Free Workout in London – Project Awesome

Waking up early to squeeze in a workout before work is never easy. In fact, for many, it feels downright impossible.

Project Awesome, helps get London out of bed each Wednesday and Friday morning by promising them free fitness, enthusiasm and fun. Especially helpful during the rainy, cold, dark mornings one can’t help but smile when they hear the commotion coming from The Scoop, the group’s Wednesday meeting location. Similar to the November Project in the United States, Project Awesome is all about showing up and holding yourself accountable to working out regardless the weather!

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Danny Bent, an enthusiastic and spirited guy sporting short shorts and tons of muscles, makes the workout feel like a party. He brings a great playlist and speaker each week and screams the workout to the group in a non-threatening, supportive manner.  In fact, he gives sweaty hugs to all the newbies and prides himself on knowing everyone’s name!


Each Wednesday the group completes a body weight workout that lasts 45 minutes. The workout varies but many things are consistently a part of the routine: squats, burpees, pushups and stairs. The ampitheatre lends itself to stair climbing. They are a killer workout since they are so steep. My calves and glutes were burning after just a few minutes!

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Luckily we mixed up the stairs and body weight workouts with my running over Tower Bridge. I couldn’t get over the sunshine and views yesterday morning as a group of us chatted our way back and forth over the bridge. As we passed fellow project members we gave high fives and motivated each runner to go just a bit faster.

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These pictures can’t do the energy levels justice! Everyone was smiling their way through the workout, even during the group squats which lasted almost five minutes! At the end of every workout the group takes a pictures, a fun way to document the fun. As you can see there were around 40 people at yesterday’s class, ranging in age from 10 years old to mid 40s.

If you’re traveling to London or a local, head over to the Facebook page to find out more and join Charlie and company for their weekly workout. I guarantee you will feel the burn and have a blast! They meet each Wednesday at The Scoop, next to Tower Bridge, at 6:30am and each Friday at Primrose Hill. Don’t be surprised if someone hugs you upon arrival, screams your name as you’re dashing up the stairs or invites you to coffee afterwards. This group is all about the fun and camaraderie!


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