Lashes Fit for Times Square

Happy Monday! While the New York City weather isn’t exactly smile inducing, I’m still riding a high from our great weekend!

If you’re catching up from the weekend, it was a busy weekend with some of my favorite blogger friends!


We Partied Down At Leslie’s Wedding

Enjoyed A Great Run Along Kelly Drive with Meghann

Travelled Back to the City of Brotherly Love

After a wonderful weekend, Monday is always difficult but having an early morning spin class makes waking up easier! This morning’s spin class was earlier than normal but went well. The instructor never sat his butt on the bike during the whole class but his music was perfectly on beat with the workout and he pushed us. How do you feel about instructors who don’t participate?

After a great spin class, I’m always ravenous! I enjoyed a bulked up bowl of oatmeal this morning complete with protein powder and bananas!

IMG_2209 (640x478) The protein powder helped this bowl last for over four and half hours!

My lunch plans took a turn for the best when I heard drums in our office. We were all confused but quickly remembered that today was Asian Heritage Day in our office.

229093_10150188556986924_725756923_7577256_147251_n 226635_10150188557031924_725756923_7577257_1775634_n After the dragon came by our entire office was treated to a delicious Asian inspired lunch. I filled my plate with broccoli, sushi, and chicken. It was absolutely delicious and a nice change to the normal weekday salad.

IMG_2348 (640x478)After a late afternoon doctor’s appointment, I had two more fun stops before finding my way home for the evening.

My first stop was at JJ Eyelashes in midtown west. I’ve been playing with the idea of getting eyelash extensions for a few months, after seeing my friend Jessie’s lovely new lashes. After much debate, I finally made the leap today.

I was surprisingly pleased with my experience. The service at JJ Eyelashes was very professional, clean, and relaxing. The hour long treatment included a 15 minute leg massage and I even caught a quick cat nap during the treatment. In addition, my thin and short eyelashes went from zero to hero in less than an hour!

IMG_2349 (640x480) IMG_2350 (640x480) My mascara days are long gone! In just a few short hours, I’ve received two unsolicited compliments, one from Bo and one from our doorman. If you’re in the New York City area, I highly recommend them!

My new eyelashes and I headed over to Times Square next. My next stop was the Viacom headquarters for a University of Georgia Terry College of Business Alumni event. We loved seeing our famous G in the midst of Times Square!

230555_10100474899773890_4905769_62115676_1958003_n After a few glasses of wine with old friends, I made it home just in time for Too Big to Fail and a filling dinner.

One piece of Arnold toast, a sliced and salted tomato, two egg whites with cheese, and a piece of turkey bacon. Fast, easy, and simply delicious!

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Question: How do you feel about instructors who don’t participate in the class? Can they still be good instructors?

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  1. telisa May 24, 2011 / 1:52 am

    I tend to give instructors a break if they don’t participate the entire time as long as they’re checking form on others or taught several classes that day. That said, I’ve had a couple instructors try to teach complicated moves without even showing the class one example. That’s a huge fail in my opinion.

  2. Mac May 24, 2011 / 2:22 am

    I hate it when instructors don’t participate in class… not only does it not give you a good example, but I tend to like to base how hard I should be going (in classes like body pump or spin) or try to keep up with the instructor during classes. Major bummer when they opt out of participating.

  3. Jess @ Fit Chick in the City May 24, 2011 / 2:25 am

    While I know that people have issues with instructors not working out with them, people should realize that it’s an instructor’s job to give you a workout, not workout with you.

  4. Gwen May 24, 2011 / 1:32 pm

    Lash extensions – fancy! That sounds really interesting! I’m intrigued to learn more!

  5. Megan @ Megan Mumbles May 24, 2011 / 1:44 pm

    I don’t like when the teachers don’t participate in class…

    I love your eye lashes.. I have though about getting extension numerous times but my eyelashes are fairly long to begin with.. I think they would be neat for summer though considering I wear mascara all the time (even to the beach)

  6. Katie M. May 24, 2011 / 7:20 pm

    I don’t mind if they don’t participate as long as they are walking around helping you work on form/technique. Otherwise it’s pretty lame.
    Eyelash exentions look fab. I want some!

  7. Sara May 25, 2011 / 4:04 pm

    I love your new lashes! I would love to have that done, my lashes suck and mascara gets all clumpy and gross.

    And it honestly bugs me when an instructor does not participate. I look to the instructor of any class for motivation and for an example of correct form, etc. It’s ok if they take a break to walk the room and help with the above mentioned but not the entire class!

  8. Alison May 28, 2011 / 5:54 pm

    Oooh, I love wearing fake lashes…the lash extensions look great, I want to try them! I’ll definitely keep this in mind the next time I want to look fancy for an event 🙂

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