Healthy Banana Bread Recipe

This weekend in London I had one request for Charlie before our time together came to an end.

“I want to cook and bake together!”

Charlie has the opportunity to spend most days in a kitchen, whether at work or home. I hoped that her passion and confidence in the kitchen would wear off on me after a few hours together. Luckily not only did her confidence rub off on me but I had a blast spending time in her kitchen laughing, learning and making both dinner and dessert together.

IMG_6887IMG_6868She will be sharing our dinner recipes over on her blog along with some great tips and tricks but tonight I have the pleasure of sharing this recipe – delicious, healthy banana bread! Deciding what we would bake was far easier than Charlie ever expected. I’ve read her blog for months now and have fallen in love with her recipes, many of which have included either bananas or berries. No smell in the world reminds me more of home and my mom than banana bread. We used to buy multiple bunches of bananas just so we always had brown ones ready for the loaf pan.

IMG_6866IMG_6870There are a few ingredients in this healthier version that my mom’s version never included:

  • 3 super ripe bananas- Always bake banana bread with extra ripe bananas. The riper the banana, the more sweet the bread!
  • AgaveA great alternative sweetener, agave is lower in glycemic index and is less refined than sugar.  We only needed to use a small amount in the recipe due to the bananas’ sweetness.
  • Spelt flour – Spelt is a whole grain so it is a great alternative to all purpose flour. While we didn’t fully substitute the all purpose flour for spelt we were able to make the recipe healthier by going half and half. 
  • Greek style yogurt – Yogurt provides added protein and serves as a healthy fat so you can use less oil.
  • Blueberries – Fresh and perfectly in season the berries added a hint of tartness to the bread and gave it a new tastes. It’s also a perfect way to use berries when you buy one too many pints on sale at the market!

The finished loaf was so moist and dense that we were able to cut 12 wonderful slices, perfect to enjoy anytime! I had a slice with coffee on my flight from London to Geneva Monday morning and both Charlie and I have both loved snacking on the fresh banana bread with a cup of tea at work.

healthier blueberry banana bread

Blueberry Banana Bread

Ingredients:  (yields one loaf)

  • 2/3 cups spelt flour
  • 1/2 cup all purpose flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 3 large ripe bananas
  • 1/4 cup vegetable oil
  • 3-4 tablespoons agave
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt
  • 1 cup fresh blueberries

Instructions:  Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.  Combine flours, baking soda, and cinnamon in a large mixing bowl. In a separate bowl, mash bananas with a fork until they are fully mashed together. Add oil, agave, vanilla, eggs, and yogurt to the banana mixture and whisk well, until no lumps. Pour wet ingredients into the dry ingredient bowl, folding until thoroughly combined. Fold blueberries into batter gently. Pour batter into a greased or lined loaf pan.  Bake in the oven for one hour or until a toothpick passes the test, aka comes out clean. Transfer to a cooling rack and let cool before removing from pan and slicing. Cut individual slices for perfect pre-portioned breakfast or office snacks!

IMG_6905IMG_6932What’s your favorite baked good memory from growing up? Mine is definitely my mom’s banana bread!

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My Running Story

Happy National Running Day! Even though it seems like this is a US celebrated day, why not spread the joy of running across the continents especially when so many things include worldwide shipping!

Today’s post will be broken into two parts – great National Running Day deals and programs followed by my running story. For some long time readers, this is a familiar topic but as there are new readers joining daily, sharing my running story is always appropriate on National Running Day!

National Running Day Deals and Programs

Timex – For every use of #IMARUNNER on National Running Day, Timex will donate $5, up to $20,000, towards the Boomer Esiason Foundation’s Team Boomer program! In addition, runners can share their story on the Timex Facebook page in order to qualify to win a Timex Ironman watch! I highly encourage each of you to use the hashtag #IMARUNNER as this is such a great cause!

Rock’n’Roll Race Series 24 hour discount – Save up to 25% on 26 of their upcoming races including the new and improved Savannah race series in my hometown!

Women’s Running Magazine – Get a new 1 year subscription or renew your current subscription for just $10!

