Like many bloggers, I figured I would do a 2013 recap with my favorite blog posts, highlights from the year, running statistics and more. Well, today is December 31st and each time, including today, that I’ve started typing the post I become overwhelmed with a mix of emotions.
2013 was not the year we ever expected or planned.
There are moments when this fact stresses me out more than you could imagine. Right now our life is in such a constant limbo that we can barely plan anything more than big visits from friends and family. I can’t tell you the last time I tracked a workout in Daily Mile. Before this vacation in Savannah neither of us had felt rested in months. I think our bodies were telling us something loud and clear by sacking both of us with bronchitis smack in the middle of the holidays.
In 2014, we need to ensure we stay healthy during this crazy time in our life, both mentally and physically.
As I look back on 2013 I can say that it was an incredible year filled with family and friends who supported us more than we could have ever imagined as we packed up our life in New York City and started creating a life for ourselves in London and Geneva. Our family members continue to be our biggest supporters while our friends, both new and old, have been incredible in helping us make sure we have fun along the way. We watched my 30th birthday video, which my sister in law Meg made as a birthday gift, with Bo’s parents the other night and I will never cease to be amazed how lucky we are for the people in our life. Our new friends in Geneva and London have helped us get to know these foreign cities from a locals perspective and ensured that we never felt alone.
I saw 15 different major cities and 7 different countries ranging from Tampa to Istanbul. I ran fewer races than the past couple of years due to our move and not having the New York Road Runners weekly races. I had a fun marathon experience in Hartford but that was made more memorable by the people and organizers than my marathon performance. My most memorable race was the New York City Half Marathon which was incredible both for the strong and fun training I had with Bo and the race day PR through my favorite city in the world. Professionally, my role is more challenging than ever before. Working with people from all cultures has been a great learning opportunity. I have so much I want to accomplish in the coming months that I am excited to return to the office on January 6th after more than 15 days vacation. That is an awesome feeling to have even though I’ve enjoyed every second of disconnection while in Savannah.
I laugh at even setting resolutions or goals for 2014 as who knows what is in store for us. But, I do know a few things about the coming year.
- I know that I want the Berlin Marathon to be my strongest yet and am ready to put in the effort.
- I want to use Daily Mile every day so even though I won’t be running the number of races I have previously, I can at least track my training miles and workouts.
- We will see even more countries this year than last year as we already have a trip planned for the first 8 months of the year.
- Focusing on each other and our quality time together will need to continue to be a focus to ensure that our relationship continues to grow.
- I want to continue setting up our Geneva kitchen and understanding the grocery stores so I feel more well equipped for cooking both on weeknights and weekends.
So now that 2013 has come to a close, I am thankful for our support network which includes family, friends and blog readers near and far. I have no idea what next year will hold but I know I’m ready for it. 2014 shall be an epic year and I can’t wait!