After a week of reflecting and thinking about the marathon, I’ve come to realize that this marathon hurt more than any other because I put so much of myself into training. My heart and soul went into this year’s training, pushing my body to try new things and reach new paces that I’ve never felt before. I’m very accustomed in my life to working hard for things but then, at the end of the day, seeing the rewards of that hard work come to fruition in either grades, business results, increased readership, etc.
Unfortunately, at the end of the day, after weeks of training the results I saw when I crossed the Berlin Marathon finish line were not the ones I expected based on my training. There is a feeling of sting and disappointment that comes with this realization. In years past I had put myself through the training but never pushed the way I did this year. I had spread myself too thin whether across different types of workouts, commitments, or second guessed my body’s abilities and therefore not pushing to that next level of speed, hill training or long runs.
So now, a week later, it’s time to set aside all the emotion and give you a run down of the 2014 Berlin Marathon.
First and foremost, would I run it again or recommend it to others? Yes, yes yes! I loved Berlin and believe that they put on a great event complete with special activities such as the Breakfast shakeout run the day before to the enormous expo. It is a great race for anyone, whether it is your first or your 20th marathon!
Marathon morning I left the hotel around 7:15 to head over to the start area. The streets were already filled with fellow participants heading that direction so it was easy to follow participants from our hotel (The Sofitel Gendarmenmarkt) to the start. The weather was crisp and fresh, perfect for a marathon. Within a few minutes I could hear the crowds and excitement coming from the starting area as people started to organize themselves near the bathrooms, bag drop and grassy space. The announcements were primarily in German though due to the friendly people, many quickly would translate when anything was announced.
Before leaving, I tried going to the bathroom three times as I remember reading that the bathroom situation is a bit crazy and lines could get quite long. As soon as I arrived I grabbed a spot in the nearest bathroom line, already twenty people deep even though it was still more than an hour until the start.
Once I finished I navigated my way towards the starting area, hoping I could find Charlie before the start. The signs and paths seem to go on forever, until after two separate bib checkpoints, I found myself in my starting corral. The race used metal barricades so people couldn’t easily duck in and out of corrals, instead having to literally hop over them due to the crowds and chaos at the few entry points.
I made friends with ladies around me in hopes to calm my nerves which suddenly were appearing out of no where. Out of months of training, race day was finally here. I did my best to stretch though due to the tight starting area I could barely lift my leg without kicking someone. Instead, I made sure my phone was in airplane mode and my Garmin was ready to go. Right on time we heard the start and the elites were leading the way. Just 10 minutes later it was time for our corral to cross the starting line.
My goal for the race was pretty simple. I wanted to run the first half strong, but not push my pace to the point of being unable to sustain it. I didn’t want to see any paces in the 8 minute or 10 minute range for as long as possible as one was too fast and the other was slower than I’d run my half marathon or training runs. In addition, I knew that I was running all 26.2 mile by myself which is a change versus previous years. I figured that the first half I would enjoy the sights and crowds then put in my headphones around the halfway point to break up the race and provide some motivation. Bo, who wins the award for cheerleader of the year, was going to catch me at three different spots – 10k, 20k and 40k. This helped me break up the race.
The first few miles were quite crowded but I barely noticed. I stayed to the far right side, and focused my attention on the absolutely incredible crowds. While they weren’t lining the streets for all 26.2 miles they were certainly present and unlike in some races, both here and in the states, they were actively screaming and cheering. There were people waving their country flags and holding signs. I felt strong and happy, barely noticing as we passed kilometer markers.
Are there mile markers and kilometer markers or only kilometers? There are only kilometer markers but I used my Garmin in miles since that is what I’m most accustomed to at this point.
The race featured 8 fluid stations (water and/or energy drink) and 6 fuel stations featuring either fruit or energy packs. The crazy plastic cups that people complain about is a real problem as you not only have to be careful not to run into people stopping to take fluid or avoid sticky messes but you have hard, plastic cups to complicate things which are breaking and cracking all over the streets. I avoided the water stations for the 5k mark as I had plenty of water in my handheld water bottle at this point.
