Marathons+Moderation: Guest Post #8


Hey there, I’m Lauren and I blog over at Sassy Molassy about running, eating and food making and other shenanigans. I offered to write a Marathon + Moderation post for Ashley because I enjoy reading her blog and because I love marathoning and I feel like I’ve learned a few things along the way from experience. Some people say marathoning and moderation don’t go together. At one point, I would have agreed. My marathon journey started back in 2006 when I ran my first half (because I was sure I could never run 26.2 miles). Six months later, I was at the start line of the Portland Marathon.

The first through marathons were trained with tired legs and an exhausted body. I was sure I needed to run six days a week no matter what my body was telling me or what work/life commitments I had. After running a few marathons with injuries (IT bands so tight they wrenched on my knee, hamstring strain and runner’s knee), I realized my strategy wasn’t working so well. I needed to find some balance and moderation in my training schedule and life. Here are a few things I’ve learned over the past five years that have helped along my marathon journey.

1. Cross training is key. Yes, get in your focused runs (tempo, speed, hills, long run, recovery, etc), but also take 1-3 days off per week to do other activities. This will allow your muscle strength to become more balanced and prevent injury.

I like to incorporate cycling, yoga and strength training into my fitness routine throughout marathon training.

2. Lower mileage doesn’t mean your training is suffering. Sometimes, your body needs those step back weeks to recover and build up. Be sure to listen to your body.

3. Ice bath, stretching and foam roll (especially after a LR). While it may be the LAST thing I feel like doing after a 15 mile run, it makes a huge difference in my recovery the next day or two.

4. Sleep is important. I’m all about hanging out with friends the night before a long run, but I try to get to bed by 11 pm and keep the cocktails to a minimum.

5. Discover what motivates you. For me, new running tights, a Garmin or pink compression socks keep me excited about my training because I want to use my new stuff. Good fuel, my favorite trail and meeting up with friends are other major motivators. It may seem silly, but these things keep me that much more excited to hit the road for another long run or speed session.

6. Hydrate and fuel often. For me, eating a Shot Blok or chunk of Larabar every 30-45 minutes works well. I also hydrate with a Gatorade/water mix. By the time you feel your tank is empty, often it’s already too late. Don’t be afraid of fueling your body with what it needs to perform, before, during and after a run.

7. Determine your A, B and C goals for your marathon. That way, no matter what happens on race day, you should be happy with the outcome. Be realistic and know that no matter how hard you’ve trained, sometimes race day is just NOT your day.

8. You’ve finished your race – take a freaking load off! Take a few weeks to recover and ease back into your fitness routine. And for your body’s sake, please get a massage and pedicure. Does anyone have a great tip you’ve learned from experience, a book or running magazine? Any marathon horror stories out there? Thanks, Ashley for letting me guest post!

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Natural Deodorant vs My Sweat

Today was not only a busy day, spent in one room while focusing on one project with my new team. It was also a downright embarrassing day; especially since I work for one of the world’s largest health and beauty products company which sells a small brand named Secret.

As you may have seen, I have a great Summer giveaway taking place through tomorrow night. Compliments of Stonyfield, the package includes lots of organic items I’ve never tried. Like many other people, I’m trying to make healthy changes to my lifestyle, including increasing the number of organic foods and product I use and enjoy daily.

IMG_3068 (478x640)Unfortunately, I will not be switching to organic deodorant. There are few comments worse than hearing, from a co-worker, that you’re sweat stains are noticeable or that you’re daily fragrance spritz isn’t working. Over the past two days, including 2 different workouts and 2 days of business clothes, I’ve received negative feedback.

IMG_3068 (478x640)While I wasn’t necessarily expecting the Tom’s deodorant to stop my sweat as effectively as my favorite Secret deodorant, but I was expecting it to cover the scent. Unfortunately, it didn’t do either, even though I reapplied during a bathroom break both days. Don’t get me wrong, there are some great benefits and ingredients in Tom’s of Maine deodorant:

  • aluminum-free
  • PG-free
  • all natural
  • No artificial colors, flavors, fragrance, or preservatives
  • Odor Fighting Hops
  • Odor trapping zing salts
  • Conditioning Vitamin E
  • Soothing Aloe

But, none of this is important to me if it means that during a regular business meeting, I have to think twice about sitting next to a co-worker or raising my hand in a meeting. Today, I felt just like that Sure commercial from the 1990’s.


