What We Learned During 18 Miles

Wow, it has been an exhausting three weeks. Bo and I have definitely hit three constant weekends of PDRs (15, 17, and 18). Over the three weeks we’ve learned some valuable lessons which will hopefully help us on November 7th. Today’s PDR was the most challenging thus far, 18 miles.

Bo and I joined over 4,600 other runners this morning for the ING New York City Marathon Tune Up run.


The 18 mile course was a simple one. Three monotonous and challenging 6 mile loops in Central Park.


As you can tell from this elevation map, which reflects the 6 mile loop, there were a few hills involved, most notably Cat Hill and Harlem Hill. Even though I’ve tried to incorporate bridges and hills into my long runs, nothing could have prepared me for 3 loops of these hills. Bo and I were both proud to finish, though we both learned a few things along the way.  Bo finished in 3:02 which was a 10:02 pace. I finished in 3:42 (actually 3:32 of running due to bathroom stop) which didn’t match my pace goal but matched my goal of finishing.

Things we learned in 18 miles:

1) Running with other makes any long run easier. Bo and I had very different experiences today. He listened to his iPod the entire race but enjoyed the camaraderie of the surrounding runners, each pushing him up a hill or helping him pace. I ran with Theodora for 15 of the miles today, chatting through at least 10 of these miles. We talked about Hawaii, work, the Junior League, travel, and blogs. We have really become great friends through our long run conversations.

2) Don’t depend on others for fuel. Luckily, Bo and I picked up two packages of Gu Blocks yesterday when we bought our running gear. We both decided to go with NYRR’s Gatorade and water today versus carrying our own. The liquid plan worked perfectly as they had over 4 water stops along the 6 mile course, equaling 12 for the 18 miles. However, Theodora found out the hard way that their guarantee of PowerBar gels did not come true. When we reached the first fuel table the gels were long gone. The only sign of them was an empty table and a sticky course covered in foil packets. I was able to give Theodora two of my chews but I think we both learned a valuable lesson. Even if a race promises fuel, bring your own. Getting caught without fuel would be a horrible thing to face on race day.

3) New shoes make a huge difference! This week I finally convinced Bo it was time to replace his beloved Aasics by using my shoe replacement test .  We both enjoyed our 18 miler in fresh shoes and felt like it changed the fatigue. Our feet and ankles didn’t hurt nearly as much as they had during previous runs.

4) Fuel steadily and eat before you’re hungry. Bo and I have both hit the wall in previous ends due to lack of fuel. Today, Theodora probably slowed her pace not because she was hurting but due to her blood sugar levels. Bo and I both started fueling at mile 7 before we felt hungry. We fueled at mile 7, 10, 13, and 16 which ensured our glycogen levels were steady throughout the run. We also washed the chews down with water instead of Gatorade. Too much sugar and carbohydrates at one time can make our stomachs uneasy. However, we did enjoy the Gatorade in between.

5) Epsom Salt baths are easier and more effective than ice baths. Different strokes for different folks, but we have fallen in love with the ease and effectiveness of Epsom salt baths.Amanda , had a great post this month comparing the two. We don’t have an ice maker which means we have to purchase bags of ice ahead of time, bundle up, and brave the cold water in order to decrease inflammation through an ice bath. On the other hand, Epsom salts come in huge containers at local drugstores, are inexpensive, and relaxing. Here is a great comparison Amanda featured on her site.

icecubeCauses muscles to tighten and drains the blood, once you step out blood starts flowing and in theory this flushes lactic acid and speeds recovery.
icecubeReduces swelling and tissue break down

icecubeNo major studies can agree on whether or not this works…but if you think it works well with running that’s generally all that matters.

saltBody more easily absorbs magnesium through the skin than in a pill this results in a number of benefits.
saltReduces inflammation
Eliminates toxins which helps to easy muscle pain
saltImproved nerve functions by regulating electrolytes
Helps your adrenaline glands ensure they have enough magnesium, which they likely do not after a run because it causes so much stress on the body.