Each mile, when I heard my Garmin beep, I glanced down to ensure I was on target, hovering somewhere in the 9:40-9:55 range. At the 5k point my average pace was 9:51, perfectly on target for my secret reach goal of 4:25. When I hit 5 miles I took my first salted caramel Gu. My plan for the day was to take a Gu at 5, 10 and 15 miles. When I reached 20 I would switch to either the half of granola bar or margarita Cliff Shot Blocks. A few minutes later, as we passed the 10k point, I started watching for Bo’s red hair. When my Garmin beeped it showed 1:01:05 or 9:51. I was all smiles when I heard Bo yell my name. At this point I was starting to feel the warm weather as the temperature had increased significantly since the start. Bo noticed that I was already looking salty so I took note and decided to start taking water and energy mix at the upcoming stations.
The miles weren’t necessarily coming easily but I felt strong. Focusing on the sights, even when it was a statue or a foreign building, helped take my mind of the running. I refused to start counting down as many readers had reinforced that once you start counting down the miles you stop enjoying the race. I kept moving forward, making sure to grab something to drink at each water station.
We crossed the half marathon mark sooner than I expected, at 2:11:15 or a 10:01 pace. Considering that I’d walked through the last water station, I was fine with this pace. It was still within reach goal range. My body was starting to feel the miles, but in a different way than I’d felt during my training runs. I felt as if I couldn’t take in enough water, always chugging the full cup at the water stop and had emptied my handheld bottle by the 10k point. Unwilling to focus on this more than necessary, I finished my 2nd Gu and grabbed my iPhone, switching on Spotify, ready for the boost that the music would provide.
I saw Bo around mile 14, telling him that I was starting to feel thirsty and a bit tired. I asked him if he had the extra pack of Gu I’d given him the night before as I may need it. He looked at me confused, clearly having forgotten the GU. I gave him a hug and moved forward.
Around the 24k point, or 15 miles, I started searching for a bathroom. I could tell that I wouldn’t be able to hold it for the rest of the race regardless how hard I tried to sweat out the liquid I was taking in through each water station. Just as quickly as I’d felt the urge, I felt an immediate need and luckily found a bathroom, just as promised, before the fuel station. I will save you the details but I lost a lot of fuel during that stop and without any toilet paper, dealt with some unfortunate chafing
Based on my pace I lost a few minutes in the bathroom but pushed forward, refusing to let it get me frustrated. I hoped that I’d gotten whatever I needed to out of my system and could just focus on the home stretch. My overall pace had dropped to 10:15 between that bathroom stop but I hoped that I could pick up the pace once I cleared the fuel and water area. I tried to do math in my head, to figure out what a 10:15 pace would equal for a marathon finish. This is a great way to entertain yourself on a race course as I swear it took at least a mile to figure out that it had to be within the 4:30 range.
Since I’ve never been a negative split runner, regardless how much I try, I decided that the better goal may be to just slow the pace and sustain the 10:15 range versus pushing it too early. I didn’t feel great after the bathroom stop. The next time I saw Bo I looked less than fabulous.
Yeah, I think I was yelling, can’t stop to talk, must move forward. Since I’d left the bathroom, back at mile 15, the marathon had stopped being fun or even enjoyable. My mind started questioning why I sign up to run one each Fall. I tried to change my watch to just clock setting, hoping to zone out and get my mind back on track. By the time my watch beeped 19 miles my pace had dropped, now at an average of 10:45, off my reach goal pace. As I tried to take another Gu, hoping it would help, I lost everything and started vomiting. There wasn’t much so it was more just liquid coming out but regardless wasn’t fun. I knew I had 7 miles left. Only 7 miles until I could be done with marathons forever, if I wanted. I dropped the Gu and just started walking. I wanted so badly to not walk at all the marathon but I remembered what others had said. I needed to keep moving primarily and walking is not for the weak. Some people run 8 and 9 minute pace miles with a run walk combination.
By the time I reached mile 22, which felt like an eternity, my entire right quad and groin were in pain. It felt like a charlie horse in my upper leg, versus the calf area. During these tough moments I am proud of myself for not stopping all together but I definitely walked more than the planned 1 minute of each mile.