Until someone can suggest a better option, I’m going back to my favorite Secret Scent Expressions deodorant and going to do more research on the risks of a chemical filled deodorant.

Question: Do you have any suggestions for other natural deodorants?

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NYCM Training Week 1 and A Giveaway

This year, believe it or not, I’m more excited than ever to kick off New York City Marathon training. Last year was my first time and I was a complete rookie. It showed in my results and my training plan. I ran a lot, including some weeks of 40+ miles, but never included any cross training, hill training, or speed training.

nycm2 (325x484) nycm3 (324x484) nycm4 (325x484)This time around however, I have a new resource, Mark Pelerin. Theodora highly recommended him after she discovered his blog on Tumblr and then enrolled him to help with her training. Bo and I are both relying on Mark’s talent and experience to help us train injury free while also improving each of our speeds.

This week’s plan is below:

Monday: Basic Run 4 miles with 4 striders

Tuesday: Personal Training

Wednesday: 3 miles + spin class

Thursday: Personal Training

Friday: Rest Day

Saturday: 4 mile NYRR race+ 3 miles= 7 miles

Sunday: 3 mile recovery run

I’m so excited! This morning the four miles wasn’t as easy as I’d hoped due to a case of tired legs but since I have a training plan in place I knew that throwing in the towel wasn’t an option. Instead, I kept it slow and comfortable until getting to the strides. 

Two thumbs up for marathon training season. Even though it means that Friday night’s out are a thing of the past, I’ll catch up with friends more on foot than in person, and that foam rolling and Epsom salt baths become a weekly staple, I’m still excited to get started!


In honor of kicking of marathon training, I have a special prize for one lucky reader.  Stonyfield has partnered with some wonderful all natural brands to bring you a summer cool down box. One lucky reader will get to indulge in some great items that epitomize summertime!

IMG_3067 (640x478) 

  • Two coupons for Stonyfield Frozen Yogurt Bars in two delicious flavors: Gotta Have Vanilla, and After Dark Chocolate.  These bars, made with organic milk, are dipped in rich dark chocolate, and contain four live and active cultures, keeping you healthy while enjoying a sweet treat. 
  • Badger After-Sun Balm: A certified organic treat for sun-parched skin. Made with moisturizing plant butters and infused with soothing Blue Tansy and Lavender to make your skin feel smooth and leave you feeling calm.
  • Dr. Hauschka Melissa Day Cream: This new 100% natural moisturizer is perfect for combination skin.  Formulated with extracts of melissa (lemon balm), it smells like fresh squeezed lemonade.  Additionally, extracts of anthyllis, carrot, witch hazel and English daisy soothe, soften and even the complexion so shine is controlled and skin is moisturized.
  • Tom’s of Maine: Simply White, the first and only clinically proven natural whitening toothpaste to earn an ADA seal, helps bring back the natural beauty of your smile. 
  • The Daily Moisture Body Bar has an ultra-rich bar soap formula that contains premium moisturizing olive oil, natural vitamin E and leaves your skin clean and fresh.
  • Beautiful Earth Deodorant works to inhibit the growth of odor-causing bacteria and its natural, refreshing fragrance helps mask odor.
  • Uncle Matt’s Organic Lemonade and Juices: By buying Uncle Matt’s fresh fruit and juice you’re helping more than 20 small growers that make up their family of farms. That’s one of the reasons they’re proud to be family owned and organically grown. Use this free coupon to pick up your choice of organic juice or lemonade and quench your thirst for summer!

Summer in a Box giveaway 2011 (640x480)

You can enter in two ways:

1) Leave a comment letting me know how you’re trying to go more organic this summer.

2) Tweet about this giveaway on Twitter and make sure to include @healthyhappier in the tweet and leave me a comment letting me know you tweeted.

I’ll choose a winner at midnight on Wednesday!

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