Brunch Prep in Pictures

Theodora and I are off learning how to properly use our DSLR cameras. Hopefully improved pictures will come sooner versus later.

Until then, enjoy these pictures from brunch preparation last night. Clearly a swig of champagne from the bottle is requisite for success!



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Rocking the Solo Long Run

While running with Theodora is always fun, sometimes it’s great to get out and enjoy the fresh air alone. It allows for day dreaming, random running paths that are chosen at a moment’s desire, and singing along to a great playlist.

Even though I enjoyed my normal pre-run breakfast at 9am, I didn’t make it out the door until past 10!

IMG_0831 (800x598) (640x478) The next hour was spent cleaning, debating what to wear, and organizing the house.

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Since the weather was sunny but still a tad cool (41 degrees) when I started I opted for the following outfit:

  • Champion Sports Bra
  • ING Marathon Aasics long sleeve technical t-shirt
  • ING Marathon windbreaker
  • Lululemon crop pants
  • Lululemon headband

It was the perfect outfit until around mile 8 when the sunshine was out and the temperature had reached almost 50 degrees!

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I left the house with one goal in mind: stay as close as possible to my half marathon goal pace for the entire run.

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It was absolutely gorgeous out as you can tell from some of today’s pictures! I was definitely all smiles for the first five miles of the run!

IMG_0840 (800x598) (640x478)Seeing the view above reminded me of the last mile of the marathon!          IMG_0847 (800x598) (640x478)

By the time I reached the resevoir my legs were screaming at me. IMG_0849 (640x480) (640x480)

I didn’t realize my upper hamstring/glutes were so tight.  I suppose that is what a return to spinning will do! I took a 5 minute break for fuel, water, and a few downward dogs.

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I left the park around mile 8.5, ready for a quick run DOWN Murray Hill and midtown. But, before I could escape the park area I had to capture a few more pictures of the crazy things one sees when visiting the park.   IMG_0860 (598x800) (478x640) IMG_0859 (800x598) (640x478)

The daffodils have broken ground which means Spring has arrived! Between my allergies, the number of people in the park today, the green grass, and birds it is clear that Spring has arrived in New York City!

Since my last mile was my fastest of the day, the run home felt like nothing! But, I did spend the last few minutes dreaming of a massage, a much needed yoga class, and cleaning my Camel Bak. Oh yes, you read that right, I haven’t cleaned my Camel Bak with anything stronger than water since I bought it back in July.

10.18 miles done in 1:43! If I can keep this pace in the half, I’ll be able to reach my goal!

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But, after stretching, that was the first thing on my to-do list! I bought this cleaning kit from Amazon and was very pleased with it! The dark gunk quickly dissolved and my CamelBak is now fresh and clean!

After the cleaning session, my stomach was growling. I finally enjoyed one of Caitlin’s amazing grilled banana sandwiches!

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After a quick shower I’m heading to the grocery store to buy the ingredients for tomorrow’s brunch! I have a lot to do this afternoon so I better get moving in fast gear!

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Friday Favorites: Running Edition


It’s Friday night and I’m sitting at home enjoying a glass of wine and a bowl of cereal. You can’t get much classier than that, can you?

Unfortunately, while Bo and I have lots to toast to tonight, he is unfortunately still at the office. Luckily for me, that means I have time to spend sharing with you guys the things I’m loving right now!

Today’s Friday Favorites will revolve around all the wonderful running things I’m enjoying these days!

Running Tank

I’ve had a hard time historically, finding a workout tank that will move with me from running to yoga without leaving my belly exposed or falling around my head during downward dog. Luckily, Lululemon has come to the rescue with a wonderful tank that not only breathes, but also stays in place. I am absolutely loving my inner strength tank which I have in 2 different colors!

Best Place for Running or Workout Playlists

I love finding new workout songs as I believe the make even the most boring of treadmill runs fly! While Caitlin and Jes normally feaure some great playlists on their blog, I just discovered another great website which features songs and playlists to match your workouts! Running Playlist uploads a new playlist at least once a week which also lets you know the average BPM it matches. They have playlists featuring The Doors, Glee, and even a direct from Texas country playlist! I love that they feature a sidebar showing all the different playlist categories offered. I found a few new songs on the site this week alone, including a few country favorites.  In addition, since many people have asked, below is my most recent playlist!


Best Post Run Stretch Session

Unfortunately for my muscles, I rarely spend enough time stretching before or after my runs, whether long or short. I’ve tried to focus on yoga more during this training cycle, in hopes that my legs and body will thank me. Thus far, it is working wonderfully! I’ve found these online yoga programs very helpful since they are short, focused, and accessible almost anywhere! Make it your goal to fit at least one quality yoga session into your week and at least a 10 minute stretching and rolling session into your post long run routine.


What are your favorite running

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