ING Hartford Marathon Training Week 2

Last week was an awesome week of friend filled fitness activities that probably neared the line of over-training. But, since in just 10 short days I won’t be able to sweat with these lovely ladies or at these studios, Gia and I agreed that for a short duration it was okay. Also, most of the work was body weight that was monitored by instructors in small group settings so chances of injury were reduced.

It was the first EPIC training week I’ve had on Daily Mile in months thanks in part to the fact that I tracked every single workout. 

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Here are a few thoughts from the week and then the actual workouts that took place!

  • I am really proud of myself for practicing yoga at least 1x per week for the past month. I think it is definitely helping me especially since the classes are all at least 75 minutes.
  • I think that the classes I’ve done recently have really helped inspire me to keep up the weight training in Geneva even if done in my apartment. There is so much you can do with a pair of 15 pound dumbbells and body weight!
  • Though it may not be perfect, I’m really happy with where my body and physical ability is right now. I felt strong during EVERY workout last week and loved the candid pictures which were captured.

So here’s how the week shaped up in workouts:

  • Monday: rest day
  • Tuesday: 3 mile treadmill run before Liz Barnet’s Uplift Strength class with Jen
  • Wednesday: Barry’s Bootcamp (2.5 miles of running included in class) 5am class with Michelle Z
  • Thursday: 5 miles in Central Park before work with Jen and Heather
  • Friday: 3 mile walk + 75 minute hot yoga class at Yoga 216 
  • Saturday: 9 mile long run and a 60 minute Runner’s Bootcamp hosted by Jen and her trainer Amanda Rose Walsh (more on this class tomorrow)
  • Sunday: rest

Total Running Miles: 20 miles

Workout summary: 1 yoga, 3 strength, 3 runs

Really my only miss was that I was supposed to have a shakeout run yesterday but between moving stress and staying out too late the night before, it just didn’t happen. Honestly, I can sleep when I’m in Geneva is my motto right now as I’m going to miss New York City a great deal and want to soak up every moment!

If you strength train at home, how do you find the motivation or what is your favorite tool/DVD/streaming workout?

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  1. Sara July 2, 2013 / 2:41 am

    Ever hear of body rock? They have a great variety of workouts for at home all streamed free online

  2. Maureen July 2, 2013 / 11:08 am

    I like the Nike Training Club app for home training since it doesn’t require a lot of equipment and the workouts vary from 15 to 45 minutes in length.

  3. kristin miller July 2, 2013 / 11:48 am

    I love seeing “Hartford” in your title! Can’t wait to cheer for you in my home state!!!

  4. Emily @ eatsandexercise July 2, 2013 / 12:53 pm

    The Hartford Half is so great! There was a lot of music on the course and tons of spectators when I watched a few years ago.

    For strength training-I usually pull out one of the inserts in Women’s Health/Self and follow that routine for a given muscle group. The Tone It Up blog also has printouts you can use. It is so much easier to just follow a printout to keep me on track!

  5. Naomi July 2, 2013 / 8:57 pm

    I invested in a TRX for at-home strength training. It’s not only great to use at home, but you can also take it on the road, to the park, etc. There are great (inexpensive) workouts to purchase, as well as tons of TRX workouts on Youtube.

    • ashleyd July 4, 2013 / 2:12 am

      That’s a great idea!!!

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