recipes, articles, posts and other things that caught my eye this week.

  • In just six short days I will be enjoying a girls weekend away in Jamaica. When I saw this on sale earlier this week, I knew it would make the perfect poolside to happy hour cover-up since it can transition easily when paired with my favorite, gold sandals and this fun clutch.
  • I am SO thankful that big, Fortune 500 companies are starting to realize that parental leave and work life balance are important for the long term relationship they have with their employees. This week E&Y shook things up by announcing a new policy which allows both moms and dads 16-weeks paid paternal leave. This announcement puts them at the front of the consulting pack for parental leave and will hopefully inspire other companies to make similar changes.
  • With two half marathons coming up (Flying Pig and Brooklyn), I love the idea of using the Flying Pig on May 1st as a practice half marathon. Since it is three weeks before Brooklyn my legs will have time to recover from the hills while I can mentally think about what changes I want to make before Brooklyn.

barre pic

I’m wearing this tank in the above pic which I snagged at Target last weekend!

  • I returned to the barre this week in a big way, unintentionally taking two classes withing 12 hours – oops! My time away from barre classes made me realize the impact these small movements make on my body. I left both classes (Bar Method Brooklyn and Barre3 West Village) feeling challenged and just a bit leaner since the workouts really focus on strengthening, lengthening and engaging your core muscles.  While the two studios are very different they both have a great community feel and the movements helped me target a few weaknesses such as my glutes. Expect to see more barre classes in my monthly ClassPass (<–Get $25 off your first month with this link) recaps.  Click here to read all my monthly ClassPass recaps.
  • Speaking of ClassPass, they announced some new changes this week including new plan options. What are your thoughts? 
  • Are you trying to grow longer, thicker hair? Two of my favorite bloggers, Rachel and Gina, shared great posts this week all about hair. I ordered Gina’s favorite hair mask and already swear by the same supplement as Rachel! What’s your favorite hair tip or product? 
  • I love reading that British kickboxing champ Ruqsana Begum is launching a line of athletic gear for Muslim women, including hijabs, in hopes that it inspires them to feel empowered to participate in sports!
  • I am guilty of ignoring LinkedIn as I love my company and my role. But, this article made me realize the value it can provide and was the kick in the butt I needed to add “update LinkedIn profile” to my to do list. I appreciated the advice of using the app instead of the website to find tips and articles to help improve my current business and grow as a manager.
  • I just added the ingredients for this quinoa tabouleh recipe to this week’s shopping list. Making a double batch of this will provide enough to enjoy as a dinner side, paired with grilled chicken or fish, as well as a perfect salad topping for lunches!

pineapple hacks

  • The perfect gift for almost any occasion, my friend Katie made this wine pineapple for an upcoming housewarming party and I immediately pinned it for a few upcoming birthday and bachelorette parties! Hopefully this will be a Pinterest win for me versus a fail.
  • The warm weather means that iced coffees and breakfast smoothies are making a return to my daily routine. Easy to whip up and satiating, it’s easy to forget that everything you add to the blender, regardless their health content, should be measured and has both calories. While I never recommend measuring things daily it can’t hurt to take a minute and assess your smoothie to ensure you’re not making the same smoothie making mistakes highlighted in this article.


Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored and instead is a list of the things of my favorite things this week. As normal, it includes lots of beauty and fashion items which means there are a few affiliate links via ShopStyle. It takes time and money to maintain a blog so I thank you for the support and few cents that come from clicking through the links!

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