New Year’s Eve 2013

This New Year’s Eve was exactly what we hoped it would be – small, relaxed, casual, yet fun. We landed in New York City around 4:30pm just in time to hop in a cab to our friend Mike and Liz’s home where we were staying for 48 hours. 008When making plans for New Years many of us weren’t in the mood for a big celebration instead preferring for a more intimate party at someone’s home where we could cook together while catching up. Mike and Liz graciously hosted 12 friends for a dinner party complete with delicious cocktails, appetizers, and a delicious meal which revolved around an 8 pound prime rib.018Amanda, one of Liz’s close friends, recently completed culinary school and therefore we let her lead the menu and kitchen cooking while the rest of us helped in anyway possible. 028  010022

Reemus, their adorable toy Australian Shephard even joined in the fun by providing everyone with lots of kisses and puppy licks!

While part of the group was in the kitchen cooking Liz and I set the table. 031 032 While the 8 pounds of meat cooked slowly in the oven we were able to catch up with everyone over cocktails and cheese. Liz served the ladies a delicious holiday cocktail: gin, Saint Germaine and champagne!011016 030024By 10pm we were all sitting around the table enjoying the home cooked meal which included roasted potatoes, brussels sprouts, white bean sautee, and roast beef. 036 040At midnight we toasted with champagne before going to meet friends at Puffy’s, a nearby bar in Tribecca.  047 043 041 053

It was the perfect New Years and waking up on New Year’s Day with no hangover was an added gift. The small, intimate setting allowed us to catch up with friends versus spending the evening screaming to be heard in a cramped or crowded bar.

New Year’s Eve – What’s your favorite way to celebrate?

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  1. Charlie January 4, 2014 / 6:39 pm

    I love a good dinner party for NYE- I hate spending lots of money to get into a club where you end up losing your friends anyway! I’d love to go to Sydney to watch the fireworks one year though!

    • ashleyd January 5, 2014 / 6:42 pm

      🙂 Sydney sounds incredible!!

  2. Ashley January 6, 2014 / 12:38 am

    This sounds like the absolutely perfect NYE!

    • ashleyd January 6, 2014 / 5:07 am

      Yes it definitely was Ashley!!

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