I know that these were the moments that separated me from being a sub 4:50 marathoner this year. I knew all those mantras such as pain is temporary but at the same time, I thought of all the wonderful things I could enjoy after the marathon. Ski season, relaxed fun runs with friends, hiking in Chamonix, running the trails with Renaud, going to yoga more often, swimming with the P&G swim team. If I injured myself, none of that would be possible for a few months. At the end of the day, I wanted to finish the race uninjured versus push through the pain. This is a decision that is very personal and that every person has to make and be comfortable with in the moment and afterwards.
When I finally saw the famed Brandenburg Gate I couldn’t even smile. My body ached, my heart ached and I just wanted to be done. I wanted a hug from Bo and I wanted a cold beer. As I finally crossed the finish line at 1:53pm, 4:55:51 minutes after I started, I was filled with emotions. I thought I’d just barely pulled out a PR but knew I’d lost my sub 4:30 marathon which for so many miles had been within reach.
Now, looking back, I realize that this is why I felt a different type of pain this year. For over half the race that goal was in my hands. In fact, up until mile 20 a significant PR was in my reach. But, over the course of those miles my pace dropped from the original 9:55 to the 10:30 and finally ending at an 11:17 pace overall.
Was it the marathon i wanted and hoped for over the weeks of training. No, not at all. But, as I study the splits via the Berlin Marathon site I see something shiny within all that gloom. For 30km I held a pace that never before had been feasible for that type of distance. I am stronger than I was a year ago and even just a few months ago. I finished the marathon and today, as I ran a speedy 5k during lunch, I was thankful for the decision not to risk months of injury for one race.
So there you have it, 26.2 blurry miles jaded a bit by sweat, salt and disappointment.
Thanks to Charlie for the starting line picture since mine is all sorts of blurry!
I’m getting ready to run my first marathon next month and I’m so scared. I loved reading your recap… and you’ve given me chills! I kind of want to run the Berlin marathon now…
Beautifully written! There is some happiness in the miles, I’m glad you found some of it!
I really loved this “once you start counting down the miles you stop enjoying the race.” I think running – especially distances like the marathon – is a confusing mix of “this is a feat I want to accomplish” and “I really enjoy doing this.” It’s a really nuanced balance to strike. For me at least, I know I don’t want to feel TOTALLY miserable, but I need to feel like I am struggling a bit to know I am getting better. I love the way you talked through your own experience and reaching your own balance in a very tough race. I struggle w/ this thought myself, but the accomplishment is not just the day of the marathon, but the excellent experience you had along the way (like a PR in the half) etc. Congrats on finishing!
I loved your recap and can totallyunderstand where you’re coming from. It sounds like my MCM race recap where I had to just finish instead of seeing what I wanted from my training. Marathon training and racing, period, is not for the faint of heart and you did something amazing – much less in another country and environment overall! Congrats on your marathon girl, you deserve it!
Proud of you for writing this recap even though I’m sure it wasn’t all that enjoyable to rehash/relive those later miles. Bottom line is you finished, you held an AMAZING pace for the majority of the race, and you dealt with some really unfortunate issues that can throw anyone off both physically and mentally. You’re stronger for having done it and maybe you come back in a couple years ready to take it on again. Now enjoy ski season, traveling, yoga, wine without having to worry about getting up early to run, and swimming!
I would LOVE to make my return to marathoning with you – preferably in Europe. Ideally in Paris. 2016? 🙂
Let’s all make a date 🙂 If/when Ash is up for it.
I’m inviting myself in on this plan, please and thank you. 😉
I love how you are always so positive about things 🙂 Even though you might not have been 100% happy with the way things turned out you still wrote a positive beautiful post 🙂
You look so great!! I can’t imagine looking like that after all you went through!! Congratulations!!
I really appreciate your recap. About to finish the long training run in a few days for the MCM at the end of the month. I saw your fuel plan, and I am always looking for advice and options. This is my 6th full, and I always seem to crater about mile 22 in the nutrition department. Right now I use vanilla Gu (1 per ~ 4 miles) and plain water (sip per mile). Thinking about increasing Gu in the last 10K, but it’s a hard thing to test fully.