Women’s Running Series discount -  Save up to 20% on their upcoming races in Nashville, Scottsdale, and St. Petersburg, FL!

Pro-Compression – Get 50% off ANY of their great socks and sleeves, including my favorite hot pink compression socks, when you purchase 2 or more products! (Coupon code JUNE expires June 15th.)

I Run this BodyDorothy has extended the sale on her site, including Erica Sara designs bracelet  through tomorrow!

My Running Story

Running has evolved for me over the past seven years. In the beginning, I ran for weight loss. Then, in Philadelphia I ran because I was depressed and lonely. In New York City, running became a social activity and something I did to build friendships and develop a new passion with Bo. But, now, running more than anything is the way that I experience and see new cities and places. So while I may not qualify for Boston anytime soon and I may not achieve every goal that was on my list at the beginning of this year, I will continue to run everywhere I travel whether alone or with friends and loved ones by my side.

“Have I always been a runner?”

Hell no! In fact, my passion and love of running only began 7 years ago. My relationship with running has evolved quite a bit from where it began.

image The Beginning

On July 2nd, 2005 I walked into a Philadelphia Weight Watchers center desperate for a change. My size 14 shorts no longer fit, I had outgrown my favorite clothing store J.Crew, and I was perpetually the girl with the “great personality.” I was depressed, tired,  and finished with settling for being a “big girl.” Per my mom’s suggestion, I gave Weight Watchers a try. She insisted that it would be a safe, friendly area without the normal intimidation associated with idea of weight loss. I loved it! Within two weeks, I had lost my first 5 pounds and was learning about portion control and incorporating more fiber and protein into my diet. I was reading everything I could get my hands on ranging from books to health magazines.  But, then I hit a plateau and found that even two straight weeks of eating well weren’t helping the weight loss. My “coach” suggested I try running. I laughed at her and explained that I was the girl who avoided the mile run during elementary and middle school. I even avoided team sports in high school for fear that I wouldn’t be able to keep up with the other girls even though I loved volleyball and soccer in middle school. She challenged me to start walking and take it from there. That night, in an old Villanova dorm fitness center, I stepped on the treadmill for the first time. I started out slowly, setting the speed to 3.5 just trying to find my balance. After 20 minutes, sweat dripping down my face and body, I increased the speed. I remember bartering with myself. “If I can do 1 minute at 5.0, then I can stop.” Success!  That night, I jogged for 1 minute and felt invincible. I had taken my first true steps towards finding an exercise that I would come to enjoy and love.

In the days that followed, I added one minute every evening. I kept track of my mileage and time in my Weight Watcher points diary each day until I realized that I was half way towards a 5k. Every summer, during college, my sorority sisters celebrated the end of the season with a lake weekend in Macon. Each year, I stood and cheered by the sidelines of the Macon Labor Day Road Race while they ran past. This year would be different. I kept my new found activity a surprise from everyone. By the last day of my summer internship and my final Philadelphia weigh in, I had lost 11 pounds and was able to jog, albeit at a 11:45 pace, a 5k on the treadmill. My friends and family couldn’t compliment me enough when I returned to Georgia. This positive energy, along with the fact that I was finally under 190 pounds, kept me yearning for more. By Labor Day weekend, I was able to finish the Macon Labor Day Road Race in 33:12! Throughout the rest of my senior year, I lost 30 more pounds through careful eating and exercise. I ran three days a week throughout campus, normally logging 3-4 miles. I spent this time thinking, releasing stress, and thinking. Sometimes, I was able to convince another sorority sister, who was willing to jog at my pace, to join me for an evening run. It quickly became my favorite time of the week.