Need I say more? :) I love my Epsom Salt!


6) Give your body time to recover. I don’t know if it is a female quality or just me, but I ALWAYS overbook my long run days. Labor Day weekend, we explored Chinatown for 4 hours withMeghann and Derek after 15 miles . Last Friday, I worked 10 hours and then had dinner with my in-laws after running 17 miles. Today, I had plans to join my friend Katherine at The Taste the West Village .

Taste The West  Village

It was wonderful seeing her and enjoying the tastes but my legs were not pleased with me. I highly recommend this event if you are a local. The tastes were plentiful and the restaurant representation was very diverse.

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What have you learned during your runs?

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Gearing Up for the Tune Up

This afternoon, Bo and I headed to the Upper East Side.


We were on a mission to pickup our race packet for tomorrow’s 18 miler and pickup any last minute necessities at Super Runners Shop.  NYRR was alive with energy this afternoon. No one can believe that the marathon is less than six weeks away!



In case I haven’t said it enough, I am so blessed to train for the NYC Marathon in New York City. Training for the marathon while living in New York affords us many perks such as running the course ahead of time, not having to worry about lodging for the marathon, and enjoying all the events the New York Road Runners offers throughout the fall preparing us for the big day.

New York Road Runners

Tomorrow, we will run our longest, hardest course yet in preparation for the marathon. We are running the ING New York City Marathon Tune-Up tomorrow beginning at 7am in Central Park. The course will be tough and monotonous as it is simply 3 six mile loops in the park. But, NYRR will provide GU and Gatorade stops along with plenty of restrooms. I’m looking forward to running with Theodora and focusing on my pace. My goal for tomorrow’s 18 miles is an 11 minute pace which would prepare me for a 4:45 marathon

After we grabbed our packets, we headed over a few blocks to Super Runners Shop.


The store is smaller than the average running store but the staff is knowledgeable and friendly.  Bo and I were both in luck as they had everything on our lists. Bo had his gait and arches analyzed by the staff. They confirmed that his Aasics Gel Kayano 16 are perfect for his medium arches and narrow heels.



After our running adventures, I headed downtown with Rebecca. It’d been weeks since we’d enjoyed a long walk together and today’s weather was perfect for the 1.5 mile walk down to the Piperlime Pop-Up shop! It did not dissapoint!

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The shop features this season’s top items ranging from vintage to military and everything in between. Luckily the shop wasn’t too crowded so were both able to try on some clothes and shoes without a long wait. The staff was attentive and excited to be there. The only downside was that they do not accept Banana Republic Luxe cards nor do they accept any Banana company coupons. Unfortunately they don’t have the systems setup that .com uses. I found one lace top in the vintage section which I believe can be a perfect work to weekend piece. It paired perfectly with my skinny jeans and gold Tory Burch flats today but could also be dressed up with a suit or heels.


Our shopping continued down to Steve Madden in search of sexy heels for Rebecca’s little black dress. Unfortunately, the looks this season were either painfully tall or cartoon like. What are your favorite shoes for fall?IMG_5091IMG_5090

While we were shopping, Bo took a trip to his favorite new store, Eataly. We were both craving a simple pasta dinner in preparation for tomorrow’s long run. When I walked in the door, fresh ingredients were spread across the counter!

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Yum! Tonight’s dinner consisted of fresh pasta, scallops organic tomato sauce, 8 freshly chopped garlic cloves, basil, grated parmesan, and a fresh loaf of bread. Be still my heart!

Before we started in the kitchen, we tasted his new discovery, golden raspberries. Have you ever tried these? They were less tart than the average raspberry but still delicious. Their little brown hairs were a bit freaky!




A simple Italian dish coming right up!

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      Tonight during dinner, we watched Boyz N The Hood.

It was 2 hours of intense L.A based drama, revolving around the guns and drugs that surround families in the poorest areas. Both Ice Cube and Cuba Gooding, Jr gave amazing performances considering their young ages. Have you ever seen this movie? Do you steer clear of emotionally draining movies?

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