I’m running Chicago-my second full, this wknd and loved reading this recap. It’s reassuring to think that crap happens on race day even if training was great (mine was spotty!). You ran ANOTHER freaking marathon though. Congrats! Berlin sounds great!
Congrats on your finish! I completely respect your decision to take a break from marathons, but now having read your re-cap, I don’t think you should be so hard on yourself. Due to the bathroom issues and vomiting, it is clear that you were not having a great day out there. I could see wanting to bag marys if you had a wonderful race and everything was clicking, yet you still felt short of your goal time. But in this situation, it seems that it just was not your day. If you had one of those, “wow, I feel like I could run forever” days, it could have been a much different outcome. I am also curious if, looking back, you think that the half-mary effort from lil while back was too much. I learned the hard way that if I make a tune-up a bit too race-like, it really impacts the goal race. Do you think that was part of what happened? In any case, great job holding the pace for so long, thanks for the recap (I would love to do Berlin) and enjoy your mary break!
Me and Philly in a nutshell. You’re amazing, and stomach issues get the best of us. I’m not going to give you an inspirational line like I want to, because I know how I felt after Philly (Hence my NYCM 2012 magnet STILL not showing my Philly time…) so I’ll just say this: What’s done is done, leave it in the past, it does not dictate your future and you WILL conquer your goals, of that I am sure.
Ash, I am so proud of you for this and every mile you have poured yourself into. Ive never known someone who juggles what you juggle with as much poise as you do. 26.2 miles is a huge accomplishment and I firmly believe that the time it took you to run those miles is NOT the point. The point is that you excelled through training, you loved the changes that you saw in yourself and you should continue to celebrate how strong you have become. Marathon, no marathon … You are an inspiring runner to many 🙂 big hugs.
I feel your frustration and I’m sorry you had such a hard time 🙁 I’m glad you pushed through to finish and no doubt, learned a lot on your journey to the marathon again. Wonderful job and all your reflections have been really great. I know focusing on training so much is SO hard for me, which is why i cut back on it this year. Anyway, all the best in whatever endeavor you take on next!
awesome job! I love this recap! I just ran my 4th half and my first thought crossing the finish line “how the hell do people do this twice?!?” I’m so impressed! Love your attitude!
You nailed exactly why I don’t do more than one marathon a year…I put myself mentally and physically in to it wanting a goal and should they day not go as planned, I can still find the joy…but damn it’s a hard pill to swallow! I think what we all realize with time is that it still pays off in the long run {no pun intended}…or maybe.
Thanks for a great recap of the race. I’d love to hit up the European circuit at some point, so maybe I’ll start here!
Thanks Amanda! I’m sorry we’ve had similar experiences but live and learn, right? Thanks for your kind words and YES run Berlin for sure!
Nice job–a marathon is an accomplishment at any pace! One thing that did strike me about your writeup is that you seemed to take in a LOT of fluids during your run. I am not a long-distance runner by any means, but I do sweat a lot on my (generally 3-10 mile) runs and I still definitely find there’s a point at which hydrating has a negative effect on my performance. Nothing as serious as hyponatremia, just discomfort that slows me down a lot, even in warm weather when I am sweating buckets. If I were to have emptied a handheld bottle of water over the course of a 10k run I would be feeling a lot of blech from all that water sloshing around in my stomach. You mentioned in a previous post that you have trouble staying hydrated enough but I was wondering if you have ever experimented with hydrating less while running? Just a thought 🙂
Thanks Catherine! That’s a great thought and something I will experiment with!
I read this last week on my phone and couldn’t fathom a response via typing on it. Kudos to you for finishing and don’t despair! I ran a 5K (PR), 10K (PR), 2 halves (1 minute off PR) and 2 25Ks (PR) prior to my April 2014 OKC Marathon. I was READY to PR. Then came the rain. And the 2 hour delay. And the hunger (because no one expected the delay). And the wind. And the heat (90 by the end!). Sad to say, it wasn’t a PR. It happens! No matter what we do in training, it all comes down to race day. It took me a LONG time to get over it. I was READY. I was feeling amazing. My training rocked. And the whole thing sucked. 6 months later, I don’t care at all. It will get better (side note: did a 50K in August, set a PR, it all evens out….)