When I moved to Philadelphia on May 14th, 2006 I was excited for the future, but very aware that I was leaving a great deal behind. I left my friends, boyfriend (now husband Bo), family, and past in Georgia in order to start the next chapter in my life. I was pursuing my dream job, but I was miserable. I spent my time immersed in working out and cooking when I wasn’t working. Each morning, I woke up at 6am and logged 4 miles on the treadmill. Each night, I would return to the gym and bike or spend time on the elliptical. I wanted to be anywhere except in the loneliness of my apartment. During this same period of time, my best friend Amy, who had also started with P&G, convinced me that I could run further than 4 miles. She thought that training for races, virtually, would help me. It gave me something new to focus on and something fun to think about. We planned her visits around our Philadelphia races, often making a weekend out of the hour or two hour race. image We were second class citizens at our first race, The 2006 Philadelphia Marathon’s 8k. Trust me, on a marathon weekend, the event planners do not think twice about those folks running their smallest race. But, for me, on that day I ran my first race with Amy and my furthest distance. I was immediately hooked on the endorphins I felt after a race and the energy I gained running a new distance. This confidence spread into my everyday work as well as my social life. Bo and my friends saw a new, happier and more confident Ashley while my co-workers quickly termed me “The Running Gal.”  Over the next few years, we conquered multiple mileage marks together including 5k, 8k, 5 miler, 10k, 10 miler, and eventually half marathons together. We planned for each race in the same way. We used Runner’s World to build a training schedule and would each train religiously, never missing a day and recapping our runs and training on email and phone. By the time I left Philadelphia, we had logged 10 races together spanning from Philadelphia to Charlotte, North Carolina.

While living in NYC my relationship with running evolved into a ritual. It helped me make friends, become closer with co-workers, clear my mind and find camaraderie. While there I completed 38 races including my first New York City marathon, a day I will never forget.

aint no party like a long run party

I had the opportunity to learn more about my body’s abilities and my running by working with Gia, a role model and friend, for two years. With her help I was able to go from running 2:20 half marathons to a 2:02 half marathon and realize that my legs can run sub 9 minute miles. With hard work and dedication, the body can achieve what the mind believes.


Since moving to Geneva, running continues to be a ritual of mine which allows me to see new cities when we travel across Europe and discover parts of Geneva that few other people see. In addition it has helped me make and build friendships with female runners who inspire me daily, even though many of them live in London versus Geneva!

I am in awe and pushed more as a runner than ever before by my good friend Renaud who is an accomplished ultra marathon and sky runner. I’ve started challenging my body in new ways by transitioning from road running to trails and look forward to completing my first trail 10k in Chamonix this month.

However, trail running at this point isn’t competitive for me, instead it is a chance to get out into nature and enjoy the beauty that surrounds me here in Switzerland. On the road, I continue to push myself as I begin training for the Berlin Marathon, where I hope to run a sub 4:40 marathon, taking more than 10 minutes off my current marathon PR. 

If you’re a reader who needs help getting started, please always feel free to reach out to me. As you can tell from this post, I was there once too. It can be intimidating to start, especially at a gym, but once you start you’ll never stop!

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Geneva Triathlon Training– C’est La Vie

Last week is the perfect example of what happens when I don’t have an actual plan in place. I worked out a lot but I also missed a few key workouts in preparation for my trail race this month and triathlon next month.

C’est la vie!

Charlie and I originally planned a few extra workouts together during our girls weekend but at the end of the day we listened to our bodies. Sleep won out over some extra workouts including a bike ride and a run. We are both about to kick off our Berlin Marathon training so there will be plenty of running and sweat in our future!


Instead of focusing on the fact that I practiced yoga more than I swam, ran, or biked last week I’m going to focus on the fact that I finished the week feeling strong!

Rumor has it this is a new week, perfect for starting fresh!

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Here’s a quick recap of last week’s activities:

Monday: Rest Day

Tuesday:  4 hilly miles on the treadmill followed by 2 hours of sweat inducing power yoga

Wednesday: 9 mile bike + weights

Thursday: 5 mile trail run including 4 hill repeats followed by 90 minutes power yoga

2014-05-21 19.14.15

Friday: 4 mile run + 90 minutes power yoga with Charlie

Saturday: 1,000 meter swim which included moving obstacles, aka children

Sunday: 4 mile iced coffee walk with Charlie + the London Color Run 5k

This week I have a plan in place and no excuses not to nail my training thanks in part to Bo, who is thrilled to help me practice clipping in and join me for a long ride. In addition, we have another bank holiday which means plenty of time to run, bike and swim since we’re not traveling this weekend!

How was your training or workouts last week?

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