Forward Progress

The Under Armour What’s Beautiful 3.0 Challenge  really could not have come at a better time. Even though we’ve been traveling for the past week in Istanbul and are now on a house hunting adventure in Geneva, the challenge has helped keep both me and my husband on track with our health and weight loss goals. Normally, we have each gained weight on vacations because we allow ourselves to indulge and don’t always workout as much as normal. This vacation we’ve made working out a fun activity each day instead of a chore! We’ve enjoyed healthy breakfasts and lunches that are filled with protein and vegetables whether kebabs in Turkey or this beautiful Nicoise salad we enjoyed here in Geneva yesterday.

IMG_8986 IMG_8718This morning upon waking up I took a deep breath and out of curiosity chose to step on the hotel scale which luckily was already set to pounds instead of kilograms. My thoughts were correct based on the way my clothes are fitting and how I feel. I’ve lost 3 pounds on vacation thus far!

Gym Workout #iwill 

What forward progress have you made in achieving your goals?

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  1. Sarah MomRunninginEmpty May 29, 2013 / 12:32 pm

    Losing 3 pounds on vacation is like losing 10 in real life! Congrats!! That’s awesome 🙂

  2. jillian May 29, 2013 / 2:53 pm

    Congrats on finding something that works for you, and staying healthy while traveling! This is something i REALLY struggle with, and considering I travel a fair bit (like you), it can lead to a bit of a yo-yo pattern. I eat really well (and clean) at home, and then indulge when I’m away. I need to crack the code on this. I am happy that i’m making baby steps, but I need to keep working at it! Congrats again 🙂

  3. Deborah May 29, 2013 / 3:22 pm

    I have been proud of myself that during my last 2 vacations I didn’t gain any weight. I have yet to be able to say I’ve lost while away. You are amazing and inspiring. So happy that you have found what works for you. Woo Hoo for the 3 pound loss!

  4. Rachel May 29, 2013 / 4:44 pm

    That salad looks awesome! I love getting workouts in on vacation. Congrats on keeping up with your healthy lifestyle.

    • ashleyd May 31, 2013 / 8:51 am

      Thanks Rachel! The salad was epic!

  5. Lauri May 29, 2013 / 7:26 pm

    You are such an inspiration!! i have been working out like crazy and doing well with eating and in such a rut, I cannot lose – and you lose 3 while enjoyng wine and dinners out! Great job!

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