Core Exercise for Runners

While I love challenging workout DVD’s like Physique 57, sometimes having an exercise that I can do anywhere without any props is the absolute best option.  Just in time for my two weeks for my 10 days of travel starting tomorrow, this core workout is deceptively difficult and has multiple benefits.

During this morning’s personal training session, Lauren tossed in a new core exercise which she said would be perfect for me to integrate into my daily plank and pushup routine. The dead bug is a core exercise that engages the entire core while using flexion from the hip which can help strengthen weak hip flexor muscles. This is one of the core exercises Lauren, my trainer, especially recommends for runners.

Without further adieu, here is the dead bug, as modeled by moi.

Begin with hands straight above chest, in line with shoulders and legs at 90 degrees.


Extend right leg while extending left

Return to center starting position.


Extend opposite leg this time while extending opposite arm.


Repeat this move 15 times on each side and complete 2-3 times depending on fitness ability.

If you’re interested in another killer ab series, check out my 360 degree plank workout that I posted back in March.

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NYCM Training Week 8: Running on Tired Legs

It’s amazing the difference a few weeks can make.  But before we get into running, I want to share a few fun links and things I’m loving right now. Because hey, sharing is caring, right?


Okay, back to marathon training.

Last week I was excited to embark on another week of training, feeling far better than the week before after a few quality runs. Overall my mind was in a better place. This week I’ve already spent time analyzing this week and next week’s plan, figured out how it will work with my upcoming travel plans to Seattle and Los Angeles, studied this week’s running splits, and spent time focusing on the other important non-running aspects of marathon training. Instead of being worried I’m really excited for this week training, especially after tonight’s tough run. Gia is great at reminding me that every workout won’t be easy and the ones that happen on tired legs tend to be some of the most important. There will be times during the marathon that my legs feel “too tired” but I’ll need to push through. So, while I didn’t hit the 30 miles I so wanted this week, I did log each of my runs and felt stronger during them than weeks past.


Tonight’s 5 mile run over the Queensborough Bridge after 19 miles in the past 2 days was no walk in the park. Instead of worrying over my speed I told my co-workers that my legs felt heavy and that I’d run behind them. In his normal style, Marcial refused, and instead made up for my silence as I focused on running by telling me about his fun weekend. Since I had gone out slow and steady, by the time we came back over the bridge I was able to let loose and pick up speed to the point that I finished our last mile running down 2nd Avenue at a sub 9 pace. Not bad for tired legs!

This week’s workouts will include a new mid-week distance record and some fun West Coast running with Bo!

  • 5 mile run
  • Personal training session
  • 5 mile progression run
  • 8 mile mid-week run
  • Yoga/Cross Training DVD
  • Hiking
  • 10 mile bridge race+warmup+cooldown miles

Oh and last but not least, guess who crushed his first double digit run in over a year and then has done 8 more miles since Saturday? BO! His doctor has given him a clean bill of health to start training for the New York City marathon and we’re both so thrilled. Fingers and toes crossed he’ll make it to the starting line with me this year! What better time now that we’ll have his sister Meg to cheer us on along the sidelines?! I’m so pumped to have my running buddy back!

If you’re training right now, how’s it going?

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A New Personal Distance Record

Training for my third marathon is very different than my first. There isn’t the novelty factor or the excitement since I’ve run all the distances before. I miss finishing a long run feeling invincible because I ran a new distance, never before fathomed.

In hopes of avoiding burnout and boredom this year, I’m figuring out new ways to keep the experience fresh and fun. Running in different cities helps immensely as there is excitement and I find the miles fly by as I lose myself in the scenery. Signing up for races on the weekends can also help break up the distance. When we are in Seattle next weekend we are running a 10 mile bridge race across the Narrows as part of our 16 miler. The middle ten miles will be filled with people, excitement, new sights, and energy while also allowing me to practice pacing and running without stopping since I won’t have to deal with traffic or lights.

Earlier this week when Meghan and I were talking about our long run I suggested we run to the George Washington Bridge. Located on the Northwest end of the Island the bridge connects New York and New Jersey while spanning almost a mile across the Hudson. On a clear day the views are breathtaking and on a steamy, hazy day like yesterday the bridge provides some much needed breeze.


The best part about this route was that it was a Westside Highway or Hudson River Greenway PDR and took me further north than I’ve ever been! Knowing that we had a landmark goal made the run north more fun and motivated us to keep going versus possibly turning around early. The route also challenged us with hills in the second half, great practice for our hill filled marathon.

So while none of my distances this time around will be new, one of my keys to a fun training season is finding something new in each long run whether it’s a bridge you’ve never crossed, a hill you haven’t conquered, a new path, negative splits, or a new running partner.



How do you keep your training schedule fresh and exciting?


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