Why the Bear?

After six hours in the air, 45 minutes waiting for my luggage, and an hour cab ride into Manhattan I’m finally home. After unpacking, showering, and enjoying a relaxing glass of wine I curled up on the couch next to Bo. We have big plans for the evening: sushi and catching up on our favorite shows. I can’t believe that Modern Family, Parenthood, Grey’s, and How I Met Your Mother are all back on television! It’s officially Fall!

Many people have asked about the genesis of this blog’s name, A Healthy, Happier Bear.  Let me clear the air; it has no connection whatsoever to KERF’s bears or a certain sub-culture.  Bear has been a mutual pet name between my husband and me for the past five years. 

As silly as it may sound, the name was actually inspired by the Chingy song "Right Thurr".  Replace "Thurr" with "Bear" and you understand the seeds of "A Healthy, Happier Bear".  Try to imagine a Teddy Bear dancing and singing "I like the way you do that right bear right bear" and you might be able to understand why we found this so amusing.

This naturally evolved into us referring to each other as "bear" which stuck and, unless something drastic happens, will remain a staple of our household for years to come. In fact, the Groom’s cake at our wedding was inspired by this nickname.

Hope this explains some of the mystery.

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Just Get Out and Run

A reader recently left a comment on my blog which provided the perfect inspiration this afternoon.

“Bloggers over complicate runs with all their pictures, hype, Camel Baks, phones, and shit.”

While this comment was a vast generalization and a bit curt, it is true sometimes. After four very long days of work out in Los Angeles, I needed to relax this afternoon. I could have slept, read, enjoyed a massage, or laid by the pool. Instead, I switched into running clothes, tied my shoes, grabbed my room key and a few dollars cash, and head out the door. I left my phone, iPod, and Garmin behind.

I focused on my surroundings while putting one foot in front of the other for 3.75 miles!

It felt amazing and quite free to disconnect and enjoy the run. Sometimes we all just need to get out and run- gear free!


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Sweating with Cee Lo Green

Until Sunday night, this blog may become more like a Tumblr blog. Short on words, frequent updates, and lots of pictures! Unfortunately, I’m working this whole weekend too, until my 6am flight back to New York City Sunday morning.

Until then, my plan is to continue having a great time with co-workers just like we did at last night’s Macy’s Glamorama Fashion Show and after party!  Once again, Cee Lo Green may win People Magazine for worst dressed this week but his performance was a lot better than Chicago’s perforamance last month. Some how we ended hanging out with him back at Balthazaar Bar after the after party and he is hilarious in person.

Good times with Ceel Lo Green and my co-workers!

Have a wonderful Saturday and good luck to everyone who is racing this weekend including Meghann, Melissa, Ali, Kelly, and all my NYC ladies finishing long runs with the Fifth Avenue Mile! YOU ROCK!!

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